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Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl Omnibus Vol. 1

door Satoru Akahori

Reeksen: Kashimashi (Omnibus 1)

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572470,655 (3.9)Geen
Triple the size, half the price! Seven Seas is pleased to present this Kashimashi omnibus edition which contains the first half of the popular series at one great price! Being a girl is harder than it looks... . For Hazumu, this couldn't be truer, because just the other day, she... was a he. Shunned by the girl of his dreams, Hazumu loses himself in the mountains and is promptly squashed by an oncoming space ship. The alien inside, feeling guilty, rebuilds Hazumu's body... but as the wrong gender! Now Hazumu must learn how to be the girl his parents always wanted while dealing with the trials and tribulations of being caught in a love triangle between two girls - his childhood friend, Tomari, and Yasuna, the girl who rejected him but is now strangely attracted to him/her!… (meer)
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Hasumu used to be a boy but got turned into a girl by a space alien (officially), or was a trans girl all along. She has to choose between her two best female friends who are in love with her. (So is her best male friend, but he’s mostly there for comic relief and it’s unfortunately not funny).

One is her athletic childhood friend Tomari, who always protects her. The other is her first love, Yasuna, who’s gentle and artistic, but suffers from a never specified condition where she can’t “see” men. This caused her to turn Hasumu down before the story starts because she thought Hasumu was a guy.

It’s sweet and silly and very nostalgic to reread. I always wanted a polyamorous relationship with the three of them, but if that failed, for Hasumu to end up with Yasuna. In this volume, we do get a developing friendship between Tomari and Yasuna that I enjoyed. The story is very much about figuring feelings out and sharing them. They learn to recognize each other as friends even if they’re competing for the same girl:

Tomari: “Last time, I declared war on you. But this time... It’s an offer of alliance. Together we can’t lose.”

Yasuna: “Exactly” (chapter 18).
  Silja_Camilla | Feb 15, 2023 |
It was odd. A boy who's kind of girly (in that he talks to plants?) is hit by a flying saucer. But the aliens manage to keep him alive, by turning him irrevocably into a girl. Then the alien and his spaceship-turned-girl start living with the guy-now-girl, whose parents are totally cool with it.

Then there's also two girls who are interested in him, especially since he's now a girl, and he can't make up his mind. And weirdly one of those girls can't see guys. Like literally cannot see their faces or anything.

IMO, he accepts the switch to girl too readily. Why can't the aliens turn him back into a boy? Why can't, y'know, human doctors turn him back into a boy? Why can't he live as a boy with a girl-sexed body if he wanted to? Though it doesn't seem he particularly wants to.

So I'm not sad I read it; it was interesting enough. But I'm not inclined to seek out more of it, as I'm only marginally interested in which girl (s)he chooses, or if (s)he goes back to being a boy, or if the alien figures out how to have sex. (Because apparently that's why he came to Earth in the first place...) ( )
  Jellyn | Aug 14, 2013 |
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Triple the size, half the price! Seven Seas is pleased to present this Kashimashi omnibus edition which contains the first half of the popular series at one great price! Being a girl is harder than it looks... . For Hazumu, this couldn't be truer, because just the other day, she... was a he. Shunned by the girl of his dreams, Hazumu loses himself in the mountains and is promptly squashed by an oncoming space ship. The alien inside, feeling guilty, rebuilds Hazumu's body... but as the wrong gender! Now Hazumu must learn how to be the girl his parents always wanted while dealing with the trials and tribulations of being caught in a love triangle between two girls - his childhood friend, Tomari, and Yasuna, the girl who rejected him but is now strangely attracted to him/her!

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