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Werken van A S Bond

Patriot (Brooke Kinley Adventures) (2014) 22 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen


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It’s August 1994. Brooke Kinley and her brother, Jaime, were paddling their canoe in northeast Minnesota when they noticed a girl apparently running from something or someone. They manage to pick her up from the water she dived into and take her back to their cabin. Before they even talk with her, they notice how young she is and how afraid she appears. They give her dry clothes, food, and a safe place to rest. But, after hearing her story in broken English about her and her friends being abducted from Russia for trafficking purposes, they realize they’re in over their heads and take her to Sheriff Pascoe. They’re not crazy about leaving her there, but they are told that Homeland Security will be contacted and will keep her safe.

Brooke can’t get Anya out of her mind. Something doesn’t feel right. She carries the story to Jack Dawson, editor of the local paper. He’s able to make a couple of calls and quickly determine that, yes, the girl had been picked up, but no, it wasn’t by Homeland Security. As soon as they start making waves, someone tries to take their lives.

Paul Harvey used to say his now-famous tagline, “…And now you know the rest of the story.” In many ways, I feel this prequel of Brooke Kinley tells the rest of her story. In my review of Patriot, I’d said “Brooke Kinley is a go-getter who won’t be intimidated just because there’s danger.” Her strong sense of right and wrong and her unyielding determination was apparent in her character even at eighteen years of age. As a novella, the author wasted no time in getting to the point of the story and into the action. It was remarkably well-planned and well-paced. Brooke Kinley is a strong character and I anticipate a long series. Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
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FictionZeal | May 9, 2016 |
Have you ever thought a job in journalism would be dangerous? It all depends upon how far the journalist is willing to go to secure a story. Brooke Kinley chases the story – no matter where it goes. The novel begins with a technologically advanced surface to air missile that brought down a US Apache helicopter in Afghanistan. The missile was guided by a microchip made in the US. So, who provided this advanced technology to use against our own? In this fast-paced thriller, Scott Jenson, Pentagon staffer, suspects New York billionaire businessman, Jean Maynard. Some things begin to look fishy to Jenson – like Mr. Maynard’s friendship with President Campbell and like why the White House decided to stop Jenson from investigating. Scott carries his suspicions to Brooke Kinley. He’s still searching for answers under cover, while she follows a lead into what appears to be an abandoned mining town in Canada. She soon gets company in the form of Dexter Adams who is searching for his brother who recently went missing in the area. Neither wants to be totally open about why they are there. How does her investigation tie together with Dexter’s search for his brother?

This is a tale of military ops, espionage, conspiracy, and suspicions. Brooke Kinley is a go-getter who won’t be intimidated just because there’s danger. She’s a strong female lead and I liked her quite a lot. The story contained quite a few characters making it difficult to keep track. It also included just a bit of romance which I felt was unnecessary since there was already a lot going on. Overall, the story came together quite well. I rated Patriot at 3.5 out of 5.
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FictionZeal | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 12, 2014 |
Brooke is a journalist hot on the heels of the story of a lifetime, but, getting all the gory details and making it out alive is another matter. Brooke will need all her wits about her and some assistance along the way in order to break the news.

This Brooke Kinley Adventure by A. S. Bond is fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat stuff. Barely leaving time between chapters in which to catch your breath before you're flung into the next assault on your emotions.

This novel gripped me from the outset and put me through the wringer before flinging me out like a wet rag at the end! Brooke is an engaging character, a young woman who is self-reliant and motivated. She is assisted on her journey towards the truth by a few men, but they need her help as much as she needs theirs.

My only criticism would be that I found the chapters focusing on Scott lacked the thrill of the chapters centred around Brooke. I found myself skimming in order to get to the next bout of action.

Bond's prose is exciting, descriptive and enchanting; the story thrilling and explosive. A great read for anyone who fancies adventure on a grand scale.

Special thanks to author A. S. Bond for the copy I received in return for an honest review.

4/5 stars.
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claireh18 | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 6, 2014 |
In Patriot, the first book of the Brooke Kinley Adventure series, author A.S. Bond weaves a riveting political thriller that transports the reader all over the world from Afghanistan to Washington D.C. to the Canadian Wilderness as Daily Post staff reporter Brooke Kinley embarks on a journey to uncover a traitor promoting terrorism before another deadly attack occurs.

Author A.S. Bond easily draws the reader into this fast-paced story that has enough intrigue, tension, suspense, danger, secrets, conspiracy, military action and espionage, terrorism, and nail biting adventure that is sure to keep the reader sitting on the edge of their seats. The author calls upon her profession as a journalist and adventure seeker to provide the reader with a heart racing novel that engages the reader to follow Brooke on her dangerous journey, while keeping them guessing the true identity of the traitor and their motives. Patriot is a gripping tale that has a true sense of realism that could easily be taken directly from the headlines of any daily newspaper.

With a large cast of realistic characters; dramatic dialogue and interactions; and a true-to-life pulse racing storyline that provides much food for thought, Patriot is a must read for fans of conspiracy theories and political adventure thrillers.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Pump Up Your Book Tours.
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JerseyGirlBookReview | 2 andere besprekingen | Jun 23, 2014 |

