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Once I was in the comic book store, and I saw this series called Mystery in Space. No 2007 book can normally have such an awesome title, and it was all I could do to stop myself from buying the whole series on the spot. I succeeded in self-control by going home and putting the trade paperback collection on preorder. Fortunately, the book did indeed turn out to be quite good-- it's exactly what it says on the tin, a mystery story set in space. Captain Comet is an instantly likeable protagonist (now I am very tempted to seek out his previous adventures) and Hardcore Station is a good setting (good enough that I immediately tracked down the 1998 miniseries of that title and read it too). The standout character is Tyrone, Comet's bulldog that has been genetically engineered to be sentient-- artist Shane Davis manages the extraordinary feat of giving him discernible facial expressions. Looking forward to Volume Two. (originally written November 2007)

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Stevil2001 | Feb 4, 2008 |