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Stijlvolle tuinideeën

door John Brookes

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642424,151 (3.4)Geen
This book is a guide to the small garden, covering every aspect of gardening from design, materials and construction through to the most appropriate plants and special features. It covers all types of small town and country gardens, from back yard to balcony and from roof terraces to window ledges. This book is full of practical information, diagrams and plans for any reader wanting to make optimum use of their small garden. John Brookes is the author of The Garden Book, The Indoor Garden Book and The Country Garden.… (meer)
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Good basic handbook on design solutions for small gardens. Each section of the book has case studies to illustrate the principles discussed. Colour sketches with detailed planting plans and photos illustrate the designs.

Book divided into the following sections: Small garden style, Design, Structure, Planting. ( )
  ruric | Oct 24, 2011 |
An excellent book about designing and building your own small garden. Full of interesting tips and ideas with some gardening hints, lists of useful plants and an index to help you navigate it. It also helps that this section is coloured differently for quick reference. For anyone with a small garden this is a useful reference. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Aug 22, 2007 |
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This book is a guide to the small garden, covering every aspect of gardening from design, materials and construction through to the most appropriate plants and special features. It covers all types of small town and country gardens, from back yard to balcony and from roof terraces to window ledges. This book is full of practical information, diagrams and plans for any reader wanting to make optimum use of their small garden. John Brookes is the author of The Garden Book, The Indoor Garden Book and The Country Garden.

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