Afbeelding auteur

Hannah L. Clark

Auteur van Uncovering Cobbogoth

3 Werken 38 Leden 3 Besprekingen Favoriet van 1 leden

Werken van Hannah L. Clark

Uncovering Cobbogoth (2014) 20 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Cobbogoth (2011) 17 exemplaren


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At one time, the Cobbogothians were only a myth to seventeen year old Norah Lukens. But when her Uncle Jack was brutally killed, she needed to quickly decipher his archaeology journal in order to try to solve his murder. Now she not only needs to believe the Cobbogothians are real, but she needs to find the lost city of Cobbogoth. It would seem the Cobbogothians have enemies too which places Norah more in harm’s way. They are powerful and will go to any limits to discover what she knows.

Before discovering her uncle’s death, she had been looking forward to coming home from school and to possibly reigniting with James Riley, her neighbor and possibly more than just a friend. But now, she’s a bit confused about his actions. Can she trust him? The bigger question may be, who can she trust?

I’m not accustomed to reading fantasy, but a good author can take you by the hand and lead you dexterously through any genre – character detail and scenes which open your eyes to a whole new world. I believe Ms. Clark has a fair amount of this talent. I could ‘see’ what was taking place without great effort. Norah is sketched as an extremely smart individual, yet she is not obsessed with her mental capabilities. The story does have flashback moments to which the reader needs to adjust and figure where they belong in the big picture. I rated this 3.5 out of 5.

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FictionZeal | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 31, 2014 |
Norah Lukens has always been a bit strange. Her looks and photographic memory have set her apart from her peers, along with her intense love of physics. When her anxiety starts getting severe, her uncle sends her off to a special school. For her 18th birthday Norah is returning back home to Boston to celebrate with her uncle. The celebration is short lived though as her uncle is discovered dead in his home. Things go from bad to worse in a hurry, and Norah finds herself immersed in a world she thought was just myth. Everyone is after Norah, and she must find a way to survive by unlocking secrets very close to the mysterious beings known as the Cobbogoth. Everything will change for Norah...if she can survive.

This story starts out with adventure and doesn't let up until the end. Norah is not a normal girl by any means, and this is made even more apparent as the story progresses. She's smart, but she's also very lonely. I fell like even though Norah is "special," a lot of people can relate to her. She doesn't fit in with anyone, and this leads to a great deal of anxiety, even to the point where they are considering putting her in the hospital. Of course, any person who has read many book can probably see where this is going, although younger readers may not. It is interesting to watch her change though, and try to truly embrace who she is weaknesses and all. This allows her to discover her strengths along the way.

No story is complete without some romance, and this book gives it to us. Norah has always felt close to her friend James, but while she was at school he never communicated with her. Norah finds out the reason behind this, and I'd say James had a pretty good excuse. This was a good example of ways to add some angst to your romance without making it silly. It all made sense in the whole of the plot. This book was an enjoyable read. It took me a chapter or two to really settle in, but things started moving quickly and making more sense so that last few chapters really flew by. It's a very creative and interesting world to get drawn into, and the author is able to leave things open a bit while still taking care of the necessary storylines. Young and old will equally enjoy this book. It's full of fantasy and wonder with a little romance.

Book provided for review.
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l_manning | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 4, 2014 |

This is a fantasy adventure. Most of the story takes place in Boston. Their is another world of Cobbogoth that is very detailed. As they reveal little by little about it. and their race of people and talents that are more. There is lots of drama, action, betrayal, romance, sacrifice, and a whole new world. It is a clean YA story.

The characters are revealed little by little. You are never sure who to trust. Or who is on the right side of a major battle of good and destruction.

Norah Lukens is the main character. She has been away to school for her senior year. Her life has changed and is trying to figure out what is going on. She wakes up on a bus with no memory of leaving school. Her hair is a mess, a strange bracelet is on her wrist. When she gets home she finds her Uncle murdered.

James is a firefighter. He lives down the street from Norah and her Uncle. Last year they got close while is gram was dying. He has not called or written Norah since his gram died. He brings Norah to stay with him after her Uncle's murder.

There are a lot of characters, and myths told in this book. There are so many secrets that are revealed a little at a time.
I don't want to ruin the secrets.

Norah has to face a lot of her fears, as she tries to figure out what is going on. She agrees to help finish her Uncle's work even though it will be dangerous.

The pace of the book is fast and action packed. I did not want to put the book down till I had too.

The description of Cobbogoth sounds really special, beautiful. Lots of details to make it seem real. It is a place I would like to see.

This is the first book of a planned 7 book series. I will want to read the next book for sure.

I was given this ebook to read and agreed to give honest review and be part of its book blog tour.
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rhonda1111 | 2 andere besprekingen | Jun 2, 2014 |


½ 4.3