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The Better Bladder Book is a comprehensive look at the treatment of bladder disease in general and Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain in particular. The author Wendy L. Cohen is a registered nurse and experienced in homeopathic healing. She begins the book with the traditional approaches to diagnosing and treating Chronic Pelvic Pain. She then goes on in the majority of the book to discuss a path to healing. This is the most important and useful part of the book. Bladder disease and Chronic Pelvic Pain. Even when patients go down the normal path treatment healing is seldom quick or complete. Cohen's apporact is a holistic path to developing a good environment for good bladder health. This makes the book useful to both sufferers of Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain and those who suffer with chronic pelvic pain in general. I am not a physician or a trained medical person, but from the point of view of a layman, the book looks to be very helpful for those suffering from this disease.
southsiouxlibrary | 16 andere besprekingen | Jun 27, 2011 |
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I found this book to be very informative and helpful in giving choices of treatments to people suffering from IC. CPP, and PBS. The author does a great job of informing readers of traditional medical treatments, and also steps you can take on your own to help cope with these disorders. She does not make those who chose to use medications feel like they are wrong, or vice versa for those who chose to try to manage it without drugs. I liked how she gave information on foods to eat or avoid, and how these affect the condition. Overall I thought it was a very informative book that is a great addition to a doctor's care. It is always best to be well informed on any medical condition you may have, and this book does so without weighing the reader down with too much medical jargon.
mykittykatz2010 | 16 andere besprekingen | Jun 23, 2011 |
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Even though this book does subscribe to a certain mindset when it comes to treatment, it doesn't feel overly preachy which is certainly a plus. I found the book to be informative and what I was most interested in was discovering what foods were noted to be the most irritating to the bladder. It has made me more aware of what I'm eating and drinking, although I do continue to eat and drink many of the foods which she warns against. I do not have the same particular problem as her so for me to just be aware of the information and relate it to my own issues has made this book a valuable resource.

I certainly wouldn't hesitate to recommend this to people with food allergies and/or bladder issues along with those interested in general health ailments and their possible causations.
Jenson_AKA_DL | 16 andere besprekingen | Apr 11, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
"The Better Bladder Book" is a comprehensive look at diseases of the bladder, their symptoms, treatment options and diet choices. I especially like the gluten-free diet information provided by author Wendy Cohan, RN. Evidently I've been consuming too much sugar and should be eating more fruit for sweets.

"The Better Bladder Book" recommends individuals see their doctor for a diagnosis, but does cover a plethora of causes for pelvic pain and herbal remedies. I would recommend the book for anyone with bladder questions.
DarcyO | 16 andere besprekingen | Apr 9, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I'd give this 4.5 stars if I could.

Wendy Cohran's "The Better Bladder Book" covers a topic that isn't often found on stores' bookshelves. This isn't just a book about various bladder troubles, though. It is THE book for bladder troubles. Rather than taking the approach of suggesting medications and medical procedures, Cohran presents ways that your daily habits could be harming your bladder and how to solve them. She also does a wonderful job covering the spectrum of bladder problems, instead of focusing just on the problem she had.

The book starts with a detailed, easy to understand explanation of the urinary system and various problems. Cohan does cover medications that can help, with a surprisingly unbiased opinion on them. She then goes on to explain how you can start helping yourself. Each chapter has an introduction, the whats and whys of the topic, and ends with a page or two on "what you can do now." Managing stress and exercise are covered. The bulk of the information involves diet, explaining what foods cause the most bladder aggravation, why, and how to avoid them. Hormonal problems are another factor brought up. In case following all of that advice doesn't result in health improvements, Cohan explains different bacterial infections that can cause problems with the bladder, along with other, more severe health concerns, like ovarian cysts, diabetes, and cancer. The detailed resources section at the book includes books and articles for all problems mentioned, as well as organizations, support groups, and websites.

The reason for giving 4 stars instead of 5 is the major focus on diet. I understand that diet can play a dramatic role, but as someone who lives in an area that only has large chain grocers without an organic or vegetarian option in sight, the majority of the diet suggestions just aren't feasible.

