Afbeelding auteur

Ian S. Bott

Auteur van Ghosts of Innocence

2 Werken 5 Leden 1 Geef een beoordeling

Werken van Ian S. Bott

Ghosts of Innocence (2014) 4 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Tiamat's Nest (2015) 1 exemplaar


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Can I say how much I loved this book? Nope. Truly, I was surprised and happily engaged. From the very first chapter, I found myself engrossed in the story, rooting for the characters, and on edge as to how it would all play out.

Summary (may contain slight spoilers): Shayla has dedicated twenty years of her life to a single purpose: the assassination of the intergalactic emperor who is responsible for the death of her father and destruction of her home world. Bent on paying him back and watching him suffer as she did, she's made alliances with deadly conspirators and twisted them all to her advantage. She's become a weapon the empire doesn't see coming until much too late. Especially for her to have a change of heart.

What starts out as a travel story turns into a political subterfuge, followed by a moral dilemma, and twisted into an epic conglomeration in a world so dense and complete, you'll swear it really exists.

To call this book mere sci-fi is an insult. It incorporates the world building and pace of Eragon (minus the magic and dragons), the political intrigue of Shadow and Bone (minus the magic), and the unexpected twists of a Cassandra Claire novel. (Forgive my references to YA.) It was one of those books I didn't rush to finish. I wanted to stay in the story world, and although there was a satisfying end to the tale, I wouldn't mind spending a few more days with the characters. Not at all. It's a book I can safely say I would reread, and I NEVER reread books.

For those who follow my reviews on "adult" content, there is some (but minimal) language, and gruesome circumstances (expectant of a domineering and oppressive government).

This is a book I recommend without hesitation, especially to lovers of epic fantasy, sci-fi, or assassination stories. This one goes on my top recommends and favorites list.
… (meer)
CrystalCollier | Sep 23, 2014 |

