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Ruth BainbridgeBesprekingen

Auteur van Only One Will Fall

13 Werken 62 Leden 10 Besprekingen


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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Trophy is a dissatisfying murder mystery that, at its best, is mildly interesting. Much of it is boring. The writing is unpolished, with a sampling of sentence fragments, awkward sentence constructions, clichés, awkward word choices and sentence constructions, and stilted, unnatural dialogue. Many characters are beautiful, elegant, intelligent, and sensitive caricatures that snap, address, and retort instead of saying things.

Nick Cross is an anxious, self-doubting detective who goes with his gut. We are told this repeatedly, but the repetition is unconvincing and dull because we are never shown his inner turmoil. The plot movement is sabotaged by the frequent appearance of extended, multi-page digressions to pontificate about animal rights. And in the final analysis, the reader is denied the opportunity to identify the murderer before the detective because Cross relies on his gut, freeing the writer from any need to provide subtle clues about the murderer’s identity.½
Tatoosh | Feb 12, 2023 |
CREEPZ by Ruth Bainbridge is a story of sex trafficking, and murders happening all over New York.

I felt a lot of the sex scenes in this book were for shock value more than anything. The characters are one dimensional, and the huge cliff-hanger was a big let down.
feeroberts64 | Aug 9, 2017 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
I haven't read a book this thrilling in a LONG time! Kudos to Bainbridge for introducing another fantastic detective, Nick Cross! I was hooked from the first sentence and found myself reading late into the night as each page held more and more mystery!! The small chapters, similar to James Patterson, made it so easy to keep reading. I also loved how the mystery was fully explained and then kept on going. I can't wait for Book Two!

My only complaint - it's only an ebook and I would so love to add this to my bookcase!

Fans of Richard North Patterson and James Patterson - you're going to love this!
arhslibrn | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 16, 2017 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
procedural, law-enforcement, serial-killer, psychological, family-dynamics

An imperfect cop with an oversized ego. A killer with an unknowable agenda. Departmental politics and a rather obnoxious FBI agent. Each murder is swift and painless for the victim, but finding the reason for each, not to mention the connection between them, is a severe strain on the department in general, and Detective Nick Cross in particular. He oversteps procedure and common sense to find out who and why, while trying to make better decisions in his home life.
This is a very tense and suspenseful mystery with some horrific elements, but is very well done and all too realistic. I think that Det. Nick Cross will be a good man to follow in subsequent books.
I entered and won a copy of this book in a giveaway and am very pleased with it.
jetangen4571 | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2017 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
One thing for certain, this book is not Lovely Bones, a book that is somewhat similar in plot, which was very popular a few years ago. This book is far more interesting. Griff has been murdered. Griff was and well known in her small community and well liked. She was also a tad bit rebellious, which cost her. After going to a friend’s party, Griff leaves early, under the ruse that her father is picking her up. However, that never happens, and Griff goes to the town mysterious woods, where she has a short meeting with a couple of friends, and ultimately meets her demise. Once the murder is discovered, Griff’s ghost forms a friendly association with Kim Trent, the young rookie detective assigned to investigate the murder. Kim has secrets: her sister was murdered abut twenty years before, with no murderer caught, in the now cold case. Griff and Kim begin “talking” to each other as the case progresses. What the reader is treated to are two inner monologues, or “deadspeak” (Kim can “hear” Griff’s ideas, even though Griff obviously is not sure herself exactly what happened that night), as the police plough through the evidence and clues to find out what really happened to Griff.

The author has written a fascinating novel, wherein there is a good mix of mystery, paranormal and detective work. I found it interesting to witness, through reading, how Griff plays a role in this mystery and its solution. I also found it interesting to follow Detective Kim Trent, as she maneuvers through the myriad of events, persons and clues that she uncovers herself as well as those uncovered with the help of the now dead Griff. The idea behind this shows some definite creativity on the part of the author, as this no longer becomes a simple murder mystery. There was definitely enough difference to keep my attention throughout. This is a different sort of mystery, as the paranormal aspect lends to this unusual sort of tale. I think anyone who is looking for something a bit different will enjoy it, as well as someone who enjoys a good, solid mystery. I received this from Library Thing to read and review.
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KMT01 | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 16, 2016 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
Confusion reins at the beginning, as the writer uses a main character-Griff-to becoken readers to continue reading so they can find out what is actually going on. Even after the news caused my emotions to plummet and shatter, I felt compelled to continue. This book had a lot of different elements: paranormal, mystery, police procedure, murder, and a thirteen year old girl trying to come to grips with a major change.
All these aspects worked together to twist and turn things around so it was difficult to know what would take place next. It also wasn't helped that Griff tried to help, despite not being completely sure of what happened to her and why.
The author did an excellent job creating a book that grabs hold of a reader and forces them to think. There are some times where things are spelled out too much and more imagery could be used, but the overall uniqueness and story makes this a worth while book to read.
I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.½
eeminxs | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 9, 2016 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
This story follows Detective Kimberly Trent as she investigates the brutal murder and rape of Griffin Lindon, better known as Griff. However Detective Trent has secrets. Her sister was murdered my a serial killer, who is back, and she can see and speak to Griff's ghost. This is the first book in a series that follows Detective Trent and the ghost who wants to protect her, Griff. The idea behind this story is very interesting. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series. Overall I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend this book for anyone who is interested in mysteries and the paranormal.
RebeccaLMello | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 9, 2016 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
I was thrilled to win a copy of Deadspeak by Ruth Bainbridge. I thought this was an excellent suspenseful thriller that touched a little into the paranormal. I am not normally a fan of the paranormal genre however, this book was brilliantly done! I absolutely loved all of the characters and I am very much looking forward to the next book!
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MelissaBorsey | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 23, 2016 |
First, I don't think the description of this book adequately captures what makes this a novel worth reading. For me, the horrific murder of Curt's fiancee, Ruthie, and his search for the truth surrounding her death and maybe a secret life, is what kept me reading. There were other interesting cases Curt investigated, but the emotional bang was who killed Ruthie and the mysterious person calling Curt about Ruthie's murder. I wanted to know more about that plot, which was left unresolved by book's end. So yeah, a cliffhanger. I like Curt Savage, who has some interesting inner thoughts and ways of putting things. Honestly, more often than not, Curt said and thought phrases that would've made more sense if done by a fifty-something woman. I kept thinking a young male would not say or think such things. The author used the term metrosexual a few times to explain, I think, some of Curt's thoughts that readers would likely think more common for a female. Beyond that, this book was pretty good, with a nice overarching mystery combined with likable and interesting supporting characters. I definitely what to know what happened to poor Ruthie. No one deserves to die the way that she did. And Curt really did love her, although there was one interesting quote about his thoughts on Ruthie, which cast her in a somewhat different light. I won't spoil that bit by explaining or posting the quote. I am looking forward to learning the truth of Ruthie's life and death in subsequent books.
NDJones | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 19, 2016 |
I was given a copy of “Savage Summer” by Ruth Bainbridge in exchange for an honest review. I was introduced to the author through Reading Addiction Blog Tours. I have done a couple of blog tours since I created my own website, and have found that it’s an excellent way to meet new authors. It’s been a great way for me to find my footing in the thousands of other book review blogs out on the ARPANET.

“Savage Summer” is falls into the category of mystery, murder and suspense. With most mystery and suspense novels, you have a heavy dark story that takes you deep into the mind of the murderer and the person chasing that murderer. With “Savage Summer” you still have that deep emotional and dark side to the story, but the author spiced the story up with satire.


We are introduced to Curtis Owen Savage while he is deep into his world of depression, seclusion, and despair. The horrific murder of his fiancée Ruth Warwick while she was away studying for her master’s degree. It’s not only the murder that has gotten to him but several events that led into the murder and after.

With Ruth being such an independent person, she seldom asked for his assistance in much. However, he had such an urgent request for her to visit. Being 120 miles away he was consumed in his own little world of a police officer, he was always pushing things off to the side. Taking her and their relationship for granted, he just knew that there would be time to get up and visit her another day. However, to his demise, that opportunity never did come.

What really shook Curt was the manner of the investigation. Knowing that so many murders are committed by someone who knows the victim, he was turned into suspect #1. With being a police officer, this investigation didn’t help him much with his fellow officers. Granted he was eventually cleared and no longer a suspect, it took a toll on him.

Doing what we all want to do when a break up or something as horrible as the murder of the woman he loved, he became a recluse. He holed himself up in his condo and for 18 month became a hermit. I’m sure that we’ve all just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out…well this is what he did. Once a fit man, he let himself go. He relies on the internet to connect him to the world. Delivery boys bring him his necessities of life. His mother is demanding for him to get back out into the world and live again.

It’s through a 24 hour gym that starts to bring Curt out. Knowing that he needs to get out of this depressed routine, he starts working out late at night when nobody else is around. It’s through fate that he meets, Michelle O’Brien, AKA Mike.

Mike is an outgoing, rough around the edges, calling it as she sees it, lesbian. Realizing that this man is a lost soul, she takes him under her wing and starts to drag him out into society again. A friendship starts to develop and his world is starting to take on what is best to say, some normalcy. That is until he gets a whiff of something that reminds him of his past.

The perfume of his Ruth starts to linger on his nose. He smells it from time to time and he realizes that if he is ever going to get over this horrific loss, he will have to step up and do something about it. Curt uses his experience has a police officer and starts to follow his instincts. He is bound and determined that he will find the person or persons that were responsible for the murder of his Ruth.

It’s through the digging out of his hole that he starts to learn that much was looked over in the original investigation. He starts to follow the clues that should have been seen by others, but missed. The only question he needs to ask himself is…will he be prepared for what he is likely to discover?


I honestly enjoyed this book. I would have liked for a better ending, but then this is what a series is all about. I do understand why it ended the way that it did, but still as a reader, sometimes you don’t look at the author’s perspective. I will want to read the second installment just hoping that Curt is able to figure this out.

With this being only 177 pages, it was a fast read for me. In all, it was a great read. I enjoyed the breath of fresh air the author spun with the satire written into the story. With a dark subject of murder, it’s nice to sometimes be able to laugh when you are trying to figure out who done it.
cbilbo | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 2, 2014 |
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