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Toon 6 van 6
What an amazing game. To me, Warhammer, especially in this fourth edition, is the epitome of a great heroic fantasy RPG. Its genius stems from the familiarity of its world, which relates to Europe’s ending Middle-Ages, with the Old Empire echoing the Holy Roman Empire and neighbouring kingdoms having their lookalike with Bretonnia (France), Tilea (Italy), etc, combining with a quasi-Renaissance feel with technology adding an interesting flavour, and the sheer brutality of dark heroic fantasy elements (Chaos? Check. Greenskins? Check. Undead? Check. Monsters? Check) and the classical references of fantasy like Elves, Dwarves and Dragons.
Hence Warhammer creators processed (probably without realizing it) a mythological European Middle Age like Tolkien did, but Tolkien’s poetic vibe was replaced by sheer fun and brutality, everything what typical RPG players are usually after…
And Unlike D&D, Warhammer puts you in the shoes of the average Joe in such epic and dangerous world. The result is a game of constant struggle where life has a worth and a cost. In my view it only makes the journey more fascinating as it brings an interesting tension and playing a low-class opens immense possibilities for storytelling.
As everybody knows, Warhammer 4th edition got back to its famous percentage-based system. Its qualities may be debatable but in any case it will mostly appeal to fans of old school RPG systems as one shall not find an ounce of narrativism here. I found its complexity a bit excessive in some instances with for example damage location or the quite heavy combat rules (especially advantage). However it will not scare off the players hungry for colourful adventures.
corporate_clone | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 7, 2024 |
Reviewing a roleplaying game (RPG) book is quite different than reviewing a fiction or non-fiction book; they are still storybooks in a way, but also instruction manuals, rule books, reference tomes and guidebooks to the setting - the world in which the game takes place. It would be unusual to read it cover to cover, you would tend to read sections some several times and dip into others, returning later for reference. The criteria by which they are judged is, therefore, quite unique.

[b:World War Cthulhu: The Darkest Hour|20444593|World War Cthulhu The Darkest Hour|Dominic McDowall||31273390] is a primary setting guide for a pre-existing game. [b:Call of Cthulhu|33489|Call of Cthulhu Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft (call of cthulhu)|Sandy Petersen||40002943] is a bona fide classic of the genre, one of the first games to move roleplaying away from the hack n slash of Dungeons and Dragons and its ilk into a more investigative, thinky, character-driven milieu. It is based of the Cthulhu Mythos writings (primarily by [a:H.P. Lovecraft|9494|H.P. Lovecraft|], but expanded by others) and I don't think it's any coincidence that it is since that games' 1981 launch that Lovecraft's work has been rediscovered by an ever wider audience.

The primary setting for the original Call of Cthulhu is, as with Lovecraft's stories, New England in the 1920s (with adventures in exotic places such as Antarctica and the Amazon), though the horrors can be transplanted to any era or locale, and there are many supplemental books that do so. World War Cthulhu, as you can probably guess, is a guide for adventures in World War II, and is excellently done. As well as their standard military roles (for the Allied forces, naturally) the characters are agents for a shadowy civil servant who tasks them with investigating potential extra-dimensional spookiness - at the same time as having to survive the very real horror of the bloodiest conflict in the history of humanity.

As such, the game can be run leaning either way; classic Cthulhu-style, using the war as a backdrop, or primarily focusing on the war itself with occasional added horror (imagine some other terror invading the trenches, like the zombies in the movie Deathwatch) or some mixture of the two.

As a supplement to Call of Cthulhu, this is excellent. There is lots of great background on the various intelligence agencies (there is, understandably, a push to make the characters intelligence operatives rather than straightforward soldiers, as investigation - often behind enemy lines is such a large part of the game) and great short summaries of the theatres across war-torn Europe and North Africa.; general information on the status of various countries as well at least three or four adventure ideas for each as well as a list of "Fortean events" through out the period for extra inspiration. There are, of course, equipment guides (description and statistics for a wide range of WWII weapons, prices for both legal and black market goods, etc), background on some historical figures and how they might be connected ([a:Ian Fleming|2565|Ian Fleming|], [a:Dennis Wheatley|61918|Dennis Wheatley|], Kim Philby, [a:Aleister Crowley|3948|Aleister Crowley|], and others) and, of course, an update of the Dark, Lamentable Catalogue - a guide the Elder Gods and other entities, as well as various Earthly factions and cults. As is now usual, the book ends with a fully fledged adventure to get you going - although extra supplements, including adventures, have already begun to appear. i have not yet run this adventure, entitled The God in the Woods, as I have a couple of my devising to get the group into the swing of things, but it's always good to have one as back up and it looks to be a good one.

The book is very well put together - a solid, attractive hardback (build quality is a consideration for RPG books, as they will get a lot of handling while using for reference) with a good contents page and index, something that many RPGs still lack, an unforgivable omission for any sort of reference book - with good artwork and layout, double columned throughout with good placement of tables and highlighted boxes for important text and examples (again, the number of game books where a table turns up many pages away from the section to which it refers is quite astounding. There is an old joke that RPG designers have an excellent vocabulary that unfortunately doesn't include the word 'proofreader'). The writing itself is solid and, importantly, clear.

This book is produced by a company called Cubicle 7, from whom I have bought quite a few books in the past (they produce the utterly superb Laundry Files RPG, based on [a:Charles Stross|8794|Charles Stross|]' wonderful books) and they have quickly gained a reputation for quality and attention to detail. There's always a good amount of free downloadable content on the website (character sheets, tables and even adventures) and I can personally vouch for their superb customer service; when you buy the physical book you get a PDF as well and they one time I had to chase up the link I received an immediate response.

A great advantage to this setting, of course, is the vast amount of material available online. I have researched locales and buildings (I needed a ruined castle in Poland for my adventure) along with timelines of the war to plan my campaign and the location of adventures.

4.5 stars, highly recommended for your insanity inducing, squamous horror laden, world changing conflict pleasure.
Pezski | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 21, 2020 |
A revival of the classic RPG...and it's very good.½
1 stem
BruceCoulson | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 17, 2019 |
A brilliant, exciting and unique campaign set wholly in the uk, with it almost exclusively in the city of London with one foray into a London suburb. Involving ancient world entities, linked to the mythos,Mathis is one roller coaster campaign that does have both investigation and action. It could work well as a pulp campaign. I think it's almost mandatory that you have the excellent Cthulhu Britannica London sourcebook as this will enrich the experience no end. Probably would work well with the more inexperienced player but is a challenge even for hardy investigators. A truly horrific Climax makes for a campaign that won't be forgotten.½
aadyer | Mar 4, 2018 |
It has given me new interest in the time and stories of this much maligned incarnation of the Doctor. Fascinating thoughts about the role of the Sixth Doctor as an unwitting agent of the Time War, sparked by the events of the Fourth Doctor in Genesis of the Daleks. Packed to the brim with adventure seeds and new game crunch - well worth a read for fans of the game and the series alike.
PaulBaldowski | Jan 24, 2015 |
A brilliant idea, well conceived & translated, only really lacking in certain areas that pertain to the campaign that is contained within the supplement. The hard wearing cover, will survive many a trip to your gaming sessions. Intriguing, well written, but my only real criticism being that with the link to espionage & British Intelligence, there is a narrowing of possibilities in this setting. Of course, this can be ignored, but then there's going to be a lot concealed that you're never going to find out about, if that happens. Good illustrations, & I'd recommend this supplement for all of those with an interest in Call Of Cthulhu, & world war 2 in particular.½
aadyer | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 12, 2014 |
Toon 6 van 6