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Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It

door Richard A. Clarke, Robert K. Knake (Auteur)

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4211162,034 (3.52)4
Security expert Richard A. Clarke goes beyond "geek talk" to succinctly explain how cyber weapons work and how vulnerable America is to the new world of nearly untraceable cyber criminals and spies. This sobering story of technology, government, and military strategy involving criminals, spies, soldiers, and hackers begins the much needed public policy debate about what America's doctrine and strategy should be, not just for waging, but for preventing the First Cyber War.… (meer)
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Disclaimer: I received my copy of this book from GoodReads.

This book is an interesting look at the possibilities and probabilities of internet hacking techniques in warfare. What seemed like science fiction a few years ago is now possible and can be exploited by not only the usual suspects (USA, Russia, China), but many smaller countries as well. What's particularly eye-opening is that the USA is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world due to our heavy reliance on net connectivity in every aspect of our lives. Written by a former staff member of the Clinton and Bush administrations, this book is extremely well written and informative. It is not for the easily frightened, though. Highly recommended.
( )
  SteveCarl | Jun 24, 2024 |
I'm going to give it an ok. I started off knowing nothing about the book, or the author, ahving just been recently trying to think big thoughts on the cyber issue, and read it and instantly started hating the author big time, it seemed like he was comming off as an overly arrogant, old, non-technical but trying to buzz word
  royragsdale | Sep 22, 2021 |
This is a very American centric book, which is fair enough, the primary author has been on various policy committees in the US administration.

There is a fair amount of detail, and he spends quite a lot of time looking at the parts of American policy that have huge gaps, and the fact that successive governments have failed to address key infrastructure points and are wide open to logic bombs and attacks from hackers.

It is very readable, especially as some of the networking stuff is way above my head. It does make you wonder how the UK would be affected by all of this. ( )
  PDCRead | Apr 6, 2020 |
Below my level, written as popular not high tech, ( )
  wwj | Mar 10, 2020 |
A good start ...

Richard Clarke's Cyber War does a good job of placing cyber warfare in the context of cyber attacks and espionage generally. He also has specific, realistic and comprehensive policy recommendations. But the book seems thin and watered down. Perhaps this has more to say about what this consummate insider is not at liberty to discuss than it does about cyber war. ( )
  jordanjones | Feb 21, 2020 |
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Richard A. Clarkeprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Knake, Robert K.Auteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Security expert Richard A. Clarke goes beyond "geek talk" to succinctly explain how cyber weapons work and how vulnerable America is to the new world of nearly untraceable cyber criminals and spies. This sobering story of technology, government, and military strategy involving criminals, spies, soldiers, and hackers begins the much needed public policy debate about what America's doctrine and strategy should be, not just for waging, but for preventing the First Cyber War.

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3 14
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4 19
5 13

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