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Werken van Clara Cannucciari


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Recipes But So Much More

I first discovered Clara on YouTube. I immediately loved her. She was everybody 's grandma. I am from the Chicago area. She is a reminder of my childhood.
What I loved about her on YouTube can be found in this book. Simple meals that don't require a lot, though love is probably the main ingredient in all the recipes. Watching her cook, you knew it was the first ingredient. If you take the time to read the book and not just the recipes, you will realize love goes in every recipe. Clara made you feel at home on her videos. That feeling can be found in this book. It was something that delighted me. Her grandson has made a loving tribute that teaches us more than cooking.
The recipes are basic. Many are also versatile. You use what you have. That was an important part of cooking that I learned as a single mother. It is the best thing about Clara's recipes. You are encouraged by her to improvise. This cookbook is one that makes a wonderful gift for new cooks. It teaches much more than the recipe. Clara's words of wisdom, her encouragement and her skill in using what you have make this a guide to life. There will always be difficult times to get through. Having someone believing in you can make a huge difference in how you make it through. Inside the covers of this book, and on her YouTube videos, you find a grandma who believes in you.
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Wulfwyn907 | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 30, 2022 |
Clara, well known as the grandmother on YouTube, was 94 years old when her book was published. Her videos on the Internet made her famous for their common sense, simplicity and wisdom. This book captures the essence of Clara.

Born and raised in a Chicago, IL. Suburb, Clara and her family survived the "Great Depression". Her stories are mostly of that time; they are filled with family, friends, and food.

Clara tells a story from her life, and then adds a recipe associated with the story. There are many photographs illustrating the stories. The photos feature Clara, friends and family, and food.

Clara adds tidbits of her cooking wisdom throughout the book. The tips are useful and practical, such as differences between olive oil and vegetable oil. The index makes it easy to follow and find items and recipes.

The illustrations are also listed, putting Clara's life into perspective. Her book is a wonderful volume of history, memoir, cookbook, and advice. It is no wonder that she is known as YouTube's "favorite grandmother"!
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nightprose | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 22, 2012 |
Just a great little book, that reads in a way like having a really good conversation with your gram. Brings back nostalgic memories of my grandparents and hopeful that the stories will endure. Another perfect winter read.
blancaflor | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 3, 2011 |


½ 4.3

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