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Toon 13 van 13
A young Norwegian man joins the Nazi-collaborating Quisling movement in order to relay information to the resistance. He telegraphs his findings to British military units who use the information in their war efforts. When the Nazis discover his spy activities, the young man must flee for his life in this suspenseful war saga.(fonte: imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Sep 18, 2020 |
The main cast unfortunately suffers from being too stiff in their acting and delivery due to their advanced age. The supporting cast shines, though, most particular a cynical, grown-up Holm, a delightfully bubbly Hallandsen, and a nervously enthusiastic Gran. The heist is basic, but funny and clever enough. Some jokes are really awful, flat attempts at referencing recent events from the previous few years of news, which combined with the horrible meta-ending severely hampers and dates the film.
Lucky-Loki | Jun 19, 2018 |
The only film in the series with a completely original Norwegian script (though films 5, 10 and 12 were fairly thoroughly reworked), the final entry of the original thirteen has Hermansen in great shape. In this film he is portrayed as a convincing composite version of his go-get-them-character in the early films and the cynical weary career climber in the later ones. His plotline is otherwise a fairly unnecessary add-on, but one can't complain about getting more Hermansen. As for the main story, it can offer many twists, which is good, and a complicated back and forth of Munch paintings until they end up with Egon back in jail.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 19, 2018 |
Egon won't go back to prison. No, not this time. So one last caper's needed, one final haul, and it won't even be dangerous! Knock on wood, Mr Olsen, for rarely do they try killing him as often as in this one. With actor who portrayed the villain in "Reisen til Julestjernen" appearing as the evil CEO of Høye Nord Insurance, and Hermansen in his best Holm-taunting form ever, the stage is set for a solid intended finale, ending with a flight of triumph ... except Biffen's the pilot.

A point of interest on this film is it being an amalgamation of two separate Danish ones, rather than simply a remake of only one of them like most of the rest of the series.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 19, 2018 |
More plans and heists than any movie so far, or at least so it seems. Jampacked to the brink with twists and scenarios, including indoor umbrellas, forklifts, Biffen with explosives, London Lego hijinks and a damned tank! Hermansen is also in good shape, being Almost In with the politicans and international financial bigwigs, and quite proud of it. Some detraction for lack of continuity (Hermansen is again in the police, again Holm's boss, and does not recognise Kjell and Benny on sight at all), but otherwise, this is solid stuff.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 19, 2018 |
Egon's let out early, much to his dismay. He then sabotages Benny's big heist to be put back in prison and meet up with a lawyer transferring there. Information in hand, he does a job for the bigshot, and is promptly nearly assassinated for knowing too much. But Egon has more plans ...
Good plotting, good character stuff, and a wonderful end in Hermansen getting all the money. Jolly well deserved. More violence or threats thereof than is common in the series, which makes the film stand out as particularly exciting. Not quite enough laugh-out-loud hilarity for top grade, but this is among their better ones for sure.
Lucky-Loki | Jun 18, 2018 |
Egon's getting a bit dotty in his old age, and Harry, freshly educated in computer electronics in the US, usurps his throne -- momentarily. Egon back behind the wheel, they rob the impenetrable World Bank ... by breaking out instead of in! Movie also features a clever miniheist for cash, and unusually cartoon-like comedy moments with walking tents and a long sequence of talking and walking bins. Furthermore it has the possibly scariest villain of the series: Master Hansen and his Helvedesmaskin! Only minus is that Hermansen's scenes are somewhat bland -- he is as cynical and world-weary as ever, but seems defeated at the outset and doesn't ever get to do much of anything.
Lucky-Loki | Jun 18, 2018 |
Egon's obsessive compulsive tendencies come in handy when he memorises the entire schedule for the state railways. Hermansen can't be bothered, as he is working on far more important stuff: an outing, including even the chief of police! Hats and noses are a must, and Dynamite-Harry gets to try his hand at driving trains. Solid, solid work, with the plot being about actually reclaiming their loot from movie 6 (this is film 8 in production order, but it takes place before film 7), summer schedule shift being a central plotpoint, and featuring the first appearance of Biffen. It being a little light on truly memorable scenes is the only complaint -- but Harry's tirades of nonsense when fixing the railway lights is a true gem.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 18, 2018 |
For my money, the best Norwegian Olsenbanden film ever made, and the only sequel ever to edge out the original. Hermansen in full-on Ming-stomping cynic mode alone would carry this film, but there is also The Baron, his dungeon, Kjell and Egon falling out, and, of course: the orchestra! Wonders don't cease there, though: Even Valborg gets to be a little funny in this one.
Lucky-Loki | Jun 18, 2018 |
For the most part the story is very good, with diverse plotting and many twists and turns. That said, it suffers from some continuity issues -- what exactly are they arresting Egon for at the end? The film has more interesting enemies than usual. Incredible sequence and build of Hermansen-is-losing-it gags, but otherwise slightly light in the truly funny. Minus for the Millionær-song number which, while initially catchy if somewhat weird, towards the end just becomes dull nonsense.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 17, 2018 |
Many dialogue highlights, but more amusing than truly funny. However, it has a very well paced plot, with an impressively complex structure (I mean, just listing it is insane: there's a prologue heist, disillusionment with Kjell and Benny, miniheist for financing, springing Benny and Kjell from prison, miniheist for financing, excursion to scout out for main heist, Egon main heist solo, Benny and Kjell main heist rescue, and finally the end twists). Extra props for returning to the heist as the centerpiece for the first time since the original.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 17, 2018 |
Less dated than 1, and better paced than 2. Lacks drive, though. Hermansen's absence is unsurprisingly a huge loss for the film in many ways. It is funny, but not nearly as frequently as the original was. This film also suffers from the expected heist here having been replaced by a treasure hunt.½
Lucky-Loki | Jun 17, 2018 |
Aspects of the film have aged poorly, but mostly its dated nature is charming, and while some jokes that go too far over the top, it is otherwise absolutely hillarious. The original (well, the original remake of the Danish original) remains my second favourite film of the entire 14 movie franchise.
Lucky-Loki | Jun 17, 2018 |
Toon 13 van 13