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Dark Road Home (1996)

door Karen Harper

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1804156,823 (3.48)1
"After a murder case threatens her safety, attorney Brooke Benton seeks sanctuary in the quiet Amish community of Maplecreek. Although the locals disagree with her cosmopolitan ways, she soon manages to find a place in their lives. But when a tragic hit-and-run accident turns fatal, Brooke cannot abide by the community's belief in absolute forgiveness. She wants answers. Daniel Brand left his childhood home to explore the outside world years ago. Now he has returned to his Amish roots, and worldly Brooke Benton does not fit into his plans. But when his niece dies, he slowly agrees that they must bring to justice the driver who killed her--especially when a silent presence continues to threaten the community. Together Brooke and Daniel begin a journey along a dark road, hoping to bring peace to the small community...and maybe lead their hearts home."--P. [4] of cover.… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
Like it says, it's OK. I'm beginning to really not like 'just OK' books. I'm finding too many of them ( )
  daaft | Aug 13, 2022 |
I liked this book. It's one of those books that is more of a meal not just a snack. I feel full after reading this. The portrait of the Amish was very detailed. I thought it was balanced and well rounded. The mystery element was not the strongest ever but was pretty good. The romance between the English Brooke and the Amish Daniel was not real intense. If the book lacks anything, it is in Daniel's decision not to take his vow to be Amish. His love for Brooke came out of nowhere for me. Perhaps because we saw very little from Daniel's POV and thus knew very little about his internal struggle over finally turning away from his heritage for an outsider woman. I liked it but it wasn't written as intensly as other portions of the book for example Emma's mental problems after Katie's loss. But I didn't really mind the lack luster romance because the rest of the book was so fulfilling. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
I could have done without the stilted romance, but I thought the mystery was well rendered and kept me guessing. I also liked the fact that there were multiple plot lines going on simultaneously. The descriptions of Amish life and customs intrigued me. ( )
  vesuviusmama | Aug 23, 2011 |
To read, but the average rating on this book is a 4. After I read it I will return and write a REAL review! ( )
  lauriehere | Feb 4, 2011 |
Toon 4 van 4
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For Don for everything, including sharing with me
the simple treasures of Ohio Amish county.
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Some said you can't go home again, but Daniel Brand was bound to do just that.
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"After a murder case threatens her safety, attorney Brooke Benton seeks sanctuary in the quiet Amish community of Maplecreek. Although the locals disagree with her cosmopolitan ways, she soon manages to find a place in their lives. But when a tragic hit-and-run accident turns fatal, Brooke cannot abide by the community's belief in absolute forgiveness. She wants answers. Daniel Brand left his childhood home to explore the outside world years ago. Now he has returned to his Amish roots, and worldly Brooke Benton does not fit into his plans. But when his niece dies, he slowly agrees that they must bring to justice the driver who killed her--especially when a silent presence continues to threaten the community. Together Brooke and Daniel begin a journey along a dark road, hoping to bring peace to the small community...and maybe lead their hearts home."--P. [4] of cover.

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4 13
5 2

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