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Aikido, as a martial a martial art, embraces both the physical aspects of enhancement as well as the spiritual growth of the individual. Each practitioner discovers and journeys their own unique path-gaining a new perspective of the world around them and of themselves.

How Aikido Can Change the World is a road map of that journey of discovery.

This book discusses aikido beyond the physical aspects. While aikido is a physical martial way, its philosophies and peripherals carry over far into a practitioner's world if proper focus and realization are maintained. The author conveys his expedition of the art gained through personal experience, exploration and integration. How Aikido Can Change the World is definitely one that will be read multiple times, as each reading will provide further insight as the aikido practitioner develops and grows.


I What is aikido?
II Connection
III Blending
IV Movement-Relationship with motion
V Roles
VI Parts of a throw-Entry, off-balance and execution
VII Intentions
VIII Individualize
IX Working in the now
X Ukemi
XI Randori-Dealing with multiple attackers
XII Changing direction-Paths of least resistance
XIII Together we learn. Together we grow
Conclusion: In the end
10 Tips to jump start your aikido trainng
About the author
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |