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Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend (2008)

door Jenny Colgan

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19516144,463 (3.25)13
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

From beloved New York Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan, a heartwarming and hilarious comedy about a pampered London socialite forced to live life among the common folk.

Sophie Chesterton is London's "It Girl". She knows all the right people, goes to all the right parties, and wears all the right clothes...and her rich parents pay for everything. But deep down she suspects that her best "friends"—and her posh lifestyle—are nothing but shallow fakes. Then one evening Sophie's life takes a shocking, drastic turn, and her father decides it's high time for the party girl to make her own way in the world.

Forced to earn a meager living as a lowly assistant to a "glamour" photographer, live in a shabby flat with four smelly boys, and eat baked beans from the can—Sophie is desperate to get her old life back, at any cost. But does a girl really need diamonds to be happy?

Full of warmth and sparkle, Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend is a surprisingly winning tale about luxury, life lessons, and the surprisingly low cost of true happiness.

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1-5 van 18 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I went in with a mouthful of salt after the last Colgan reissue I read, but this one stood the test of time and was lots of fluffy fun (though I wish Sophie's boobs had seen more of the world and I do wish a woman could have happiness without a man!) ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I've enjoyed several Jenny Colgan novels in the past, so when I saw this one I was excited to read her new book. The thing is, while this may have been a new North American release, it is actually an older novel of hers (first published in 2013), and my feelings regarding earlier Jenny Colgan novels are decidedly mixed. This was no exception to that. The central story kernel is solid, but I had great difficulty connecting with Sophie Chesterton. Which is a problem, as this novel is in the first person POV and she is the narrator. I found most of the characters to be unlikable on some level, and I also wasn't a fan of the strong language used throughout the book. I'll be sticking to Colgan's newer work moving forward. ( )
  shadrach_anki | Sep 28, 2022 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
A tale as old as time as they say. Little rich miss suddenly finds herself having to cope without all of daddy's money. Can she? You will have to read this engaging tale to find out - but of course the tale would not be so engaging if she didn't, now would it? It's the how of her coping that is all the fun.
  BooksCooksLooks | Sep 19, 2022 |
No politics. No COVID. Therefore, perfect! Not Colgan's best, maybe, but still pretty charming. ( )
  CaitlinMcC | Jul 11, 2021 |
Sophie is your basic, stereo-typical trust fund baby who lives a mostly useless life of parties, lunches and salon appointments. She is completely unprepared when her world comes tumbling down around her. This is the story of how she grows into an adult, how she manages to take care of herself, and of how she becomes a person she can be proud of being. Fun chick lit read. Not too heavy. ( )
  amoderndaybelle | May 27, 2021 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

From beloved New York Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan, a heartwarming and hilarious comedy about a pampered London socialite forced to live life among the common folk.

Sophie Chesterton is London's "It Girl". She knows all the right people, goes to all the right parties, and wears all the right clothes...and her rich parents pay for everything. But deep down she suspects that her best "friends"—and her posh lifestyle—are nothing but shallow fakes. Then one evening Sophie's life takes a shocking, drastic turn, and her father decides it's high time for the party girl to make her own way in the world.

Forced to earn a meager living as a lowly assistant to a "glamour" photographer, live in a shabby flat with four smelly boys, and eat baked beans from the can—Sophie is desperate to get her old life back, at any cost. But does a girl really need diamonds to be happy?

Full of warmth and sparkle, Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend is a surprisingly winning tale about luxury, life lessons, and the surprisingly low cost of true happiness.


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Jenny Colgan's boek Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.25)
2 8
2.5 2
3 21
3.5 4
4 14
5 3

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