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Fotografie: Book Signing in Cape Cod Massachusetts USA

Werken van Carol Ann Birtwell

Freddie And Bibelle: An Extraordinary Encounter (2015) 5 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen


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I received a signed copy of this book from the author through a giveaway on Goodreads and the following is my honest opinion for the book.

“Freddie and Bibelle” is a quintessential book which children should read as one of their first books. The book’s wonderful color illustrations the book contains which will fascinate its young readers, the language used by the author is quite clear and simple for them to understand as well.

Besides being a fun read, this book also communicates the important life lessons about the true meaning of friendship and helping others in a manner which doesn’t hit the child over the head with its message, nor is the book talking down to the child. Either one of these two things could easily turn the child off; resulting in these lessons being easily lost.

For wanting to educate our young children regarding these lessons, how can I not give this book 5 STARS.
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MyPenNameOnly | 1 andere bespreking | May 12, 2015 |
(ARC was provided to read and review, thanks to the author Carol Birtwell.)

One day when Freddie the Frog sits atop his lily pad in the pond he sees a butterfly in complete distress. The butterfly is beautiful Bibelle and she fell into the water and struggles to stay afloat. Her wings are wet and she can't fly and is in great danger to drown.
Freddie immediately comes to her rescue. Cleverly he hops on top of a floating log and now can reach out to Bibelle and he gently scoops her up in his arms.
Bibelle is very happy and full of praise for her rescuer. To dry her wings Freddie offers her to climb onto his back and the sun will do the trick in no time. It works and Bibelle is overjoyed to be able to fly again and soon she flys futher and further away, until Freddie can't see her anymore.

Freddie loved to watch her fly high in the sky and now she's gone, he's in tears. Will Bibelle remember, that Freddie saved her life and return to her friend?

The book is utter fun to read. The author, who works as a Kindermusik educator since over 20 years, has packed the rhyming story with phonetic challenges children will just love. The butterfly swivels and swirles and tumbles and twirls. The Frog leaps and scruffles. There's Bimble Bumble Bee and Tibble Tobble Turtle. It's just splendiferously fun.
The illustrations are vibrant, imaginative and magical. On every page there's so much to see and to discover.
True to her profession, the author has included a picture, where all the animals play musik together, which is a great idea to encourage children to learn the name for all the various instruments.
The rhyming story also tells us of kindness and to be there for others in moments of distress.

My son (he's 4) loves all the new words he has just learned and repeats them over and over again.

It's a fun, educational book for young children which encourages them to enhance their reading skills and parents will enjoy to share the book with their young ones.
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MasterReadersBooks | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 23, 2015 |

