Afbeelding auteur

Katherine L. Bichler

Auteur van Beneath the Sand

1 werk(en) 17 Leden 2 Besprekingen

Werken van Katherine L. Bichler

Beneath the Sand (2021) 17 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen


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Although this story was fun to read, there is violence and animal cruelty. This is a young adult story that starts out in ancient Rome and the writer used modern day language. The story had all the boy meets girl charm. One of the main characters, Cato, is an imposter going through gladiator school. It isn’t until the end that his true identity is revealed, and he is saved from execution.
NancyB.Div | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 30, 2023 |
Growing up in the caverns underneath the colosseum is anything but ordinary for a Roman teenager like Noemi. Helping her father train wild beasts for the emperor’s extravagant shows and being feted with romantic gifts from her noble fiancé, hers is a life few girls could imagine. But despite her good fortune, Noemi is beginning to doubt her upcoming wedding, which could threaten what she desires most—to train as a gladiator.

While Noemi loves the lions beneath the colosseum and the bloody shows above, her sister, Livia, is a contrast in extremes. If Livia can’t be an enviable Vestal Virgin in a garden temple, she’ll do the next best thing and use her charms to climb the social ladder, as high as the emperor’s palace on Palatine Hill. While Livia will stop at nothing to improve her social life, Noemi can’t stop her secret desires, nor her stealth training with swords.

And then there’s Cato, a top-ranked gladiator who is keeping a risky secret of his own. Against Noemi’s better judgement, she finds herself drawn to this mysterious fighter, who has both a temper and an imperious reputation. Soon, Noemi, Livia and Cato find that keeping secrets is not just child’s play, but dangerous games with deadly consequences. Can they all fool the emperor long enough to avoid a date with the executioner?
… (meer)
rachelprice14 | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 29, 2022 |

