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I can't rate this book. I found out about it while reading another book about mistaken element discoveries and it referenced the idea of occult chemistry. So I picked this one up to see what it was about.

Interesting from a history of science/chemistry perspective for me; but, most of it was unreadable. I read the preface and part 1, then skimmed the book until I got to the appendix and then read it (sort of).

A note on this book. It was first published in 1919 so the copyright has expired. You'll find any number of different isbns for it because different people do a print-on-demand of books like this one. The quality can vary depending on how the reproduce it.
alan_chem | Feb 28, 2023 |
TS-Library | 2 andere besprekingen | Jun 23, 2022 |
He unfolded and perfected his psychic faculties under the guidance of his adept teacher and in 1893 commenced his clairvoyant investigations, on occasions collaborating with Annie Besant, the second President of the Theosophical Society. His lectures worldwide presented a new viewpoint to thousands of people. It was he who discovered the great potential of J. Krishnamurti and brought him up with a view to his future work. This book is an imprint of the Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, and is imported from India. (Quest)
DClodgeTS | Mar 30, 2022 |
This esoteric classic examines the invisible bodies of humans, showing how the colors of the aura change with different emotional states.
DClodgeTS | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 30, 2022 |
"The drawing and painting of the thought-forms observed by Mr. Leadbeater or by myself, or by both of us together, has been done by three friends--Mr. John Varley, Mr. Prince, and Miss Macfarlane."--Page [v].
DClodgeTS | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 25, 2022 |
Full title: The Lives of Alcyone: A Clairvoyant Investigation of the Lives Throughout the Ages of a Large Band of Servers.
Volume II covers lives 26-48
DClodgeTS | Mar 25, 2022 |
Full title: The Lives of Alcyone: A Clairvoyant Investigation of the Lives Throughout the Ages of a Large Band of Servers.
Alcyone was the "star name" given to young Jiddu Krishnamurti by Charles Webster Leadbeater, author of these articles. Leadbeater used his clairvoyant abilities to examine the past lives of Krishnamurti and others, going back as far as 22,662 BCE. Most of the people purportedly surrounding Alcyone during these past lives had reincarnated to be present with him in his life as Jiddu Krishnamurti. Many of the star names and stories were also used in Leadbeater's 1913 book Man Whence How and Whither.
Volume I covers lives 1-25.
DClodgeTS | Mar 25, 2022 |
Full title: Occult chemistry; investigations by clairvoyant magnification into the structure of the atoms of the periodic table and of some compounds.
Occult Chemistry states that the structure of chemical elements can be assessed through clairvoyant observation with the microscopic vision of the third eye. Observations were carried out between 1895 and 1933. "The book consists both of coordinated and illustrated descriptions of presumed etheric counterparts of the atoms of the then known chemical elements, and of other expositions of occult physics." (Wiki)
DClodgeTS | Mar 25, 2022 |
A Record of Clairvoyant Investigation, published in 1913, is a theosophical book compiled by the second president of the Theosophical Society (TS) - Adyar, Annie Besant, and by a TS member, Charles W. Leadbeater. The book is a study on early times on planetary chains, beginnings of early root races, early civilizations and empires, and past lives of men. --First published 1913.
DClodgeTS | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 21, 2022 |
Title: The Ancient Wisdom: Outline of Theosophical Teachings.
The essence of Theosophical teachings, 'sufficiently plain to serve the elementary student and sufficiently full to lay a sound foundation for further knowledge', is how Annie Besant describes this work. It is an introduction to that Universal Wisdom which has been called Theosophy, Brahmavidya, the perennial philosophy, and so on, and provides an all- embracing religion and ethic, as well as a philosophy that is conducive to right understanding and right living. Even those who have a little knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom can experience the illumination, peace, joy and strength it brings into one's life. For more than one century Annie Besant's exposition has brought light to thousands of seekers. (Quest Books) --- First published 1897.
DClodgeTS | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 21, 2022 |
The religious life is a life of love and understanding, serving to unite all people and all beings in one Whole, not to divide. In this brilliant series of lectures, Annie Besant, former President of The Theosophical Society (1907-33), delves into the world's seven great religions, to bring out the role of the religions in uniting and elevating the world. Small in compass, but peerless in depth and wisdom, this collection provides essential knowledge about Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism and Sikhism, culminating in the fountainhead of all religions, the Divine Wisdom or Theosophy. In this book, students of religion, as well as practitioners will find a source of inspiration and knowledge, urging all towards purity of life, universal love and aspiration to Truth.
--- First published 1897.
DClodgeTS | Mar 21, 2022 |
Full title: Duties of the Theosophist, being three convention lectures delivered in Lucknow at the Forty-First anniversary of the Theosophical Society, December 1916
- The duty of the Theosophist to religion
- The duty of the Theosophist to society
- The duty of the Theosophist to his nation and humanity.
DClodgeTS | Mar 21, 2022 |
'Dharma' is a term which has now become part of the world vocabulary, but very few know the range and depth of its meaning. Annie Besant, having studied the great discourse on dharma of Bhishma in the Mahabharata, introduces this complex and deep subject to the lay reader. Morality or dharma is subtle, varying from individual to individual, for it is the law by which the inner nature unfolds in each one from his or her particular stage in evolution. This is a subject of great relevance to all individuals and nations of the world, treated in this book with the innate wisdom and intuitive insight of the author. This book is an imprint of the Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, and is imported from India. (Quest Books)
First presented 1898.
DClodgeTS | Mar 21, 2022 |
I loved this book!

