Afbeelding van de auteur.

Barbara Sher (1935–2020)

Auteur van Keuzes maken in je leven

36 Werken 3,405 Leden 38 Besprekingen Favoriet van 3 leden

Over de Auteur

Award-winning author Barbara "The Games Lady" Sher is an internationally popular occupational therapist specializing in developing children's natural love of play to enhance sensory, motor, and social skills. Visit her online at

Bevat de naam: Barbara Sher

Bevat ook: sher (1)

Werken van Barbara Sher

Keuzes maken in je leven (1994) 1,155 exemplaren
Teamworks! (1656) 31 exemplaren
Barbara Sher's Idea Book (2004) 9 exemplaren
Playful Moments (2009) 2 exemplaren
Home-Grown Baby (Homegrown) (1979) 1 exemplaar


Algemene kennis



Finally! A book about people like me. I’ve spent my entire adult life thinking there was something wrong with me. If I could just find my main passion, the one thing I was going to be amazing at and be able to stick with, then I could be successful. Only it never happened. Occasionally I thought I found it, and my engagement would last a while - sometimes years - making me think this was it. But inevitably the excitement would fizzle, and I’d find myself completely engaged in something else. I’d start to think that maybe that was what I was meant to do… until I woke up one morning and found all my enthusiasm for that new sure thing completely gone. So what on earth was wrong with me?

According to Barbara Sher, absolutely nothing! (Imagine my relief!) I am apparently a “Scanner”, someone who loves “to read and write, to fix and invent things, to design projects and businesses, to cook and sing, and to create the perfect dinner party… To Scanners the world is like a big candy store full of fascinating opportunities, and all they want is to reach out and stuff their pockets.” Yes, that definitely sounds like me.

Barbara Sher then goes on to describe the various kinds of Scanners (apparently we’re not all the same), what makes them tick, how they get themselves into trouble, and what tools they can use to make the most of their abilities. She also talks at length about career choices for the various types of scanners, something that’s extremely important for those of us who feel like we can’t stick to anything long-term.

All in all, this is a fascinating book that opened my eyes to many things I didn’t realize about myself.
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Elizabeth_Cooper | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 27, 2023 |
The new age-y title seems more like edgy spin for this nuts and bolts handbook for owning and realizing goals (wild dreams). First printed in the late 1970's, this 30th anniversary edition references quaint, dated practices like using a typewriter and researching at the library. But charming anachronisms do not dilute the potent, practical guidance Sher presents with humor and tested, step-by-step expertise. Over and over Sher's wisdom made me laugh as I realized how much that is served up as cutting-edge in coaching, menifesting, and hefty-price-tag online courses, has been around a LONG time.

The writing works. It's not brilliant prose, but it doesn't set out to be. Sher's engaging voice reads like a wise, patient, and compassionate aunt who KNOWS you're brilliant and won't let you give up your dream for lack of good counsel.

Chapters 1 & 2 build the rapport and trust. Beyond that I kept nodding and smiling as she shared her experiences and examples from students in her classes to illustrate each step of the wishcraft process. Instead of banning fear or complaining, Sher honors them as important tools for realizing great goals. The chapter "Barn-raising" is a brilliant study of the value of social capital.

A few lines that reeled me in:
"What I'm interested in is what you love. ... You may have a case of amnesia about it. That amnesia can be so total that you're not even sure anymore what you love." I've spent plenty of time there.

"All the people we call "geniuses" are men and women who somehow escaped having to put that curious, wondering child in themselves to sleep. Instead, they devoted their lives to equipping that child with the tools and skills it needed to do its playing on an adult level."

"Before you can get what you need, you've got to take responsibility for knowing what you need."

"Love your life. ... Be really happy at what you're doing. That's when you're irresistible ... you're cheerful, enthusiastic, and loving."

Instead of purging references to typing or pocket calendars from the original text, Sher simply includes her website and credit in her brief bio.

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rebwaring | 6 andere besprekingen | Aug 14, 2023 |
Ecco alcuni suggerimenti su come scoprire ciò che desideri veramente e come ottenerlo:

Fai una lista delle cose che non vuoi: Un modo per capire ciò che vuoi è essere chiaro su ciò che non vuoi nella tua vita.

Fai una lista delle cose che sono più importanti da tenere lontane dalla tua vita.
Sii egoista: Non puoi capire esattamente ciò che vuoi nella vita se sacrifici costantemente il tuo tempo e i tuoi sogni per gli altri. Metti te stesso al primo posto e chiediti cosa faresti se non fossi vincolato dal lavoro, dalla famiglia, dagli amici o da qualsiasi altra cosa.

Determina ciò che ti infastidisce veramente: Chiediti cosa ti infastidisce davvero nella tua vita e cosa vorresti cambiare.

Identifica le aree che ti causano disagio e cerca di capire come puoi migliorarle.

Determina ciò che ti rende veramente felice: Chiediti cosa ti rende veramente felice e soddisfatto.

Identifica le attività, gli interessi o le passioni che ti danno gioia e cerca di incorporarle nella tua vita.

Esplora i tuoi valori fondamentali: Esplora i tuoi valori fondamentali e scopri cosa è veramente importante per te.

I valori possono aiutarti a guidare le tue scelte e a determinare ciò che vuoi nella vita.
Fai una mind map: Crea una mind map per esplorare i tuoi desideri, interessi e obiettivi.

Questo ti aiuterà a visualizzare le connessioni tra le diverse aree della tua vita e a identificare ciò che desideri veramente.

Tieni un diario: Tieni un diario in cui rifletti su ciò che desideri da un lavoro o da una carriera.

Scrivi i tuoi pensieri, i tuoi sogni e le tue aspirazioni. Questo esercizio ti aiuterà a capire ciò che vuoi veramente e a individuare opportunità che si allineano con i tuoi desideri.

Ricorda che scoprire ciò che vuoi veramente richiede tempo e riflessione. Sii paziente con te stesso e sperimenta diverse attività e interessi per scoprire ciò che ti appassiona davvero.

Buona fortuna nella tua ricerca per scoprire ciò che desideri veramente e per realizzarlo nella tua vita!
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AntonioGallo | 6 andere besprekingen | Aug 14, 2023 |
Read this based on a recommendation from metafilter when I needed to stop feeling guilt and shame about my useless hobbies and diverse interests. Turns out, they are not useless; in fact, they enrich your life and energize you, instead of wasting "your time". Managed to pick my random interests back up again, and the daybook idea definitely helped start that process (though I didn't stick to it, I still find the practice of writing out any fleeting idea as if I'm going to execute it on a down day to be super helpful, and do it to this day. Turns out, sometimes exploring an idea is all you need to do now).… (meer)
womanwoanswers | 17 andere besprekingen | Dec 23, 2022 |


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