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I was amazed at the number of idioms that were crammed into this story, one on almost every page.
The trope of confusing figures of speech is not new, as it forms the plot line for all of the Amelia Bedelia stories, and The King Who Rained.
However, confining the selection of idioms to a single topic (wide-ranging as that turned out to be), is a notable feat, and the illustrations are very amusing.
librisissimo | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 29, 2023 |
grownups will like this, too
melodyreads | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 12, 2022 |
I really enjoyed reading this book. I think it is a great book to have students read on their first day of school. The use of idioms brings a lot of comedy, and the realistic illustrations and cartoon illustrations mixed in together were interesting as well.
PaytonSiragusa | 9 andere besprekingen | Sep 16, 2022 |
Readers will journey across the nation from “pocket to pocket” with a penny who is proud to share. Information on the history of the penny is cleverly detailed in imaginative illustrations and thoughtful text. Includes A Brief History of U.S. Coins, Interesting Facts about Pennies, Resources.
NCSS | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 23, 2021 |
About a penny. Really. However, this penny recalls more travels and mishaps than any one penny is likely to have had.
quondame | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 17, 2021 |
Miguel Horta (Laredo) 2020: "Livro muito interessante para trabalhar a filosofia junto das crianças, muito do agrado dos alunos do 2º ciclo."
Elisabete Torrado (CCFAS2020): "Este livro é interessante pois desperta /desbloqueia o diálogo com os mais jovens.A abordagem às questões da vida, da gestão das expetativas e a linguagem dos afetos tornam o livro uma ferramenta indispensável para trabalhar com os alunos estas temáticas."
Mónica Menezes (CCFAS2020): "Este livro, pela temática do sentido da vida e do crescimento, despertou-me interesse para aplicar quer nas aulas iniciais de Filosofia do secundário, quer nas aulas com os mais novos. As questões essenciais da vida e a linguagem dos afetos marcam as expectativas e angústias dos jovens adolescentes. O facto deste livro apresentar frases simples com ilustrações sugestivas torna-o uma boa ferramenta para o diálogo."
LAREDOBIBLIOTECA | 4 andere besprekingen | Apr 27, 2020 |
ONE PROUD PENNY by Randy Siegel and Serge Bloch tells the story of the American penny.

Told from the perspective of a 1983 penny, this informational picture book describes the general history and uses of the penny along with details about one specific penny’s “life”. The book concludes with additional information and resources.

The mix of simple line drawings with collage features add interest to the story.

Librarians will find this to be an excellent addition to the social studies collection. This concept book would be useful in lessons focusing on government, money, and mathematics.

To learn more about the author, go to

Published by Roaring Brook Press, an imprint of Macmillan on January 10, 2017. ARC courtesy of the publisher.
eduscapes | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 19, 2017 |
Por mi cumpleaños, papá me ha regalado una mascota muy particular: ¡una boa verde! ¡Y además la serpiente sabe escribir con su cuerpo! Y no es todo: Bob además me ayuda a hacer los deberes o las tareas en casa, e incluso asusta a quienes quieren molestarme! ¡Bob es la mejor mascota del mundo!
bibliotecayamaguchi | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 8, 2016 |
This book is very reminiscent of "Harold and the Purple Crayon." It's the story of a line--a writing fragment--a boy finds--and how the line helps the boy find so much more. It felt like a coming of age tale.
Gabrielle_Stoller | 1 andere bespreking | Aug 28, 2016 |
Relais | 4 andere besprekingen | Feb 1, 2014 |
Pretty cute book that explains idioms, Christmas-related and others, with illustrations and words, in a Christmas context.
dukefan86 | 1 andere bespreking | May 29, 2013 |
Very cute way to explain what adoption is, how the parents who adopted a child are indeed that child's parents, and that it is important to share information with our children.
Lexxie | Apr 23, 2013 |
A snake of many talents.
Sullywriter | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 3, 2013 |
Just about everyone has felt as if butterflies were in their stomach, especially on the first day of school. This tidy little book explores one boy's first day with a string of colorful idioms. Great read-a-loud and a nice way to get a laugh as well as learn a bit about the wonderfully complex English language!
DiamondDog | 9 andere besprekingen | Mar 29, 2013 |
O modo sóbrio como se representam as personagens e a profundidade da expressão do traço do ilustrador, reforçados pela omnipresença do fio vermelho da vida, tornam este livro um objecto de arte de grandíssima qualidade.
DulceGarcia | 4 andere besprekingen | Mar 11, 2013 |
My Snake Blake

