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The Dragon Chronicles

door Malcolm Sanders

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2373117,653 (3.7)Geen
This recently discovered journal will prove irresistible to any devotee of historical fantasy. It's a carefully executed reproduction of the illustrated diary kept by the Great Wizard, Septimus Agorius, detailing his incredible attempts to hunt down and slay four malevolent dragons in accordance with the wishes of his dying king. Beautifully drawn, with amazing illustrations executed by some of the world's leading fantasy illustrators, The Dragon Chronicles features a unique laminate cover with distressed artwork and gold-foil lettering.… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
Should have been written in novel format, though it is no bother. Sometimes it's nice to have a change. ( )
  Xleptodactylous | Apr 7, 2015 |
At the request of his failing king, Great Wizard Septimus Agorius goes on a quest to slay the dragons that are threatening the kingdom. Along with him are the king's son, Bandred and Amaleh, a 16-year-old young woman who has the gift of wizardry within her. The Dragon Chronicles represents Septimus's journal of the dangerous trek complete with illustrations and sidenotes to record the adventure for history.

Fans of dragons, adventures, and wizardry will love this carefully crafted book. ( )
  jackiewark | Aug 10, 2013 |
Book Description: Surrey, U. K.: Pegasus Publications, l2002. Quarto, faux leather binding, heavily illustrated. Condition is very fine. No dust jacket.
  Czrbr | Jun 7, 2010 |
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This recently discovered journal will prove irresistible to any devotee of historical fantasy. It's a carefully executed reproduction of the illustrated diary kept by the Great Wizard, Septimus Agorius, detailing his incredible attempts to hunt down and slay four malevolent dragons in accordance with the wishes of his dying king. Beautifully drawn, with amazing illustrations executed by some of the world's leading fantasy illustrators, The Dragon Chronicles features a unique laminate cover with distressed artwork and gold-foil lettering.

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Gemiddelde: (3.7)
2 2
2.5 2
3 6
3.5 3
4 5
5 7

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