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Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood: Stories and Recipes to Share with Family and Friends

door Trisha Yearwood

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1311215,920 (4.33)2
Cooking & Food. Nonfiction. HTML:Country music star and bestselling cookbook author Trisha Yearwood, host of Food Network’s Trisha’s Southern Kitchen, is back with an encore of recipes that once again share her family traditions and warm home-grown cooking style.
/> In her debut cookbook, Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen, Trisha proved that there’s much more to her than an award-winning country music career, as she welcomed us into her kitchen and served up a feast of flavorful meals and heartwarming personal anecdotes. Now, in Cooking for Family and Friends, Trisha opens her life and her kitchen once more with a trove of recipes from a lifetime of potlucks and colorful gatherings.
Trisha has that southern hospitality gene and she’s a big believer that cooking for someone else is an act of love. From breakfasts in bed to hearty casseroles and festive holiday meals, Trisha’s delicious recipes are dedicated to her loved ones, including her husband Garth Brooks (who’s her number one cooking fan and the contributor of a few knockout recipes of his own).
Trisha knows how good it feels to bring something to the table. It brings everyone closer together if they’ve had a hand in preparing a meal. These recipes all come with memories attached—of potlucks with good friends, church suppers, family fish fries, and beach picnics, Mother’s Day, and Christmas gatherings. Many are handed down from her mother, her aunts and cousins, or longtime friends, while others are her own contemporary improvisations on classic southern fare. Each one—whether a main dish, a tasty side, or a decadent dessert—comes with a heartwarming story from Trisha’s life that may remind you of some of your own favorite family foods, or inspire you to create new traditions.
You don’t have to be a southerner to enjoy Yearwood family specialties such as:
• Hot Corn Dip
• Cornbread Salad with French Dressing
• Baked Bean Casserole
• Jambalaya
• Pumpkin Roll
• Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake

Plus, Trisha (and her sister and mother) offer up loads of practical advice, on everything from easily icing a cake to cutting a slice of pie, time-saving tips; and ingredient substitutions. With full-color photographs taken at Trisha’s home, this soulful and sincere testament to a southern life well-lived will delight both country music fans and home cooks everywhere.… (meer)
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Let me start by saying that I do not watch The View and I had no clue who Trisha Yearwood is until this book showed up on my doorstep. (I do recognize Garth Brooks - barely.) Take that for what it might be worth . . .

This is not a "bad" book and if you are looking specifically for a book of mid-20th century Southern recipes of the mainstream, rather ordinary sort, you might find this book of interest. More than a handful of these recipes have been in my own personal files for decades, either word for word or with only the most minor of variations, the kind of good, quick, old fashioned standbys that generations of cooks pass along. So, why did I give this 3 stars rather than 4 or 5? Simple -

* A good number of these recipes are straight out of the 1970s, cakes that include Jello as an ingredient as an example. Some of this is just strange - and still as strange in 2010 as it was in 1976.

* Far too many recipes call for self-rising flour. This is not problematic if you live in the South where self-rising flour is commonly used, but here in New England (and other areas of the country) self-rising flour is rarely used. When you can find it, it is often pushing the envelope of antiquity.

* Most of the recipes in the Sides chapter contain both mayonnaise and sour cream, usually with cheese. Make no mistake, this sort of casserole can be scrumptious, but they are absolutely NOT for the diet conscious. But then you will find little here that is.

Not stellar. ( )
  GrannySmith | May 2, 2010 |
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Cooking & Food. Nonfiction. HTML:Country music star and bestselling cookbook author Trisha Yearwood, host of Food Network’s Trisha’s Southern Kitchen, is back with an encore of recipes that once again share her family traditions and warm home-grown cooking style.
In her debut cookbook, Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen, Trisha proved that there’s much more to her than an award-winning country music career, as she welcomed us into her kitchen and served up a feast of flavorful meals and heartwarming personal anecdotes. Now, in Cooking for Family and Friends, Trisha opens her life and her kitchen once more with a trove of recipes from a lifetime of potlucks and colorful gatherings.
Trisha has that southern hospitality gene and she’s a big believer that cooking for someone else is an act of love. From breakfasts in bed to hearty casseroles and festive holiday meals, Trisha’s delicious recipes are dedicated to her loved ones, including her husband Garth Brooks (who’s her number one cooking fan and the contributor of a few knockout recipes of his own).
Trisha knows how good it feels to bring something to the table. It brings everyone closer together if they’ve had a hand in preparing a meal. These recipes all come with memories attached—of potlucks with good friends, church suppers, family fish fries, and beach picnics, Mother’s Day, and Christmas gatherings. Many are handed down from her mother, her aunts and cousins, or longtime friends, while others are her own contemporary improvisations on classic southern fare. Each one—whether a main dish, a tasty side, or a decadent dessert—comes with a heartwarming story from Trisha’s life that may remind you of some of your own favorite family foods, or inspire you to create new traditions.
You don’t have to be a southerner to enjoy Yearwood family specialties such as:
• Hot Corn Dip
• Cornbread Salad with French Dressing
• Baked Bean Casserole
• Jambalaya
• Pumpkin Roll
• Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake

Plus, Trisha (and her sister and mother) offer up loads of practical advice, on everything from easily icing a cake to cutting a slice of pie, time-saving tips; and ingredient substitutions. With full-color photographs taken at Trisha’s home, this soulful and sincere testament to a southern life well-lived will delight both country music fans and home cooks everywhere.

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