My Snake Blake was about a little boy's birthday gift. This little boy's father walked in with a big box and a bow. Once unwrapped, it revealed a pet snake that could spell. All through the book, the little boy told the audience how awesome it was to have a pet snake and how much he helped him out in everyday life, which included everything from homework to eating his vegetables. In the end he commented on how dogs and cats are always a favorite, but his pet snake was his favorite animal.

My Snake Blake was a good book to read to children so they can begin to learn about friendship and the love animals can bring. I like this book because it shows the children how the smallest loves and friendships can make a difference in their lives.

Extended ideas:
1. Animal day- where we read books and study about animals.
2. Get green string or yarn to represent the snakes and practice our spelling words.
katiekinsey | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 13, 2013 |
이건 그림책이다.

사실 앞과 뒷표지의 제목과 그림, 글귀만으로 책 전체의 내용이 다 예측가능한
삶과 사랑에 대한 아주 뻔한 얘기들을 담고 있기지만 (+약간의 정치적 얘기)
그 스토리를 따라가다보면 어느새 푸욱- 빠져 있는 스스로를 발견할 수 있다.

특히 난 세르주 블로크의 그림들이 참 마음에 들었다.
모르던 작간데, 검색해보니 아주 재밌는 그림들을 그리더라.

붉은 yarn을 소품으로 이용한 것도 그렇고, (특히 찢겨진 끈!)
장 자크 상페-스러운 '대충 얼기설기 그린 펜스케치' 느낌도 그렇고,
여자들 가슴을 뾰족 삼각형으로 그린 아기자기함이나 (처음엔 저게 뭐지 -_- 가슴인가?;;; 싶었음 ㅋㅋ)
사물의 앞뒤 포갬 또는 사물의 크기를 무시하는 과감함,
간간이 들어간 물감... (정말 색을 잘 활용했다!)
그리고 마지막 장의 끝->끈 (역자의 센스!)
다 너무 훌륭했다.

(그림을 자세히 들여다보면 스캔 뜬 jpeg의 픽셀들이 보이는 듯해서 약간 거슬리기는 한다 -_- 처음엔 애초에 그림을 그렸던 종이 질감이 거친 건가, 싶었는데 보면 볼수록 그건 아닌것 같다는 짙은 확신이..;;;;; 근데 머 걍 너무 자세히 보지만 않으면 됨...................................)

이렇게 그림책을 볼 때 그림을 유심히 보는 습관은 사실,
작년 서울시 독서토론 봉사활동을 했던 덕에 기를 수 있었다고 생각한다.
언제부턴가 글자가 빽빽한 논문과 책만 들여다보는데 익숙해져 있던 나로서는
그림책에서 글자 보다 그림을 유심히 보는 아이들의 눈이 그토록 신기했다.

실제로 내가 아는 한 대부분의 그림책들은
그 단어 자체가 암시하듯 그림이 내용의 절반 이상을 차지한다.
동화에 들어가는 삽화와는 전혀 다른 수준으로, 글에서 보여주는 그 이상을, 그림책은 보여주곤 하니까.
(그런 측면에서보면, 어쩌면 저자를 적을 때 글보다는 그림을 앞에 적어야 하는 것은 아닌가 하는 생각도 든다.)

