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Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Chivalry (1858)

door Thomas Bulfinch

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585442,457 (3.53)Geen
Fiction. Folklore. HTML:

American writer Thomas Bulfinch was one of the most important scholars of world mythology. His nineteenth-century collections of folk literature from Europe and ancient Greece remain some of the most influential works in this field. The collection The Age of Chivalry focuses on romantic, action-packed tales from the King Arthur era.

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It’s rare that I read non-fiction books and actually enjoy them lately (or National Geographic magazines for that matter), but this book balanced the historical content with the authors’ exploration of the current medieval settings quite well. At times the personalized tone made it feel more like a travel memoir for history geeks than an actual historical tome, but this technique gives the reader a bit of a mental break from the topic. Having a more casual take on the subject actually works quite well in this case, since it still presents the historical facts within proper context but it allows the reader not to get stuck on too much technical detail or overweighty academic jargon (a serious issue with a lot of historical writers and academic historians). Clearly the book is a bit dated (references to the Soviet Union were quite amusing), but it still stands well within the oeuvre of National Geographic writing.

The book as a whole could have done with some improvement in terms of their maps - there were a few times when I found myself wanting a quick reference between medieval places names and modern locales, and the few maps that were included had backwards colouring (blue land, white ocean) - but the rest of the visual material worked quite well, I thought. Photos were matched carefully to the main text and included their own captions to further explain topics, and the painted images added a lot of much-needed visual stimulation. Most books on this topic tend to use live recreations, but I find that concept a bit trite, since obviously we don’t have photos from the Middle Ages and trying to recreate scenes just looks like glorified cosplay - which is great, but has no place in non-fiction books. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Mar 7, 2021 |
In the second volume of Bulfinch’s mythology, he covers the mythology of the British Isles. The first section is on the English legends of King Arthur. The second section is on the Welsh legends of King Arthur. The third section is a hodgepodge of other myths, including Robin Hood and several legendary knights.

I’ve read a lot of Arthurian legends, and while Bulfinch added a few bits of information that I hadn’t seen before, it wasn’t enough to really make it worth reading for me. The Welsh aspect was interesting as was the introduction, but neither was as in depth as the Arthurian section. By the time I got to the end with page after page of descriptions of battles, I was bored out of my mind.
( )
  AmandaL. | Jan 16, 2016 |
  Mustygusher | Dec 19, 2022 |
$40. Good condition. First Edition,
  susangeib | Oct 12, 2023 |
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To Mrs. Joseph Coolidge Dear Madam: To you, who have sympathized in my tastes, and encouraged my researches, I dedicate this attempt to depict the age of chivalry, and to revive the legends of the land of our fathers. Your friend and cousin, T.B.
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On the decline of the Roman power, about five centuries after Christ, the countries of Northern Europe were left almost destitute of a national government.
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Fiction. Folklore. HTML:

American writer Thomas Bulfinch was one of the most important scholars of world mythology. His nineteenth-century collections of folk literature from Europe and ancient Greece remain some of the most influential works in this field. The collection The Age of Chivalry focuses on romantic, action-packed tales from the King Arthur era.


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