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Vice Chair John Bornschein of the National Day of Prayer Task Force collected the writings of this book to inspire 'prayer warriors' with creative, novel approaches to thinking about believing (rather than ceremonial) prayer. He wrote 7 chapters himself, co-authored another, and used individual chapters from 4 others.

The 5 points at the start give a good idea what he has in mind throughout the book. After walking logically through one's absolute dependence and reliance upon God, point 4 urges the praying believer to urge God to work AT salvation IN the world in which we find ourselves for, left to entropy, things are definitely going downhill in a very evident way.

Many of us can think of some very real ways that life is not good because of the entropic processes which so many of us allow to continue, but the hope of salvific intervention from Outside is one that seems far outside the domain of what we have come to expect - precisely why the believer may think that the kind of Help we REALLY need must COME from Beyond.
vegetarian | 18 andere besprekingen | Apr 26, 2013 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
If you really want to be challenged about how to pray, pick up this book. The language is direct and moving and gets right to the point. While I would not read this on a summer at the beach, if you're serious about learning to communicate with God and call down fire from the Holy Spirit, start reading. It's not only interesting, it's powerful information that will help you in your walk with God.
lonevocalist | 18 andere besprekingen | Mar 23, 2013 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Book exchanged for an honest review~

If you're searching for a guide to being a prayer warrior this is your book. I've read other books on prayer but none that compare to information imparted in this guide. Do you desire a better prayer life? The Front Line shows you the way to a better prayer life. Do you feel your prayer life is lacking or missing something? The Front Line gives you steps to take in making a better prayer life in not only your personal life but every aspect of your daily life. The Front Line shows you how to discover what is lacking in your prayer life and how to get it back. It shows you how to make your personal prayer life a true relationship with God. It shows you scripturely where to look to gain a more personal relationship with God and true communion with the Holy Spirit. I learned so much from reading this book and know that it will enrich my spiritual and prayer life in ways I can't see yet. Are you a prayer warrior? Do you want to be a prayer warrior? This book is the perfect guide to help you achieve this goal.

As stated earlier, I've read other prayer guide books but they don't compare to this one. I've highlights and notes as a way to remember key points. I will definitely return to this book in the future as a refresher course. Don't just take my word about this book see for yourself what I'm talking about. Your questions and answers await you in The Front Line:A Prayer Warrior's Guide to Spiritual Battle.
WolfFaerie17 | 18 andere besprekingen | Jan 27, 2013 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Had a lot of great info,and I enjoyed reading the different authors take on prayer. I hoped I can apply some new techniques to my prayer life as well.½
nirrad | 18 andere besprekingen | Jan 13, 2013 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I won this book through Librarything.

This book is for anyone wanting to start praying, but aren't sure how. Even people who have been praying for years will appreciate how the authors explain the fundamentals of prayer.

1. Why do we pray?
2. How should we pray?
3. When and where do we pray?
4. How will we know God's answer?

The authors write well thought out and easy to read text. They back it up with biblical scripture. I have been remiss in my prayers lately, but this book helped to bring me back to the proper etiquette for conversing with my Lord.
pamkaye | 18 andere besprekingen | Dec 30, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Appears to be an interesting read regarding faith and christianity.
nluvwithx | 18 andere besprekingen | Dec 12, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I got this from the publisher to do an Early Review. I liked it. It is a "primer" for Spiritual Warfare for the neophyte who wants to get intentional about intercessory prayer for others, the community, nation, government, and world. Although the material is quite basic, even an experienced prayer warrior will find himself or herself reinvigorated for the battle.

All the contributors used an abundance of Scripture to give a basic foundation for understanding the purpose of prayer and to give examples of prayer by people in Scripture. The last part of the book has all of these verses printed out in their entirety.

In addition to the abundance of Scripture, it has practical suggestions too. It has everything you need to become equipped for the battle!½
Carolfoasia | 18 andere besprekingen | Nov 20, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book was a great encouragement to prayer life. Easy to read, it is a wonderful reference for any home and library. I recommend this to anyone wanting a deeper understanding of prayer and the Biblical basis for prayer. I took my time reading it and I feel it has enriched my prayer life.
misshiss | 18 andere besprekingen | Nov 14, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
As someone who struggles in the area of prayer, I was excited to win a copy of this book through the LibraryThing Early Review giveaway. I found this book to be extremely well-written, thought-provoking, and Biblically-based. It reads like a textbook, which I do not enjoy in general, but I appreciate that every page of each chapter is not just the writer’s opinion—he or she backs up the writing not only with Bible verses and passages, but with easy-to-understand explanations of the verses mentioned. There were several parts of this book that stood out to me, this being my favorite: “The story of Moses reminds us that God often selects men and women who appear unqualified in the eyes of the world to perform great and mighty deeds in his power. Other people probably would not have chosen these individuals because of their weaknesses or limitations.” This is such an important thing to remember, no matter what hardship we struggle with!
jurai2 | 18 andere besprekingen | Sep 22, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
"Prayer warriors do not hide in foxholes."

Life changing.
More than inspirational.

Of all the books I have read on prayer this is by far the most inspiring and stirring! This book is written in such a way that you will want to start an immediate prayer fellowship with God. Not only will you want to renew or start your own prayer life but you will be inspired to enourage others and also intercede on their behalf. This book gave practical ways in which to approach prayer. There was no over the top philosophy. It was simply showing us that we should pray because we serve a loving God who wants to fellowship with us and hear our concerns. A God that is always present to help those He loves in any situation that they may face.

The structure of this book was amazing. Bornschein gave five key reasons to the question, "Why do we pray?" We all know that to have a desire to pray you must believe there is a God in heaven. In chapter two, The Baseline, who God is and why we are approaching Him in prayer is laid out beautifully. My favorite chapter had to be chapter ten, The Whole Armor of God. This section has to be by far one of the best explanations of Ephesians 6:13-18 I have ever read.

Throughout the book we are encouraged to pray for our family, neighbors, community, and nation. According to I Thessalonians 5:17, we as believers are called to pray without ceasing and this book inspiries us to do just that. The content of this book was sound because Bornschein stayed within the boundaries of the scripture. I let out a huge sigh of regret when I came to the end. I know I will keep it near for future reference. It is truly one of those books everyone needs in their spiritual library. One of the most beautiful prayers I have ever read was the closing of this most wonderful book.
pinkcrayon99 | 18 andere besprekingen | Sep 10, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Prayer is making a difference, transforming the landscape of homes and communities across the globe. In The Frontline, John Bornschein with David Butts, Kathy Branzell, Dion Elmore and Brian Toon give their readers a Prayer Warrior's Guide to Spiritual Battle. Just like regular soldiers it's necessary as a Christian to know your weapons, work intentionally and know who your enemy is. Everything done under the heavens is accomplished through prayer. Nothing will stand against the forces of evil without it. Though using the (biblical) analogy of a battle, the authors don't focus on the enemy, the devil. They warn not to underestimate, neither overestimate his powers. The church is in need of an awakening, and our countries are desperate for spiritual revival. God has provided us with a powerful tool—one that enables us to draw closer to Him, gain wisdom and understanding, and even change the world. Yet we often lump prayer into the intangible, view it as a last resort, or shove it to the bottom of our to-do lists. God has called each of us to be watchmen on the wall for such a time as this. Are we complacently resting on the laurels of our patriarchs and matriarchs, or are we running with the torch that has been handed to us to bring light to a dark world? Stand in the gap on the front lines of the battle! God can change a nation through you.

The Front Line has a variety of perspectives, from acronyms to mark the different stages in prayer, analysis of prayers in the old and new Testament to the instructions Jesus Christ gave on prayer and the early Church response to it. The authors share personal stories, have their background in the National Day of Prayer in the US and show stunning statistics of the impact prayer has on criminality. As a bonus you get lists of additional resources to enrich your prayer life, recommended US prayer ministries and lots of Bible verses on prayer, Spirit, mind and soul, and courageous prayer.
hjvanderklis | 18 andere besprekingen | Sep 2, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I thought this book was very good. It gives background and Biblical reference for how and why we pray. It was broken up into chapters that covered all aspects of prayer. I like how they give practical tips for becoming a prayer warrior, like making time to pray. It took me a long time to read this as it is thought provoking and I needed time to digest the information. I will be using this book as wonderful reference to enhancy my prayer life. I am so glad I received this Early Reviewer ebook through Librarything.
luv2read97 | 18 andere besprekingen | Aug 16, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
The Front Line, A Prayer Warrior’s Guide to Spiritual Battle is a manual for any person of prayer, beginner or informed warrior. It gives a brief history of prayer, tells of the needfulness of prayer, and explains God’s connection to man through prayer. Besides giving reasons to pray and setting out a plan on how to pray, this work also tells of the battle that can be encountered during prayer. Covering the field as completely as possible, the book also details the benefits of praying for self and for others and looks at praying continually before ending on a motivational note.
I didn’t read this book in a single sitting. Like a textbook, the lessons were often heavy, but I found that reading one or two chapters a day was manageable. And, although the chapters follow a pattern of development each still stands alone in content and viewpoint which is why I see this book as a go to manual for the information and encouragement that is needed for anyone who is serious about praying without ceasing.
jla | 18 andere besprekingen | Aug 12, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
As a prayer warrior and being on the prayer team this year (2012), I wanted to read a book that gives prayer warrior's a guide to face and deal with spiritual battles. We have our personal, spiritual, and worldly issues we have to face on a daily basis. Therefore, I hope this book delivers the necessary tools for this day-and-age.