이 그림책은
가볍게 읽어도 오래도록 곱씹게 되는 훌륭한 책이라고 생각한다.
아주 오랜만에 보게 된 좋은 책. 추천하고 싶다.
echojuliett | 4 andere besprekingen | Nov 14, 2012 |
La vie d'une femme en chiffres. Bien entendu rien de scientifique, juste poétique et humoristique. Poéique? Nous somme loin d'un inventaire à la Perec ; Humoristique? pourquoi pas mais pour la réflexion, l'on préfèrera d'autres titres sur le même sujet. De courts textes accompagnés d'une illustration : difficile de savoir à qui ce livre s'adresse...
CHINEDESENFANTS | Aug 11, 2012 |
Butterflies in My Stomach (and Other School Hazards)
By Serge Bloch, Illustrations by Judith Inglese
2010, Sterling Publishing
Review by Debra L Scott, 12/14/2011

Do you ever think about how a child might interpret your words? Butterflies in My Stomach is a delightful look at idiomatic expressions, and how a child might take them literally. It is the first day of school, and the boy has actual butterflies inside his stomach, pictures going to school inside a pickle with wheels (“we’d be in a real pickle if we missed the bus”). Then, of course, it rains ‘cats and dogs’ and he opens ‘a can of worms’. The whole story is fun to read, with the pen and ink illustrations showing the literal meaning of the phrase.

What a great way to help a kid laugh away the jitters of the first day of school! Also a good way to help a child look at the way words can mean something very different than the usual meanings, depending on how they are used, and for children who speak a different language at home, and may not be familiar with common idioms. Good scholastically as an early introduction to creative language, idioms and linguistics.
theblindlibrarian | 9 andere besprekingen | Dec 16, 2011 |
This is a great book about saying that deal with food that kids dont quite understand until they get older. THis book allows children to comprehend them a little better. There is also a humerous side to this book
lauraine | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 15, 2011 |
The illustrations in this book show different foods being transformed into people, parts of people, places or things. The words on each page match the picture in a clever way. Many of them are food related sayings such as “pleased as punch”, “apple of her eye”, “eat like a pig”, “nutty as a fruitcake” etc. The illustration of the “apple of her eye” shows a picture of a mother with an apple inside her eye.
DavidFrank | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 18, 2011 |
Uma extraordinária metáfora da vida dada por um fio que corre, passando de página para página (desde a folha de rosto até à página final preenchida com o fio apanhado em meada), e que arrasta acontecimentos marcantes que constroem um ser na sua plena dimensão humana. Vida feita de alegrias e tristezas, mas com a espera sempre como elemento recorrente. O modo sóbrio como se representam as personagens e a profundidade da expressão do traço do ilustrador, reforçados pela omnipresença do fio vermelho da vida, tornam este livro um objecto de arte de grandíssima qualidade.
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mariadelgado | 4 andere besprekingen | Feb 4, 2011 |
This humorous book of advice can be used to teach ELL students through pics. They could make their own drawings with real life objects present in the picture and offer their own advice to learning a new language.

This is a clever book full of cliches. Students could do a text innovation and make their own books full of figures of speech. They could also make their own drawing/object illustrations.
KristinSpecht | Nov 9, 2010 |
On the first day of school, a student is confused by many of the phrases that are used, such as when the librarian says not to open a can of worms, or when the teacher says he expects the class to be busy bees doing their homework.
paceacademy | 9 andere besprekingen | May 10, 2010 |
I absolutely adore the clever illustrations in this book, in which line drawings are combined with a photographed object to illustrate a simile or metaphor or saying, such as "butterflies in my stomach". However, I think that the concept of all these sayings might be beyond kindergarteners, and since the book is about a boy's first day of school, that might be a bit of a conflict in trying to pick the right age group for this book. For instance, the librarian tells the boy that if he loses his library books, he'd be "up a creek without a paddle". The picture shows a boy in a boat on some water, but I'm not sure a five-year-old would really understand, even from that picture, what "up a creek without a paddle" means.

Otherwise, A for effort -- I mean it when I say I love these illustrations. I will seek out more work by this author.½
amysisson | 9 andere besprekingen | Jan 9, 2010 |
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