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The Cross and Arthur Blessitt with one mission in life, that to walk to and through as many countries as he could reach. Beginning in 1969 Arthur Blessitt placed a 12 foot cross on his shoulder and started walking. His message was to show as many people as possible that the unadorned cross represented the risen Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. He has met thousands of people on his journey to see as many countries and major island groups as he could. He visited every country in the world and many island nations and subnations. He travelled thru 52 war zones and met presidents and peasantsPaul Crouch in the foreword says there is only one Scripture that can encompass the miracle of Arthur and that is Jesus's last words before ascending to the Father in Matthew 28:
"Allpower is given uno me in heaven and in earth. Go ye
therefore, and teach all natioons, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holly Ghost;
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com-
manded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end
of the world. Amen"
mrkurtz | 16 andere besprekingen | Apr 14, 2015 |
This books was good, not great, but it did contain a lot of amazing, great stories. The author, Arthur, has an amazing life story, but I think he should have let someone else write the actual book. Still, I am glad I read about his journey and the miracles he experienced.
karen.collins | 16 andere besprekingen | Jun 27, 2012 |
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I had already heard of this book but couldn't really get into it.
lizplummer | 16 andere besprekingen | Aug 6, 2011 |
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This book made me cry...a lot. Whether or not any of this is real or if it is all imagined, it is a beautiful story with and even more beautiful message; love and faith conquer all. Love for God, Jesus, man, your friends, family, enenemies, strangers, everyone and everything whether or not you believe them "deserving." Faith in God, His will, His plan, and His miracles. Try as I might, I cannot share this book with my atheist parents and family. Please, read this book so that I might share it with you and we can bask in God's love together. Amen.
benuathanasia | 16 andere besprekingen | May 25, 2010 |
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I really, really wanted to like this book. The calling and the mission were very real and interesting. Mr. Blessitt's determination was inspiring. Unfortunately, his story-telling style managed to make his adventures seem far less interesting than they probably really were.
cjoymr | 16 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2010 |
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There is no doubt that Arthur Blessit's tale is amazing. Spanning 38 years, Blessitt has undertaken a huge personal journey in his efforts to demonstrate the love of God to the people that he met on his travels.

Interpersed throughout this story are anecdotes from his travels - I just wish that there could have been more of them.

Ultimately though, given that I am not religious (despite being raised as a Roman Catholic), I found the story too much. I feel that it belongs to a old-fashioned form of spirituality. But I could easily see my mother thoroughly enjoying this book, and taking full benefit from Blessitt's story.½
dudara | 16 andere besprekingen | Oct 12, 2009 |
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I'm surprised that with a 38 year trip I hadn't heard of Arthur Blessitt previously, but this book tells of his fascinating trip in a devotional like way.

Its amazing all of the things that Blessitt encountered on his journey, both good and bad, and he records many of these instances in this book. Though in many of his stories his evangelical methods are rather cheesy the way he expresses his thoughts in his writing is very well done. The only reason I didn't give this book a higher review is because it doesn't flow particularly well. It is set up in chapters of about 8-10 pages with each chapter having a theme, like a devotional. In each chapter he goes through some main devotional points, and then gives some examples from his journey. They are often extremely separate from each other, taking place years apart, and in opposite corners of the globe with simply that one aspect in common.

I feel that instead of this one awkwardly structured book Blessitt could have easily written 2 books; a devotional, and a book about his journey. I believe these would make for excellent pieces of literature.½
legendaryneo | 16 andere besprekingen | Aug 23, 2009 |
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Was definitely an interesting take on the Jesus' command to go into all the world and preach the good news! I enjoyed seeing the journey from his perspective and gave me plenty to think about in regards to my own faith and how I live it out.
aliciamc | 16 andere besprekingen | Aug 10, 2009 |
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Huh. I am absolutely astounded by this author. His experiences are....amazing.
scistarz | 16 andere besprekingen | Jul 31, 2009 |
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For what it's worth, I very much enjoyed this book. Not being a Christian, it was interesting to get a look at someone elses views on what Christ went through.

However, the authors idea of taking a cross with him cross country was a little odd. I expected the book to really be about the stations of the cross, not a telling of one man's way to bring religion to others.

So while not a great book, it's a good book.
jamiesonwolf | 16 andere besprekingen | Jul 8, 2009 |
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The subtitle "38,102 miles. 38 years. 1 mission." is a little misleading, perhaps suggesting that this is Arthur Blessitt's account of his carrying a cross to every nation on the globe from 1969 to 1998. This is only incidentally the case. The story is very much about The Cross, but instead of being organized chronologically, every chapter is a theme such as "following God's call on your life" or "tearing down walls." Within that chapter, various stories from different years and countries highlight the point as Blessitt challenges his readers to do this in their own lives. Ultimately, it's about his 1 mission to point people to Jesus.

Though his storytelling is mediocre, his passion for evangelism and loving people really shines through. Arthur Blessitt's theme of following God's call no matter what and encouraging others to do the same loosely holds the book together. His approach to writing and inclusion of God's words to his heart, a vision, and phrases most familiar to those who have grown up in church (such as "the miraculous power of God was manifest" (p.121)) may make this book less appealing to some, but it will definitely challenge readers to live their lives boldly for God.
bell7 | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 12, 2009 |
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The Cross covers the thrilling story of Arthur Blessitt, a normal American who is called to do extraordinaire things.

I was fortunate to get an early copy from Early Reviewers, and was thoroughly impressed. The story covers his journey around the world carrying a massive wooden cross around the world, on the way gaining a family that often traveled the world with him. His wife has braved cultures where she risked imprisonment for refusing to bow to cultural expectations, such as in Iran where she refused to where a head scarf. He has even managed to take some of his, then young, children on his journey, almost all dying in the deserts of Jordan.

Whether or not you believe in Christianity , his dedication to his cause is an inspiration.
PaulBerauer | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 9, 2009 |
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Apparently Arthur Blessitt is pretty well known for his cross-carrying mission, although I was unfamiliar with him until reading this book. The numerous places he's traveled, the numerous people he's met (both famous & not-so-famous) -- both very impressive. I enjoyed the pictures included at the beginning of each chapter, although the journal entries were a bit much. And while I greatly admire Blessitt for what he's done & continues to do today, I have to admit that this book was a little more "preachy" than I perhaps expected. Especially closer to the end of the book, it started to sound more like a revival for born-again Christians, and I have to say, that part turned me off quite a bit. I think his mission has been awe-inspiring & well-received & while it sounds good, there were a lot of details & stories that just sounded almost a little too fantastic & unbelievable to be realistic. Perhaps Blessitt really has been one of the lucky ones to be on the receiving end of various visions from God, but it's hard not to be skeptical of some details, even though I consider myself a fairly strong Christian. Undoubtedly Arthur Blessitt is a good speaker & I would likely jump at the opportunity to see him speak in person, but overall, the writing style was a bit disjointed & I think I would have organized a book such as this a little differently.
indygo88 | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 4, 2009 |
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I'm not really sure what to think of The Cross, by Arthur Blessitt.

On the one hand, the story is compelling: A guy carries a 12-foot cross for 38 years over more than 38,000 miles because, he says, God told him to. The book recounts the vicissitudes of his travels and travails, from the first opposition he encounters within the first few minutes of carrying the cross in Hollywood, California; to meeting Yasser Arafat in West Beirut; to climbing Mt. Fuji in Japan.

On the other hand, the book raises theological, doctrinal, and practical questions and problems that are kind of hard to avoid. Like does God talk to us the way Arthur Blessitt believes He does? And isn't there the hint of an inherent problem when a believer's God-calling causes so much stress that his marriage breaks up?

Finally--and I know I'm out of hands, here, but please allow me to put up a third one--there's also the matter of the actual quality of the writing itself.

Arthur Blessitt's story is compelling. There is no doubt (in my mind, at least) that he loves Jesus, and that he is willing to put everything on the line in order to follow him. He endured heat and cold, persecution and arrest; he even faced a firing squad in Nicaragua. His devotion and sacrifice has resulted in literally millions of people hearing the Gospel as Blessitt dragged his 45-pound cross. Whether you are a Jesus-follower or not, don't you have to admire this kind of single-minded commitment?

Does God talk to people today the way Arthur Blessitt believes he does? I have a super hard time believing and understanding this,...[read the rest of my review here: ]
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eba1999 | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 4, 2009 |
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Arthur Blessit's The Cross chronicles his 38 years of carrying a cross around the world. Blessitt tells the reader how his mission got started, and relates many stories of both miraculous events and terrible disappointments along his road.

There were several things that I did not care for in this book. First, Blessitt's unquestioning trust in his personal visions of Jesus is a little off-putting. He claims that when he was a young boy of eleven or so, God told him to walk zig-zags instead of straight when he was carrying water to men working in his father's fields. He claims that this was God teaching him to follow that little voice inside without question. He also mentions many occasions where he saw Jesus telling him where to go. The problem with this is that such visions are completely subjective. What if I were to say I had a vision in which Jesus told me that Blessitt's visions were demonic in origin? Which vision is true? You can believe whichever you want or neither; it's completely subjective. And in my opinion, it's unwise to base your life on visions and emotional experiences that could very well be counterfeit.