Annie Besant lived a passionate life: passionate about truth, justice, compassion, and loyalty. Her descriptions of a sheltered girlhood, traumatic transition to married life, spiritual passages from devotion to atheism and then to Theosophy, commitment to education, service, and idealism, and lively involvement with the spiritual and political issues of her day make for exciting, inspiring reading.

Personally, I have never before read an account of the journey of devotion through existential crisis, principled atheism (although her stance today would probably be labeled agnosticism), and then to a new, deeper spirituality, that so closely resembled my own experience.

Besant was absolutely committed to truth -- and she was always willing to let go of old opinions when she learned something new. Beyond that, she was willing to go to jail, lose custody of her daughter, lose friends, and be reviled by society as a consequence of her unpopular but steadfast commitments.

I think she is a role model for intellectual and spiritual engagement, courage, and integrity, and it's a shame more people don't know about her life and writings.
jsabrina | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 13, 2021 |
> Leadbeater, C.W., L'homme Visible et Invisible, Exemples de différents types d’hommes tels qu’ils peuvent être observés par un clairvoyant exercé, Éditions Adyar : CWL y fit oeuvre de pionnier en créant un langage que tous ont copié depuis. Nombreuses illustrations.
In: Aryel Sanat, La vie intérieure de Krishnamurti, 2001 - Editions Adyar. (p. 263)
Joop-le-philosophe | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 24, 2021 |
> Besant, Annie et C.W.Leadbeater, Les Formes Pensées, Éditions Adyar, Paris : Deux voyants donnent des descriptions, accompagnées d'illustrations, de la matière subtile dont sont formées les pensées et des émotions, telle qu'elle est perçue par les sensitifs.
In: Aryel Sanat, La vie intérieure de Krishnamurti, 2001 - Editions Adyar. (p. 262)
Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 24, 2021 |
> Babelio :

> Présentation classique des enseignements pérennes, tels que les concevaient les théosophes avant que Krishnamurti n'en donne un autre éclairage.
Aryel Sanat
Joop-le-philosophe | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 24, 2021 |
Njeriu e sheh veten të ndarë nga e gjithë shoqëria dhe bota, por përmes këtij libri do të kuptojmë se nuk jemi të ndarë nga asgjë dhe se jemi të ldihur me gjithçka. Fija e artë e cila na lidh me çdo gjë është Darma dhe mënyra me të cilën ajo funksion është Karma. Për secilin lexues ky libër është një portë që të fton të njohësh vetveten dhe rolin tënd në këtë botë dh njëkohësisht merr rolin e një manuali i cili na tregon përmes miteve dhe shembujve në praktikë se çfarë do të thotë të jetojë dikush me të vërtetë, të gjejë arsyen e jetës së tij duke u bërë kështu një me Darmën
BibliotekaFeniks | Dec 2, 2020 |
Thought-Forms by Annie Besant and CW Leadbeater is both a classic of theosophy and an explanation of how, for those attune to it, those thoughts present themselves.

While I am not fully convinced (because I haven't experienced it rather than denying the possibility) of the ability to see thoughts in quite this way, I also accept that we emit far more than most of us realize. This book offers some guidance for what we might see/look for. As for how one opens oneself to the possibility of seeing these I don't know, though I would be interested in finding out.

This work, along with the excellent illustrations and explanations, took me in a slightly different direction because of my interests. I think it would be interesting to reread both works of fiction and biographical books (especially autobiographies and memoirs) and pay close attention to how people are portrayed. Perhaps without conscious realization writers known for wonderful descriptions are in fact seeing some elements of these thought-forms. Again, just the direction my mind took, I may in fact be misusing these ideas.

I would recommend this to readers who like intellectual history as well as those seeking ways to better exist in the here and now.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
pomo58 | 1 andere bespreking | Nov 24, 2020 |
tres conferencias dadas por Annie Besant, P.S.T. en la 12ª Asamblea Anual de la Sección Inda reunida en Benares en diciembre de 1902
FundacionRosacruz | Aug 21, 2020 |
maestros y superhombres : extracto del "Libro de texto universal de la Religión y Moral" y otros escritos
FundacionRosacruz | Aug 21, 2020 |

Estas lecturas son seis conferencias que se dieron en
la Residencia General de Adyar con el propósito de
bosquejar sencillamente las ideas fundamentales de LA
SABIDURÍA ante un público culto e instruido, pero no
familiarizado con estos conceptos.

Se publican con la esperanza de que lleguen a conocimiento de las personas
cultas e instruidas del mundo entero, a fin de contribuir al estimulo de la pública mentalidad con las verdades necesarias para su mejor provecho.

Unicamente la Teosofía puede evitar la catástrofe hacia que la civilización
occidental se precipita.