A major personal bonus from this book: I've had a large, tumor like lump near my stomach for years that doctors have failed at diagnosing. Thanks to a chapter in this book, I'm now almost positive that it's a tumor on my adrenal gland, and am currently setting up appointments and tests to get it removed. Even better, Hunter House has a book on adrenal gland problems! Be sure to check out the rest of their books.
wakethesun | 16 andere besprekingen | Mar 14, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
"The Better Bladder Book: A Holistic Approach to Healing Interstitial Cystitis & Chronic Pelvic Pain" by Wendy Cohan, RN, is a fabulous book made easy for the layperson to read and comprehend. I have a 10-year-old granddaughter with spina bifida and needed surgery to essentially create a larger bladder in an attempt to help with the issues resulting from incontinence due to the spina bifida. Very challenging to comprehend what this surgery actually means.
Cohan's book gave me a more clear understanding of what my granddaughter has gone through and what the intention of the surgery was. I was able to develop a foundation to frame my questions to my daughter, who is a nurse.
I also have a (male) friend with interstitial cystitis and this book helped me to understand what he has been living with for years.
I will pass this book along to my daughter, but I'm not quite ready to give it up. I keep going back to it for more clarification.
Thanks, Ms Cohan, for your book!
lmnop2652 | 16 andere besprekingen | Mar 13, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Wonderful book! There is tons of information in this book. It's a book everyone should read - even if they don't have bladder problems. It guides a person to health and general well-being. Thank you for such a great resource book!!!
degger | 16 andere besprekingen | Mar 7, 2011 |
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The Better Bladder Book by Wendy Cohan, shares a holistic approach to healing interstitial cystitis & chronic pelvic pain. This highly informational book is broken into parts:

Part 1: Finding Your Healing Path
Part 2: Beginning the Journey
Part 3: Further Along the Road to Recovery

Within the covers you will learn how to better understand your urinary system, different reasons you could be suffering from bladder problems, diets to help combat problems, how to deal with infectious microorganisms, medical conditions affecting the bladder/causing pelvic pain, and a positive outlook that you can get well!!

Even if you don't have any of these problems this book is still packed full of information that could change the way you forever view your urinary system! Highly recommended!!
mejese313 | 16 andere besprekingen | Mar 1, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is an eye opening book. If you have ever had long term illnesses that traditional medicine couldn't/wouldn't help with, this book is for you. With a little adaption the processes described in the book could be used in more than bladder health.
tomwise | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 28, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is a very informative and easy to understand book about the bladder system, it's ailments and symptoms and possible causes and treatments. What I like the most is Cohan's in-depth research and her persoanl experience in regard to different dietary choices and the wellness of the bladder. This is a book worth keeping in one's libary and I highly recommend it to everyone with or without bladder problems.

2011-04-04 Update: I gave this book to a friend who suffers bladder problem. Hopefully, it will help her.
enian0313 | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 21, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is a very informative book, and I especially like the depth in which the author explains various bladder issues. The author goes into detail for just about every bladder problem I can think of. As a hopeful medical student, I am sure that I will often refer back to this book. The author not only explains the symptoms associated with each condition, but thoroughly shows how to prevent, treat, and alleviate these symptoms. I know several people who suffer some sort of bladder affliction, and will highly suggest this book to them.
sealford | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 16, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
The Better Bladder Book by Wendy Cohan, R.N. is a book that should be on every woman's bookshelf because it lives up to its subtitle: A Holistic Approach to Healing Interstitial Cystitis & Chronic Pelvic Pain.

If you or someone you love or care about has ever suffered the pain and frustration of trying to cope with urinary and pelvic pain, this is a book that will help you understand what the conditions are that cause it, why they may become chronic and what can be done to relieve them.

Cohan's presentation of interstitial cystitis as a systemic disease opens the door to wide possibilities of causes and treatments. Traditionally, physicians had been taught a much narrower view, even that there was no treatment available, with the result that many people suffered in frustrated silence.

The Better Bladder Book educates us on how the choices we make regarding what we eat, drink and how we live can help us overcome many of these problems through self-treatment. People who suffer from gluten intolerance and celiac disease will find this book invaluable to unlocking some health problems that have been difficult to resolve.

If you, like me, are sensitive some medications or if you simply cannot afford or do not wish to use medications for simple health problems, you will appreciate the straightforward, easy-to-understand explanations given. Cohan takes us from an overview of how male and female urinary systems are set-up and work to what happens when they don't and what we may be able to do about it.

She covers traditional methods of treatment, but also suggests new treatments that are proving to be more beneficial to an increasing number of patients. You discover that you can be your body's best friend by understanding how it works and how to help it recover when it doesn't work as it should

As chance would have it, I was experiencing a minor bladder-related problem when the book arrived in the mail. Within days, after reading through the book and implementing some of the suggestions, the problem resolved itself and has not returned. Until I learned what I could do to avoid recurrence, the problem had been one I was told was just something I had to put up with as a woman. No more! Wendy Cohan's book has given me the knowledge I need to help myself, as well as the information I need to know if the situation requires a doctor's assistance.

