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E. D. Brady (1)Besprekingen

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(I received this book free from the author in exchange for my honest review.

A fun fast read that I couldn't put it down once I stared. Everything from the character building to the world itself. This story was filled with vivid texture and a solid foundation that stayed true throughout the story.

I never felt lost or confuse, a few times I was biting my nails and trying to keep my heart from exploding from the suspense.

I don't want to give anything away. I always find that the hardest when reviewing a mystery. You want to give a clue, but in the end you'll probably end up spoiling the whole thing.

I loved Emily, for one her name is Emily :P, but I found her intriguing. Shrouded in a mysterious past, left abandoned as a child, without her memories she had to cope with trying to understand how to live, function without the support or love ones. I was hooked on her, on her story. You just want to know more and more about her, and what happen to her to be left with the police. Again I will not give anything away, you'll just have to read this wonderful story in order to solve the mystery that is Emily.

The twist and turns, the love and mystery, will keep you reading, biting your nails and most of all, have you engrossed for hours until you get to the end, to see it solved, to understand what happened, only be left feeling sad because it's over. But, this is the first book to three part series.

I will be picking up the second book. I can't wait to start reading and be pulled more and more into Emily's world.

I highly recommend this book. It's everything you every wanted in a fast pace, heart gripping mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat, and get those feels burning.

I would like to thank E.D. Brady for giving my the opportunity to read that outstanding work of fiction.

Happy Reading


E.A.Walsh | Jun 11, 2015 |