The introduction is explosive; loved how it opened the book I would be reading and that the devil is real and knows us very well--we need to have the strategies to fight him and his demonic attacks as well. Prayer is the weapon.

The downfall was too much research in the first chapter or so which read more like a journal or thesis than a book. The second chapter (Baseline), I didn't truly understand how it related to prayers for warriors, to be a guide to see how to combat or defeat spiritual attacks/battles. Yet, some of the concepts from relational, functional, and substantive insight was quite interesting to read it from various perspectives when it comes to our Creator, God.

Thus far, my favorite section was on Building Relationships in chapter 3 and gave me a deeper understanding of biblical characters who prayed and believed for something--then granted (Ephesians 1:17; Phil. 3:10 with Apostle Paul for example). This keeps me encouraged to see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit through prayers! I also enjoyed strongholds in our prayers in chapter 6.

*LibraryThing contest provided this book for a review. Publisher sent via eBook and reading on Kindle on PC.
Adrienna_Turner | 18 andere besprekingen | Aug 11, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Vice Chair John Bornschein of the National Day of Prayer Task Force collected the writings of this book to inspire 'prayer warriors' with creative, novel approaches to thinking about believing (rather than ceremonial) prayer. He wrote 7 chapters himself, co-authored another, and used individual chapters from 4 others.

The 5 points at the start give a good idea what he has in mind throughout the book. After walking logically through one's absolute dependence and reliance upon God, point 4 urges the praying believer to urge God to work AT salvation IN the world in which we find ourselves for, left to entropy, things are definitely going downhill in a very evident way.

Many of us can think of some very real ways that life is not good because of the entropic processes which so many of us allow to continue, but the hope of salvific intervention from Outside is one that seems far outside the domain of what we have come to expect - precisely why the believer may think that the kind of Help we REALLY need must COME from Beyond.

I found interesting the 'journal' of 'answers' or an events chronicle for times when praying believers believe that their prayers are actually 'met' in identifiably 'concrete' or 'historic' ways - public enough to actually be recognized by others as God's work in their lives.

One constantly searches for 'evidence' - something not merely subjective, for everyone who even toys with faith and prayer is likely also a doubter at some really precipitous level.
vegetarian | 18 andere besprekingen | Aug 8, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I was more interested in the title of this book this year than I would have been last year, having in the meantime met a charismatic priest.
Although I understand the sentiments that drive the author of this book, I feel he is stressing the war rather the love that, in my opinion, should be in religion. And this is where my writer friend gets it right: he states his case but speaks of other more general and topical subjects. And, above all, he talks, movingly, about love.
But I think this is well-written and readable.
Spradbery | 18 andere besprekingen | Jul 31, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book was a little heavy handed for me and the fault is probably mine, not the authors. As a Christian, I do believe in the power of prayer but to state that the world is in crisis and it is a critical hour for all of us to become spirtual warriors in prayer to save the world is a little bit over the top for me. It was not what I expected but I give the authors credit in encouraging everyone to pray, not just in times of crisis but everyday.
GaryKbookworm | 18 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book offers itself as a 'field manual' for the prayer warrior. The concept and approach are catchy, which I suppose is seen as a necessity in today's world of veneer spirituality. Over one third of its content (70 of 204 pages) is simply a listing of resources and relevant Bible passages. As a (very) basic primer on prayer I suppose it has its place, but if one wants a truly thought-provoking and substantial book on prayer, I would suggest rather one of the classics of Christian writing - perhaps "The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer," "Prayer," by Ole Hallesby, "The Pursuit Of God," by A. W. Tozer, or "Letters To Malcolm: Chiefly On Prayer," by C. S. Lewis. If you are going to consider prayer, it's best to dig a bit deeper into it than this book goes.
davemac | 18 andere besprekingen | Jul 13, 2012 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I am very happy to have won this copy and really a very faith filled person anyway-this book just helped even more! Thanks for the excellent work too!½
RobinIrvin | 18 andere besprekingen | Jun 9, 2012 |
Toon 19 van 19