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L. A. Clayton

Auteur van Ten Seconds to Dead

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Full review posted at Reader's Edyn on 03/07/20

Kate Edison is a lot like her father. Gifted with true photographic memory and knowing her father was employed by the CIA, she has only ever dreamed of following in his footsteps. Witnessing his death was a kick to the gut but solidified her decision to become the perfect agent. She’s done nothing but prepare herself for her inevitable future with the CIA. She attacks her training with gusto and breezes through much of it with top grades. But before completing the training, she is approached and recruited into a secretive government agency that no one even knows exists. Supposedly her father was actually one of their agents and with the way they severed any other chance at employment, she grudgingly accepts the offer. Swept up in their intense training program but inspired by the tech and espionage that surrounds her, she quickly throws herself right back into being the best. But she’s no idiot and it doesn’t take her long to begin to pick up on indicators that belie the integrity of the AGI. She can trust no one within the agency, but a chance meeting puts her back in contact with an ally from the CIA. Risking her life, she becomes a double agent, aiming to take out the AGI and all of its nefarious activities. Still on her own, but with support at her back, she endeavors to ferret out all of the information she can so that she can both take the AGI out and avenge her father’s death. If she makes it out alive, which is highly unlikely, she may be able to pull her life back together as an agent of the CIA and with a possible new love interest.

Let me first begin this review by stating that this is not typically my chosen genre. I have read several romantic suspense books, but never anything with even a hint of political thriller or espionage. However, I recently participated in a blitz for this book on my blog and was given a copy, so I figured I might as well check it out. Just to be clear, I am an avid fan of smutty romance, so this review will be something entirely different for me. That said, I will say that the romantic hussy in me was mollified by the slight bit of romance contained within this book. I listed it as part of the genre, and it is extremely slight but present none-the-less. And hallelujah, it went exactly as I wanted it to as far the romantic interest. I was worried for a bit, but Ms. Clayton did me a solid and brought it back around. Thank you for that.

It’s funny. As I was reading this book, I kept chanting to myself “oh what a tangled web we weave” because it was so appropriate. And not long after, the book actually mentions the phrase. I did suspect that something suspicious was going on when Kate’s father had died and I do not know how, but I was thinking something along the lines of what ends up being revealed. This is actually the opening prologue, so I am curious if others pick up on the tiny tidbits as well. Although I was super annoyed with every evil act being carried out, I was glad that I had been able to pick up on clues throughout the story, having zero idea what to expect within a book of this type. Now that I have completed the book, I am thrilled that I made the decision to read it. I have absolutely nothing to compare this book to since it is my first foray into an unfamiliar genre, but I can tell you with certainty that I will not shy away from such reads any longer. In several instances my heart was racing as I was reading. It was almost like a train-wreck. You know you are going to read things that upset and anger you, but you have no capability to look away or cease reading without ending the quest for truth. Kate is a badass! That’s all I can say about her. One tough chick, she isn’t afraid to do what is necessary and is always fighting for the good – well, until she realizes she isn’t, but quickly formulates a plan to correct that horrific detail. Some of the content is a bit rough. The awful scenes Kate is witness to and the torture endured at times had me a bit green on the gills. Fair warning. This is by no means a plot filled with sunshine and rainbows. The corruption runs deep – generations deep, in fact. And the road to redemption will be a bloody battle.

There are several other characters brought into this story whom I believe will make a return, I am just unsure in what capacity. Several were left behind at the AGI and didn’t have the slightest inkling what was happening. Others may have known, but didn’t leave, or couldn’t leave. Many of them I enjoyed and would enjoy encountering again. What I do know is that the story does not stop here. It would be a mistake for Ms. Clayton to attempt to wrap this plot up with a bow. Thankfully, she chose not to. Also, I much appreciated not ending the book in a cliffhanger. I despise them! The place in which this particular segment ends is fitting. Thoughtfully added was an introduction to the next book in the series and I found myself quite eager to dive in. Alas, the book is not yet scheduled for release, so wait I shall. I do wonder what the series title is called though. I can’t say that I ever once came across it … A perplexing and elusive question at this point. In any case, I feel that TEN SECONDS TO DEAD was an excellent choice in which to cut my teeth within a new genre. If you get worked up with espionage, injustices, and dishonesty, then maybe this won’t be a good fit. But if you get worked up in a good way, enjoy being on the edge of your seat, and refuse to put a book down because you absolutely must know what will transpire next, then this is likely going to be a good choice to read. At the worst, you discover you simply do not care for thrillers, and the best you uncover a hidden genre you would have otherwise never even given a second thought to. I fall in the later category and will definitely be revisting with Kate Edison when next she returns.

Kindle version provided by Expresso Book Tours/Author in exchange for an honest review.
… (meer)
GzNKz4evr | Mar 7, 2020 |


