Afbeelding van de auteur.

Jules Asner

Auteur van Whacked

1 werk(en) 121 Leden 9 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

Fotografie: Jules Asner and Steven Soderbergh in 2009, attending the 66th Venice International Film Festival By nicolas genin from Paris, France - 66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra), CC BY-SA 2.0,

Werken van Jules Asner

Whacked (2008) 121 exemplaren


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Officiële naam
White, Julie Ann



Rating this book "Didn't like it" is being kind. I hated this book. The only reason I skimmed to the end (about 2/3 of the way through) is to see if the character grew at all. Nope, she finished the book as black-hearted and amoral as she started, even committing murder with no ill effects. I don't understand the point in a book where the character has no redeeming qualities, nor does she learn anything or grow in any way. I won't be reading any more of Ms. Asner's books. I wonder if she only got published because of her famous husband, Steve Soderberg.… (meer)
Stembie3 | 8 andere besprekingen | Jun 14, 2015 |
2 Words that describe the book: Dating horror

3 Settings where it took place or characters you met:

1. Setting: Los Angeles, CA

2. Dani Hale—A writer for a TV crime show who has a passion for forensics, Dani is on the brink of success both professionally and personally. Not only does she have her first sole writing credit, but she suspects her boyfriend Dave might be getting ready to propose.

3. Dave—A director (mostly on TV shows), he's been Dani's boyfriend for a few years. Although she's convinced a proposal is near, Dave has not quite been the perfect boyfriend—a fact that Dani is about to discover when she starts to do a little snooping into Dave's life.

4 Things you liked and/or disliked about it:

1. I disliked how Dani acts throughout the book. She is forever hacking into e-mail accounts, answering machines, snooping in drawers and doing other things that are desperate, underhanded and just plain creepy.

2. I disliked how I was unsure whether this book was a supposed to be a satire of dating, a condemnation of Los Angeles, dark humor, or all of the above. I didn't think it succeeded at being ANY of these (and I'm not someone who shies away from dark humor). I didn't think this book worked at any level. Although I suspect Jules Asner probably knows this subject matter having been a model, an E! TV personality and the wife of director Steven Soderbergh, I didn't think the book was fun, wicked, clever or even well-written. If this book offers a true depiction of the LA lifestyle and dating scene, I feel sorry for everyone who lives there. For me, the only true "fun" of the book was seeing Asner drop names of real celebrities, but these fleeting moments are hardly worth slogging through the book.

3. I disliked Dani. She was a very unsympathetic character (as were pretty much all of the characters in the book). I started out tolerating her, then I started to dislike her, and, by the end, I flat-out loathed her.

4. I disliked the book. Did you pick up on that? I don't know why I was surprised at the ending. I guess I should have seen it coming, but I really hated the choices that Asner made with it. If nothing else, I wanted Dani to get her comeuppance.

5 Stars or less for your rating?

I'm giving the book 2 stars. Perhaps I'm taking the book too seriously, but I really don't think I am. I went into it expecting a fun, frothy read, but I didn't have fun reading it. And if this was meant to be a satire or condemnation of L.A. and its dating scene, I don't think it worked. The writing was just OK; it had a very mechanical and clunky feel to it.
… (meer)
Jenners26 | 8 andere besprekingen | Apr 26, 2010 |
This book totally caught me off guard. From the beginning of the book opening with Marilyn Monroe to the end, I was always wondering what was going to happen next. Really? The ending? A good book by Jules Asner. An easy read too, which is always nice and enjoyable. Thanks for the book recommendation!
jdy | 8 andere besprekingen | Mar 2, 2010 |
Whacked by Jules Asner

With a margarita by my side and the warm breezes of North Myrtle Beach sifting the first couple pages, I kicked up my feet and set out to devour Jules Asner’s Whacked in a single sitting. I fully expected Whacked to unfold as easily as the umbrella that shades my favorite reading spot.

However, pinning Jules’ main character down was not an easy task. On the contrary, Dani Hale still somewhat eludes me, and I’m okay with that. It makes me more comfortable in my own skin. Though I have never walked in Dani’s shoes, I was compelled by Asner’s unexpectedly humorous, sarcastic and borderline devilish writing style to wrestle with Dani’s choices, dilemmas and demons. I will admit to getting wrapped up in Dani’s twisted internal dialog, while wondering what parts were true to life—true to Asner’s personal experiences, for instance.

Did Whacked turn out to be a single-sitting read? Not even close. Why? Because it was way too interesting not to put it aside and Google the names and situations Asner uses. Seriously.

Whacked is perched somewhere between reality and fantasy, in the sense that the reader is not only exposed to the peculiarities of Hollywood fame and fortune, but is brought along for the ride inside Dani’s constantly curious and vengeful mind. Saying that Dani is slightly demented would be an oversimplification. Rather, I found myself caught up in the sort of bizarre morality play that could only be staged in Hollywood. After all, Dani is not a star. She is screenwriter on the periphery of stardom. Dani looks in from just outside and the reader gets an opportunity to take a peek with her. It was fun to go along with Dani as she spied on, poked fun at, and exposed the sort of weirdness found from Rodeo Drive to Studio City.

Needless to say, I ended up rooting for Dani. In fact, when her duplicitous boyfriend betrayed her, my mind went into revenge mode too. I am somewhat ashamed to say that I found myself cheering on Dani even in points where it was clear that her actions were wrong.

Anxiously awaiting a sequel. More Dani Hale! More Dani Hale!
… (meer)
carolinasummers | 8 andere besprekingen | Feb 12, 2010 |



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