Cohan helps us understand when symptoms are self-treatable and when they require more expertise. She is very clear in alerting us to other conditions that could be causing the symptoms and why we should be cautious in over-simplifying our self-treatment. We not only become better able to care for ourselves, we become better informed patients.

There is much we can and should do to determine if we can help free ourselves from chronic pain or discomfort. Bladder problems can hinder one's enjoyment of life by curtailing an active lifestyle. Why not try the suggestions offered? I can attest that the ones I tried made a huge difference.

I will know what questions to ask and how to better evaluate the answers given. I will no longer be a passive bystander as regards my bladder health. I know now I can do basic things for basic problems, and no longer have to settle for the “well, as a woman, you just have to expect some of these problems.” I highly recommend this book, and hope others can find relief by applying the suggestions found within it.
kssunflower | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 14, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
People laughed when this came in the mail. Alas, the research, personal stories and dietary suggestions were of great use. In addition I have shared this book with others in hopes that they would read and learn good health for themselves. Great book that many women would benefit from owning.
ldr259 | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 14, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
The Better Bladder Book is a comprehensive guide for anyone with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and chronic pelvic pain. The book is written in a style that's easy enough for a layman to understand but it is a wonderful reference for medical professionals as well. Wendy Cohan, the author, is a nurse who suffers from Interstitial Cystitis and her book takes us through her journey to find relief. Through personal experience, case studies, and positive motivation, Wendy provides her readers with proven steps to alleviate and eliminate the debilitating effects of IC.

Although I can't say I'm an expert in medical books or even bladder books, I can say this book didn't read like either. I would highly recommend it to anyone suffering from IC or for anyone with basic bladder problems.
autoowned | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 8, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
The Better bladder Book is a wonderful resource for anyone who is afflicted with interstitial cystitis (IC), or knows someone who is. Wendy Cohen is a registered nurse who happens to have IC, which gives her a special knowledge of this disease. She goes beyond the medical community into holistic care, offering the reader options not ordinarily offered.

The writing is easy to understand with case studies to help the reader comprehend what Ms. Cohen is explaining. Subjects include diet, food, herbals, acupuncture, chronic pain and one's attitude toward health and staying healthy. This is a positive book with lots of hope, many suggestions and a comprehensive look into what causes interstitial cystitis and chronic pain. This is a must have book for everyone's bookshelf.

Note: Early Reader
smmorris | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 7, 2011 |
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I was so impressed with this book. I loved that Cohan was able to take a sensitive subject and turn it into a topic that can be approached with grace and humor. Not only did I learn a great deal from this book, I also appreciated that this topic is being given additional research time. Cohan's writing is easy to follow, and there were enough case studies included to provide the reader with relevant and useful facts. All of the information was interesting and easy to comprehend, and medical jargon was kept to a minimum. I would recommend this book to anyone suffering from bladder conditions, as well as people who would like to know more about how the body works on a systemic level.
actress133 | 16 andere besprekingen | Feb 6, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is truly a great book. I am so glad that I won it. it is written in a style that anyone can understand. It tells you a better way of healing interstitial cystitis and chronic Pelvic pain through a holistic approach. Diet, herbs and herb teas. It goes into other sources of bladder problems and gives information on Celiac and gluten intolerance,adrenal health and prostate health so it is a book for every adult. The idea is to
cultivate a healthy intestinal system I highly recommend this book.
jessie_40 | 16 andere besprekingen | Jan 31, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Received this for Early Reviewer and I've already read the entire book. This is a great one and NOT just for those with IC! Her chapters on diet and alternative therapies are certainly more broadly applicable to our sedentary, carb/wheat-rich, sugar-addicted lifestyles. I've actually never (luckily) dealt with these issues and I've learned much from her book to apply in my own life and pass along to others. For instance, I wasn't aware of lectins, IMT, or 'leaky gut.'

Cohan provides a comprehensive review of diets, especially gluten-free diets without ever being overreaching. She obviously had a clear set of goals from the outset and noted appropriately that some topics/debates, e.g., Lyme disease, are beyond the scope of her book while still addressing them sufficiently.

The book doesn't read like a medical manual or a ppt-turned-book, which I've unfortunately been encountering a lot of lately. I appreciate Cohan's background as a nurse as well as her own personal journey with bladder issues. Couldn't think of a better source for this material. The book itself is a great length with text that's easy on the eyes and a weight that's easy on the hands.

This is one worth sharing in your community!
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bookcaterpillar | 16 andere besprekingen | Jan 27, 2011 |
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