Blessitt also talks about some of his meetings with world leaders such as George Bush and Yasser Arafat. This is a highly charged issue, but I do find it a bit hard to swallow when Blessitt says Yasser was one of the kindest and gentlest men he's ever met. Is this a wilful blind spot? Or is Blessitt trying to justify how he used that picture of himself and Arafat hugging to gain entrance to many Islamic countries?

I am a Christian, and I certainly don't want to put down a fellow believer. But doctrine matters — and doctrine is what Blessitt is missing. His message seems to be a fluffy "trust-Jesus-and-He'll-get-you-there" mantra, without any mention of the core truths of the Bible. There is a prayer to accept Christ at the end of the book, and it barely mentions what you are being saved from (not, as is popularly stated, your sins — but more correctly, God's wrath against that sin). I understand Blessitt did not want to be divisive among denominations, but a watered-down message isn't going to help anybody. If we don't understand God's wrath, we cannot understand the shocking fact of His powerful grace and love.

Doctrine matters. If you throw it out the window, you've just tossed everything that defines Jesus. Your Jesus can be as different from the one in the Bible as you like, and who will gainsay you? But it is a false gospel, just like the heresies Paul and Peter wrote against in the New Testament. They weren't concerned about a superficial unity among the people in the church; they wanted a church that would not compromise on foundational truths. And such a church is not going to please everybody or give everybody warm fuzzy feelings. There were plenty of false believers in the early church, and there are plenty now. Blessitt's deliberate ignorance of this fact is disturbing; biblical unity must always be based on truth.

I am also concerned by Blessitt's affiliations with Paul and Jan Crouch, the founders of Trinity Broadcasting Network. TBN is really a joke among true Bible-believing Christians. Its "health and wealth" message — along with sumptuous, elaborate sets, charismatic sideshows, and general doctrinal muddiness — is completely antithetical to biblical Christianity. It embarrasses me when people associate it with my faith in Christ. Blessitt naively goes along with all the hoopla, never realizing that the TBN crowd loves having him around because he really does "rough it" out there while they lean back on their padded leather chairs and smile into a camera. They see their support of Blessitt as a vicarious involvement in his hardships, and so they are able to ignore any lingering twinges of guilt over their own lavish lifestyles. Look, we support this guy, aren't we great?

I was also somewhat disappointed with the way the book was laid out. I was expecting something more linear. We don't have to go step by step on each of his 38 years on the road, but the lack of structure was bothersome. Also, I really wanted to know more about the logistics of his journeys. How did that work out with his wife and six children? Only one or two of the children get to say anything in the book... and it smacks of concealment. Perhaps Blessitt skirted all this because of his divorce from his first wife? He never mentions if he was married before or after he started carrying the cross around the world, and the early years are all very much glossed-over when it comes to the practical, nitty-gritty reality of his calling and its effects on his family. And that, of course, is what we really want to read about.

And on the subject of his first marriage — I'm of course unfamiliar with the details, and God is the only judge, but the Bible is pretty clear that divorce because of marital unfaithfulness is the only divorce God recognizes (Matthew 5:32, 19:9). After a divorce caused by anything other than unfaithfulness, any remarriage is adultery. Mark 10 and Luke 16 don't even give the exception of marital unfaithfulness. I know this is not a popular position, but it is Scriptural. If Blessitt and his first wife ended their marriage for anything other than marital unfaithfulness, Blessitt and his second wife Denise are living in unrepentant adultery according to the Bible. I don't like the thought of it either, but that is the only thing Scripture states on the matter. I don't know if Blessitt's silence on this issue was the best way to go, or if he should have been more open and honest about the situation. Unfortunately, the silent approach taints his life's work and message with doubt, as our imaginations inevitably leap to fill the gaping hole.

I found the "true story" behind "Arthur Blessitt for President" in 1976 to be quite interesting. Evidently he knew he wasn't going to win (unlike some candidates). Blessitt claims that Jesus told him to run for president so that the other candidates would be more open about their own personal faith. Blessitt also talks about how God used it as a major tool in his life to humble him and teach him obedience. Though I don't agree at all with the candidacy, I can ruefully sympathize with how humiliating and difficult that particular road must have been.

I know this review has sounded extremely critical thus far, and it is, I suppose... but there were some good things in this book. Regardless of his questionable Jesus visions and affiliations, I believe Blessitt has been used by God in many places around the world. God can use each of us despite ourselves! You cannot doubt his sincerity (even if he is misled). I appreciated his points about not letting cultural barriers stop us from caring for people in different countries. His perseverance in the face of some physical issues is inspiring, and I believe some of the miracles he relates to be truly of God. I was challenged to care less for what other people think of me as I live my life for Christ.

