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The Vegan Sourcebook (Sourcebooks)

door Joanne Stepaniak

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1855152,456 (3.83)1
Increasing numbers of people--including actress Drew Barrymore, pop star Moby, and actor Alec Baldwin--are embracing veganism, a lifestyle that entails avoiding all animal-based products and behaving ethically and conscientiously within our surroundings. In The Vegan Sourcebook, long-time activist Joanne Stepaniak further explores and illuminates the principles and practical aspects of compassionate living.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorjmlarcher, lernanto, zhuazhua88
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Toon 5 van 5
This is a wonderful resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the vegan lifestyle. The book discuss vegan ethics and also contains a few recipes to try. ( )
  bamalibrarylady | Jan 14, 2010 |
This is a wonderful resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the vegan lifestyle. The book discuss vegan ethics and also contains a few recipes to try. ( )
  bamalibrarylady | Jan 14, 2010 |
This is a wonderful resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the vegan lifestyle. The book discuss vegan ethics and also contains a few recipes to try. ( )
  bamalibrarylady | Jan 14, 2010 |
December 31, 2003
The Vegan Sourcebook
Joanne Stepaniak

Since I’ve made the decision to go vegan as my 2004 New Year’s resolution, I bought this for motivation. Initially my intention was to buy a vegan cookbook, but I didn’t find anything really compelling, and this book, which encompasses the whole ethical lifestyle and the reasons for it, as well as a few recipes, seemed like better reading. It was. It encouraged me and solidified my desire to cut out all animal products from my life, as much as possible. I know it will be difficult, both because I like meat and cheese (cheese is VERY hard to give up) and because nobody else in the family is even remotely interested in vegetarian/veganism, but I’m determined to do it. One person can save 80+ animals per year by going vegan, and that’s reason enough for me. I can’t stand to contribute to the horrific suffering they endure and I can’t pretend it’s not happening just because I don’t see it. ( )
1 stem victorianrose869 | Aug 8, 2008 |
If you are a vegan (like me) then you should own this book,if your not vegan you will learn a lot if you dare to read it, maybe it may prompt you to give up meat! It is a wonderful book starting first with vegan roots, where it all began, myths, facts, nutrition, recipes and much much more. ( )
1 stem LadyBlossom | Aug 30, 2007 |
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Increasing numbers of people--including actress Drew Barrymore, pop star Moby, and actor Alec Baldwin--are embracing veganism, a lifestyle that entails avoiding all animal-based products and behaving ethically and conscientiously within our surroundings. In The Vegan Sourcebook, long-time activist Joanne Stepaniak further explores and illuminates the principles and practical aspects of compassionate living.

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