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door Theo Ellsworth

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911306,988 (4.32)Geen
Capacitytells the fantastically true and truly fantastic personal history of the artist as a young man. Theo Ellsworth's astonishing drawings, whichPitchforkdescribes as "a combination ofWhere the Wild Things Are, a fever dream, a pagan woodland ceremony, and a notebook doodle," give shape to thoughts profound and silly, bringing familiar doubts and hopes to visionary, new life. Just try to remember, this all really happened. Counted among the best books of its original publication year by theChicago Tribune, theVillage Voice, theHuffington Postand dozens of others,Capacityis returning in a deluxe, special edition.… (meer)
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I love the artwork and even the conceit (it was an elaborate unfolding of the artist's creative processes, and like many of those fell easily into navel-gazing)... but I have to say, I couldn't actually make myself read any of the poems/rhyming sections after the first one. ( )
  eaterofwords | Nov 16, 2014 |
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Capacitytells the fantastically true and truly fantastic personal history of the artist as a young man. Theo Ellsworth's astonishing drawings, whichPitchforkdescribes as "a combination ofWhere the Wild Things Are, a fever dream, a pagan woodland ceremony, and a notebook doodle," give shape to thoughts profound and silly, bringing familiar doubts and hopes to visionary, new life. Just try to remember, this all really happened. Counted among the best books of its original publication year by theChicago Tribune, theVillage Voice, theHuffington Postand dozens of others,Capacityis returning in a deluxe, special edition.

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Gemiddelde: (4.32)
2 1
3 4
4 3
4.5 2
5 12

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