As far as the book's actual layout, the inclusion of pictures at the opening of each chapter was very nice. I read bound gallery proofs so I can't say for sure what the final product will look like, but it seemed well put-together from a graphics standpoint.

This was a quick read and I finished it in one sitting. I would recommend it to anyone who is curious about what would motivate a person to carry a cross around the world for 38 years. I am critical not so much of the man himself, but of the things he has compromised along the way. At times, it seems like Blessitt allowed his mission (to carry the cross in every country before the year 2000) to become more important than Christ Himself. But you'll have to read Blessitt's story for yourself — whether you agree with him or not, it's a fascinating concept.
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atimco | 16 andere besprekingen | Jan 20, 2009 |
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As a travelogue of Mr. Blessitt's experiences of carrying the cross around the world, this work falls short. But as a book of advice on how to be a better follower of Jesus, this book is a resounding success. Using short examples from his travels to illustrate the points he is making, Mr. Blessitt encourages his readers to move forward on their own journeys of faith in Jesus. His fearlessness in pursuing his God-given mission is definitely inspiring. Too many of us who consider ourselves faithful are nonetheless fearful of seeking the Lord's will in our own lives for fear we will be asked to do more than we are willing to do or even think we can do. Some of the ideas I found particularly helpful were: taking small steps but getting started, seeking to know God's will, sharing my faith with everyone - not just with those I feel most comfortable, and giving God my best. As an example of someone who is living what they believe, I found this book inspiring and renewing to my relationship with Christ.
tjsjohanna | 16 andere besprekingen | Jan 18, 2009 |
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This is an anecdotal account of one mans journey of faith. Although I say one man, it is important to know that this is not a journey he took alone. Family and friends were there with him from beginning to end.

As a child Arthur Blessitt felt that he heard the voice of Jesus speaking to him. Even though he was a well behaved boy who did as he was told, listening to Jesus came first. It was not an easy time for him, until he learned to compromise with the help of his Jesus.

As he grew so did his faith, and he felt compelled to spread the Good News among all and sundry, to anyone who was willing to listen. In the 1960's God called him to minister to the young people in Hollywood California. He spoke to runaways, drug addicts, flower children and bikers. At least to those who would give him a moment to listen.

He brought the children of strangers into his home, giving them food and shelter and The Word. In March of 1968, he opened His Place, on Sunset Strip. A place to gather and to worship. His Place was far from the average religious center, as it was decorated with fishnet and wild lighting and so on, to appeal to the young people that Arthur hoped to reach. Soon after this, Arthur once again heard the voice of Jesus telling him that he had a new mission for him. That mission resulted in this book.

The Cross tells of Arthur's Journey through 315 nations and island all over the globe.He walked more than 38,000 miles carrying a life sized cross every step of the way. It was not easy. There were difficulties in getting the cross into planes to cross oceans, and some countries were not eager to give aid to a Christian, he explains. Difficulties aside, he managed to continue to do as he felt his God wanted him to do. His efforts were recorded by the Guinness Book of Records in 1996 as well as in the Millennium edition in the year 2000.

Over a time period of four decades he carried on. As the years passed he was accompanied by his wife and children. Not an easy task for them. His second wife has added a bit of her own story to this book, to give another perspective. She too, is a woman of great faith. His children have learned much from this journey . They too are faithful to Jesus.

I did not read this book for religious reasons. I do not practice any organized religion. I read this book because I enjoy reading about other people, ordinary people, who do extraordinary things. This by anyones estimation is extraordinary. Four decades spent carrying a cross over his shoulders across friendly and unfriendly lands, in all weathers with every imaginable block thrown across his path and removed by diligence and faith is extraordinary.

I found myself bringing this up for discussion whenever possible when with friends, family and co-workers. An interesting pattern developed. I noticed that those who were loosely affiliated with their churches, or had no church or religion in their lives were interested in this man and his mission. While not necessarily believing in any god or religion, each of these people, myself included, were intrigued by his dedication and his beliefs. I also found that those among my friends who are deeply involved with their own faith were very quick to judge him, or apologize for him. The word wacko came up more than once. Intrigued by this trend, I sat down and tried to count up those with whom I discussed this book.
I estimate twenty seven people over a period of five days. Of these twenty seven, five are religious, or faithful or call themselves Christian. Each of them denounced the man and his journey. I include this only because I am perplexed by it, and wonder if others have different experiences when discussing The Cross.
mckait | 16 andere besprekingen | Jan 17, 2009 |
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