Ya se notan señales de que la Teosofía está realizando con éxito su benéfica misión al conducir a las nuevas naciones arias a que beban en las
fuentes de la antigua civilización aria.

Este libro tiene el exclusivo objeto de indicar el sendero por donde cabe
alcanzar la Sabiduría. Cada cual ha de recorrer por sus
propios pies este sendero.
FundacionRosacruz | Feb 17, 2020 |

El objeto de este libro es sugerir cierto género de ideas sobre las
verdades profụndas en que se basa el cristianismo, verdades generalmente
desatendidas y con bastante frecuencia negadas.

El mandato de " predicar el Evangelio a todas las criaturas", se ha interpretado
como prohibición de la enseñanza de la Gnosis a los pocos, y ha desvanecido,
en apariencia, el dicho menos popular del Gran Maestro: " No deis lo santo
a los perros, ni echéis vuestras perlas delante de los puercos".

El conocimiento de las verdades espirituales debe obtenerse de dentro y no
de fuera, del Espiritu Divino, cuyo templo somos, y no de instructores

Es el Cristianismo Esotérico, tan verdadero como el Budismo Esotérico.

El no trae la Luz, solo, dice: " ¡ Mirad la Luz!".
FundacionRosacruz | 6 andere besprekingen | Feb 17, 2020 |



ntre los discípulos de algunos insignes gurus himaláyicos y aun entre gentes
profanas, persiste una extraña tradición, que mejor pudiera calificarse de leyenda,
según la cual Gautama, el príncipe de Kapilavastu, continúa en las regiones
terrestres, no obstante la muerte e incineración de su cuerpo físico y las reliquias que
de él se conservan. Los buddhistas chinos y arios por tradición, y los lamas del Tíbet por
el texto de sus libros sagrados, afirman que Gautama tenía dos doctrinas: una para el
vulgo y sus discípulos legos, y otra para sus “elegidos” o arhats. Según parece, la norma
de conducta del Maestro, continuada por los arhats, fue no prohibir a nadie el ingreso
en las filas del arhatado; pero no revelar los misterios finales sino a quienes, tras
muchos años de prueba, se mostraran dignos de la iniciación, sin que para ello fuese
obstáculo alguno la diferencia de raza, casta o posición social, como sucedió en el caso
de su sucesor occidental. Los arhats divulgaron esta tradición relativa a Buddha hasta
arraigar en la mente del pueblo; y en ella se basa, asimismo, el posterior dogma
lamaísta de la reencarnación de los Buddhas humanos.
Lo poco que es posible decir aquí acerca del asunto, podrá o no llevar por buen camino
al estudiante de ocultismo. Conviene advertir que habiéndose dejado al juicio y
responsabilidad de la autora decir las cosas tal como personalmente las comprende,
sobre ella sola ha de recaer la culpa de los posibles errores. A la autora le enseñaron la
doctrina, pero con entera libertad de criterio sobre el conjunto de los misteriosos y
perplejantes datos reunidos, de igual modo que ahora se dejan también a la sagacidad
del lector. Las incompletas afirmaciones que aquí se exponen, son fragmentos de lo que
contienen ciertas obras secretas, pues no es lícito divulgar los pormenores.
La versión esotérica que del ministerio dan estas obras secretas, pueden resumirse en
pocas palabras. Los buddhistas han negado siempre resueltamente que, como suponen
los brahmanes, fuese Buddha un avatâra de Vishnu, análogamente a como un hombre es
encarnación de su antepasado kármico. Su negativa proviene, en parte, de que no
conocen el completo, impersonal y amplio significado del término de “Mahâ Vishnu”,
misterioso principio de la Naturaleza, que no es el dios Vishnu, sino un principio que
contiene la semilla del avatârismo (Bîja), o sea la potencia y causa de tales
encarnaciones divinas. Todos los Salvadores del mundo, los Bodhisattvas y Avatâras,
son árboles de redención que brotan de una sola semilla: el Bîja o “Mahâ Vishnu”. Tanto
importa que se la designe con este nombre o con el de Âdi–Buddha (Sabiduría
Primordial). Esotéricamente considerado, Vishnu es a un tiempo Saguna y Nirguna (con
atributos o sin ellos). Como Saguna, recibe Vishnu culto y adoración exotéricos; y como
H. P. BLAVATSKY Doctrina Secreta Tomo VI
Nirguna, es cifra y resumen de la espiritual sabiduría del Universo, o sea el Nirvâna1
, y le
adoran todas las mentes filosóficas. En este sentido esotérico el Señor Buddha fue una
encarnación de Mahâ Vishnu.
Así lo vemos desde el punto de vista puramente espiritual y filosófico. Sin embargo,
los iniciados saben que en el plano de la ilusión, como podríamos llamarle, o desde el
punto de vista terreno, fue Buddha una encarnación directa de uno de los primitivos
“Siete Hijos de la Luz” o “Dhyân Chohans” a que aluden todas las teogonías; cuya
misión es cuidar, de una eternidad a otra (eones), del provecho espiritual de las regiones
puestas a su cuidado. Esto se enunció ya en el libro El Buddhismo Esotérico
FundacionRosacruz | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 17, 2020 |
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