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A pretty cover with very basic things inside of it, it's not very beginner friendly and it relies on people having at least a grasp on human anatomy. Even though it looks like it might be colorful and for children it's definitely not, it's very staple for early furry community works. So for people who want to actually understand how to merge human and animal traits to make furries and build off of that.

I wouldn't say it's a bad book to have as part of your collection, especially in the early 2000s when furry drawing books were very limited in supply and it was a very new thing to the world. This was definitely something to have then, but it's not really something you need now in the 2020s. You can find better instructions on Google than you could ever find in one of these old 2000s books.

I would say get it if you really want to have something from this timeline, anything of Lindsay Cibos' work is very 2000s time capsule feeling. It's a snapshot of a different time that we no longer live in.

If you like collecting things that belong in a time capsule, this is for you.

But I believe you can grow and draw with just Google and YouTube video guides that are on the internet, and you don't need to spend money on this book. I've seen it get a little bit pricey because it's not in print anymore as far as I know so don't spend your money on it if you don't really want to commit to it.

A dated product of its time. But not awful.
Yolken | Feb 13, 2023 |
Main character goes to school and also shows off her ferret that she really likes and she wants the attention for. Turns out everybody likes animals and doesn't really care about her. Main character gets upset over this and decides to have a fit over this because she is a child. No I'm not saying she's acting childish she is literary a child.

I have minor issues with the fact that we still have a child raising an exotic pet that takes special care and if Peach ever put in her mouth any small object she would choke to death and die. No, seriously ferrets often die from eating something as small as a pencil eraser and it getting stuck in their intestines and killing them. Seeing Peach wander around without anybody intervening or making sure she doesn't pop something small in her mouth makes me nervous and feels like now in hindsight I can say this is abad influence for anybody who reads it and doesn't know proper ferret care and then wants to get a ferret.

The main character gets so jealous of her ferret getting more attention than her that she basically puts on a fursuit. She goes to school dressed as a ferret and wearing a fur suit. I don't know if I really should say that this is stuck in the 2000s a second time I set it on the first part but this is some 2000's energy.

I can ignore the artist being a furry artist and also drawing free not safe for work and stuff but I can't ignore the idea of drawing kids in fursuits going to school just to one up their pet ferret. The manga is just getting ridiculous at this point and we're only two issues in.

Also fursuits are really expensive, like really expensive. I know I'm exaggerating and it's not really a fursuit but it's hard to put that kind of stuff together and for it to just happen like this makes me very confused. But then again she has enough money to afford an exotic pet and somehow keep it alive while it's being mishandled and misrepresented. *Shrugs in unrealistic manga things*

I feel like the nostalgia clouding my brain is the only reason this isn't a two-star read, I remember experiencing this as it was coming out and how I loved it and now I even talk about it positively but when I look at it nowadays, it's not what I remember, nor what I talk about. I speak of a thing that is how I remember it, not how it actually is.
I feel like what I talk about when I mention Peachfuzz is an entirely different entity now than what actually was this series. The memory lives outside of the manga and looms as a ghost.

I still recommend reading it because it's one of the best animal mangas just because there's not a lot of animal mangas especially ones about ferrets. But it's inaccurate content irregardless.
Yolken | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 13, 2023 |
The target audience for this series is always all over the place. Somebody else pointed it out but I knew this when it was made that the male ferret is named after a bodice ripper character. Which for the people who don't know that's basically early on NSFW books with softcore erotica.

Also implied ferret sex due to subtext.


I don't need to tell you that I'm sad the series is over, I was sad the series was over when it ended. Three manga issues is nowhere near enough, even though some mangas have been just one issue and done.

On to the incorrect ferret representation and the problematic handling of ferrets that will inspire children to possibly mimic this. Don't leave your ferret out alone with a bunch of junk, if they eat anything the size of a pencil or eraser they will often die. Do not leave them alone with Bunches of pillows and looming outside their cage, they will burrow into your sofa and you will sit on them and kill them. Ferrets will get into everything and every possible nook and cranny.

She is often left in a situation where she could escape that house in under ten minutes.

I feel like there is a lot to dissect as well because there is irresponsibility in here. Peach is unhappy and trying to escape her cage and also expressing boredom which is something ferrets can express but often they are occupied by simple things like toilet paper rolls and a jingle ball. If your favorite is expressing displeasure the solution is not to get a second one which will also get bored, it's to spend more time with your ferret. This is why they're not supposed to be handled and given to children because they are a little bit more exotic. Hence being called an exotic pet.

If your ferret is acting lonely or bored, do not just buy them another ferret of the opposite sex. This sounds like an obvious thing but I have had so many people get their pet rat, pet hamster, pet rabbit mate of the opposite sex and not realize the implications. If you're reading this, it should be obvious.

I did not include this in the other Peachfuzz reviews but unfixed female ferrets that go into heat will die due to a medical condition that happens if they do not reproduce. They will actually have everything build up into their body and cause a heart attack and it is very painful and uncomfortable. In this manga the ferret expresses a lot of moodiness and snapping and biting which could be correlating to that syndrome. This book seems like it wants me to believe that she was upset and feeling down because she was not reproducing and she was basically saved from death, that is the only reason I can think that they bought a male ferret and introduced it to a female ferret.

I do not care for the actual implications of this, if I could say nobody in my class was inspired by this to go get a male ferret for their female ferret, I probably would never overthink this.

That said seeing Peach and Edward hang out together I adore the scenes of them and I adore all of the interactions. I think it's very cute when it's just these two animals hanging out and not the humans doing weird things and abandoning these animals to their own stuff. Especially when they're not in a cage and just sort of looming around in a big room that could have countless hazards and also dangers to a pet animal.

That said, I will always think of Peachfuzz fondly, and I will always miss it. Rest in peace you intriguing manga trilogy.
Yolken | Feb 13, 2023 |
Amanda's mother agrees to let the lonely little girl have a pet, but she chooses a ferret who bites! Has she made the wrong choice? All ages.

FROM AMAZON: Amanda is a lonely little girl. Her mother means well, but doesn't have a lot of time for a 9-year-old and, after plenty of begging from Amanda, agrees to let her have a pet. Amanda chooses a ferret (and names her Peach) because ferrets aren't ordinary and, darn it, neither is she! It seems like Amanda finally has the friend she's needed ... but Peach sees Amanda's hands as five-serpent monsters -- and bites in what she thinks of as self-defense!
Gmomaj | 6 andere besprekingen | Jul 17, 2020 |
Cute and meaningful, focusing on the responsibilities of pet ownership - passing this on to my son in hopes that he WON'T want a ferret and WILL clean out the kitten's litter box. This is probably going to backfire on me...
Mrs.Soule | 6 andere besprekingen | Nov 25, 2019 |
One of the better things to come out of Deviantart media works. Not that there haven't been a lot of wonderful works that have happened on Devon art and come from Devon art, it's just a lot of the comics from there are very lackluster and bland. Not that this one is excellent or breaking the mold it has its own little lackluster moments and is mostly fixated on a cute ferret being there to distract you from all the problems.

Peach is a ferret and she does ferret things. She's for some reason scared. Things like hands are monsters and everything around her is a monster and everything is in her imagination. This is cute for this series but only for the first book.

One of the main problems I have is the portrayal of ferrets is incorrect. Ferrets are very bold and wild creatures that are hunters. A lot of the time Peach is portrayed as being nervous, scared, skittering away and hiding. Ferrets are warriors they are tiny creatures that hunt things bigger than them and no no fear. It's part of the mustelid family and maybe that's the problem I had most with this. The animal does not act like it's actual animal counterpart.

While this series is highly anime-styled, it's original and definitely worth a read. It stays relatively along the lines of Hamtaro minus a big cast of characters. Literally I think there's ten at most throughout this whole thing? And they're almost all humans. Eh.

I found the story to be very stunted, it mostly stays inside of Peach's head, almost every adventure is just her imagination and when that's totally starts to run out it doesn't have the charm it should. Hamtaro at least had them go unreal adventures and maybe that's where this series fails.

I felt like I was supposed to feel more for this character but these pages are very bland and it really feels dated to the 2000s in hindsight. While Hamtaro is forever, Peachfuzz is locked in the 2000s. I don't know if the artist still does anything or even has moved on and started their own new project, I hope them the best but I honestly can say that if they abandon this project it wasn't a bad decision.
Yolken | 6 andere besprekingen | Nov 6, 2019 |
It's about a 9 year old girl named Amanda who is lonely and wants to fit in at school so she gets a pet. At the pet store she picks out a ferret whom she names Peach who happens to have one heck of a princess complex.

I felt it was good but more for younger girls and tweens more than teenagers (and me). Peach Fuzz is the winner of the Rising Stars of Manga award.
salenawolfgoddess | 6 andere besprekingen | Sep 30, 2010 |
This book is about a little girl who is lonely and wants a pet. She begs and begs her mom until her mom finally gives in and lets her get a pet. Her mom finally takes her to the pet store and out of all the animals she chooses a ferret. She's excited about this little animal because no one at school has a pet like this. There is one rule though, the ferret cannot bite the little girl! When she chose the ferret she picked the only one that did not bite her. When she got the ferret home it ended up giving her alot of trouble. The ferret saw the cage as a dungeon and the little girls hand as a five headed monster. Peaches, the ferret, was a princess to the other ferrets at the store but when the little girl took her home and put her in the cage she became frightened of what seemed to be a dungeon.

Although this book is cute, I'm not at all a fan of manga or any other graphic novels. It was neat how in the book the point of views were shown from both the little girls and the ferrets views. The picturew]s were well depicted also. The book also did a good job about stating random facts about ferrets throughout the story.

Classroom Extension #1: Let the children draw their own mini graphic novels. They can use their pets or whatever they want to in order to create their novel. Give them a large sheet of blank white paper and have them draw the story out with the captions and word bubbles.

Classroom Extension #2: Have the children do research on an animal that they would like to do as a pet. They can record their finding and pictures and post them on a posterboard. Get the children to bring in a stuffed animal of the animal that they choose. Have a show and tell session so the children can tell the class about the animal that they would like to have as a pet.
lisa_tugmon | 6 andere besprekingen | Apr 15, 2010 |
I picked up this cute OEL manga from, I believe, a book fair or something like that. The story is decent and the art is good, but there's nothing tremendously exciting about it. Probably something animal lovers would really enjoy.
ChemicalAzure | 6 andere besprekingen | Dec 27, 2008 |
This is an excellent sequel volume 1. I really enjoyed it. I think the ferret Pavaratty is very funny. His very big ego makes the book fun to read.
dvkoala | 1 andere bespreking | Nov 5, 2006 |
This book would be good for girls 9-12yrs and people who enjoy books about ferrets. The illustrations are very good and the ferrets are very cute.
dvkoala | 6 andere besprekingen | Nov 5, 2006 |
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