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The Last Crusaders: The Hundred-Year Battle for the Center of the World

door Barnaby Rogerson

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1181239,340 (3.93)2
The Crusades were the bridge between medieval and modern history, between feudalism and colonialism. In many ways, the little explored later Crusades were the most significant of them all, for they made the crisis truly global. "The Last Crusaders" is about the period's last great conflict between East and West, and the titanic contest between Habsburg-led Christendom and the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.It focuses not on the more famous Crusades from 1095 and 1291 but on a later series of clashes between various Christian and Muslim forces in and around the Mediterranean, beginning with Portugal's capture of the city of Ceuta in 1415 and ending with the battles at Lepanto in 1571 and Alccer Quibir in 1578. From the great naval campaigns and the ferocious struggle to dominate the North African shore, the conflict spread out along trade routes, consuming nations and cultures, destroying dynasties, and spawning the first colonial empires in South America and the Indian Ocean. The author presents not only the exploits of both Christians and Muslims on the battlefield but also their shifting alliances and internal struggles. He also explores how military technologies and the expansion of trade and exploration helped shape the conflicts. This book provides a vibrant and well-organized account of this tumultuous, lesser-known period of history.… (meer)
  1. 00
    In naam van God een nieuwe geschiedenis van de kruistochten door Jonathan Phillips (electronicmemory)
    electronicmemory: Both authors have written strong, accessible historical accounts of different Crusading periods that use the lives of Islamic and Christian leaders to add emotional and historical depth to the events of the Crusades. I found that reading Holy Warriors (which most comprehensively covers 1000 CE through the 1400s) and The Last Crusaders (which covers the late 1400s through the late 1500s) offered an exceptionally strong introduction to the events within and surrounding the Crusades, because together they cover the Crusades from start to finish.… (meer)
  2. 00
    The Heirs of the Prophet Muhammad: And the Roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism door Barnaby Rogerson (electronicmemory)
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NCLA Review - The author asserts in his introduction, “The period covered in The Last Crusaders, between 1450 and 1590, changed the face of world history.” This work focuses on the rival Ottoman and Hapsburg empires. It also includes other powers such as Persia, Austria, Portugal and Morocco—all vying for power and control of trade routes, land and wealth. Historian and author Barnaby Rogerson presents a fascinating narrative history of this volatile time marked by conflict between East and West, the developing colonialism of Portugal and Hapsburg empires, and the struggle to conquer and control the North African shore and Holy Lands. Rogerson provides a listing of key characters, comparative timelines, family trees, some brief explanatory notes, suggestions for further reading and a helpful index. While this is a truly enlightening and enjoyable read for anyone interested in history, the question remains whether this is a necessary purchase for a church library. If your library has a strong history collection and faithful readers, then the answer is absolutely. Rating: 4 —BS ( )
  ncla | Oct 7, 2011 |
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The Crusades were the bridge between medieval and modern history, between feudalism and colonialism. In many ways, the little explored later Crusades were the most significant of them all, for they made the crisis truly global. "The Last Crusaders" is about the period's last great conflict between East and West, and the titanic contest between Habsburg-led Christendom and the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.It focuses not on the more famous Crusades from 1095 and 1291 but on a later series of clashes between various Christian and Muslim forces in and around the Mediterranean, beginning with Portugal's capture of the city of Ceuta in 1415 and ending with the battles at Lepanto in 1571 and Alccer Quibir in 1578. From the great naval campaigns and the ferocious struggle to dominate the North African shore, the conflict spread out along trade routes, consuming nations and cultures, destroying dynasties, and spawning the first colonial empires in South America and the Indian Ocean. The author presents not only the exploits of both Christians and Muslims on the battlefield but also their shifting alliances and internal struggles. He also explores how military technologies and the expansion of trade and exploration helped shape the conflicts. This book provides a vibrant and well-organized account of this tumultuous, lesser-known period of history.

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Gemiddelde: (3.93)
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