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This is Part 2 in the story of Jeremy Shuttle, a young boy with a very special sketchbook. Anything he draws in the sketchbook becomes real.

Jeremy makes what he thinks will be a quick trip to Washington DC using the sketchbook. He is kidnapped by a couple of henchmen who work for a man named DaHurst, a man who knows how to get what he wants, like the sketchbook. Things do not end well for those who get in his way. Jeremy escapes through a self-imposed time limit on his sketchbook trip.

The story shifts to caves in southern France, where Jeremy drew a cave painting 30,000 years ago, during a previous trip (read Part 1). There Jeremy, his mother, Teresa, and his sort-of girlfriend, Natalie, run into DaHurst, who really wants the sketchbook, and his henchmen. Jeremy has been working on a special sketch that will take him to his father, so he slips out of DaHurst's grasp. Dad disappeared in these caves 13 years ago, but there are current indications that he is still alive. Things look pretty bleak for Teresa and Natalie.

Jeremy is somewhere else (think "collective unconscious") telling this story to someone who may, or may not, be his real father. "Dad" is less than forthcoming with straight answers to Jeremy's many questions. They find themselves on a small plane traveling over ocean for a long time. They are forced to jump, with one parachute, after the plane is struck by a pterodactyl. Jeremy and "Dad" find themselves on an island full of dinosaurs right out of Jurassic Park. How can they get out of where they are, and find Teresa and Natalie? Does Jeremy find his real father?

This novel, and this series, is pretty good. Teens will enjoy it, and adults will, too. It is really well written, and will keep the reader's interest. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.
plappen | Dec 15, 2016 |
Very interesting reading...different twist of characters on an adventure - Well written and it really made me want to use my imagination more...look so forward to the next book.
Jjean7 | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 10, 2015 |
The premise is imaginative but the execution is seriously flawed. When writing for young people, an author needs to be particularly diligent doing research and getting things right. For example, he presents a character as an expert in first aid and then has him doing everything insanely and dangerously wrong. This kind of thing is irresponsible. The writing itself may not be the worst I've seen, but I certainly wouldn't foist this on any young person of my acquaintance. Clumsy at best.
Carrie.Kilgore | May 23, 2014 |
This YA novel is about a young boy who suddenly acquires a unique ability.

Jeremy Shuttle is your average middle school student. He loves asking questions in class, he deals with the school bully, and he has a friend named Natalie. He also loves drawing in his sketchbook. One day, an art supply store suddenly appears at the end of his street. Yesterday, it was no there. The elderly proprietor gives Jeremy a very special sketchbook. He should have listened more closely to what the proprietor said about it.

Just for fun, Jeremy draws a picture of his school being attacked by a multi-tentacled creature, kind of like a giant octopus. He is shocked to learn that his school really is under attack by a giant octopus. Jeremy tells Natalie about the strange art supply store, and takes her there, but it is gone, like it never existed. Natalie urges Jeremy to be really careful, but Jeremy has to "test" the sketchbook, so he turns himself into an ant.

Jeremy is a very big and strong ant; think of the ant equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He meets other ants and tries to tell them that he is not an ant, but a human. Their reaction is Whatever. Part way through his time as an ant, Jeremy realizes that he doesn't know how to turn back into a human.

Natalie saves his rear end, and strongly urges him to get rid of the sketchbook. Jeremy refuses, and has another "test" for the sketchbook. It involves going back in time to the caveman era, and drawing crude pictures on cave walls. When he returns, Natalie very strongly urges him to get rid of the sketchbook. Jeremy's continued refusal damages their friendship. His ultimate idea is to do something for his mother, whose husband, and Jeremy's father, disappeared during an archaeological expedition several years previously, and has not been heard from since then. Jeremy's idea is either a very considerate thing to do, or it will set new records for backfiring (which almost happens).

First of a trilogy, this YA novel is very good. Who hasn't wanted a way to answer What If? Teens, and adults, will enjoy this story.
plappen | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 30, 2014 |
What If? Jeffery M. Daniels

Questions are how we learn the answers to many things that we might not otherwise know or understand. When children question adults, their teachers and friends their mind expands, their knowledge base grows and they become better informed. But, what if when you question, when you ponder or wonder whatever you ask becomes more than just a question? What if your passion to express yourself in your own unique way brings you into a world that will turn your life in many different directions? What if you are Jeremy Shuttle a young boy whose passion for drawing is just second to asking questions and learning about the world? What if you are Jeremy Shuttle and happen to walk into a new art supply store, meet a quirky shopkeeper with an odd way about him and you find yourself in many different dimensions, worlds having unique experiences as the pictures you draw within the pages of a sketchbook given to you my this man, become more than just the images on the page?

When Jeremy arrives home with his new sketchpad and his pencils he mother reflects in her own way about his talent. Jeremy’s ability to recreate images seems almost surreal. But, his schoolwork in class needed more effort as the author shares his mother’s thoughts with readers. When Jeremy recounts his visit with the shopkeeper, the information he shares about his family you begin to start wondering just who this man is and what his real motive is for befriending Jeremy. Just his appearance is odd and his mannerisms some might say are suspect. Questions are supposed to be welcomed by teachers and not tossed aside or criticized by classmates. After his encounter with the storekeeper he asked his science teacher about prehistoric eras and cave paintings. Bullies tend to insult and hurt those that they think are weak. Jeremy has been the brunt of many attacks and never seems to shy away from a good confrontation due to his smart answers and sarcastic sense of humor that often surprises those that try to insult him. As he asks his question one student is constantly heckling him and the teacher seems stumped by the question. A confrontation that caused him some pain and a bully that definitely needs to be taught more than just a lesson.

As Jeremy decides to recreate a incident with three bullies he adds his own personal touches to the picture in his sketchpad never thinking that the entire scene would come alive. When kids start screaming and these strange creatures start picking people, up the vivid descriptions and the end result as you read it would be right out of a Sci Fi Movie. When things begin to calm down and Natalie, Jeremy’s best friend finds him what happens next will definitely surprise both of them as he realizes what happens and the illustration in his pad well: What if it just disappears? Jeremy and Natalie begin to analyze the entire incident as Jeremy later on assesses what he knows. Using the sketchbook and creating a scene made it come alive. But, when he used the book and the pencils the shopkeeper gave him to draw the cup of coffee, did it come alive too?

Jeremy is adventurous and although Natalie warns him against taking chances with his book his next drawing is quite unique and what if Jeremy decided to become an ant? What if he joined an ant colony and talk these ants to talk? What happens if he cannot regain his human form? What if he stays as an ant? The scenes are quite humorous, the lessons he learns about how to deal with ants, becoming one of them and how he interacts with the ants might teach kids how to deal with other races and other people. Meeting the Queen Ant she was enthralled by his appearance and telling her his story really fascinated the Queen Ant. But, what she determines about him well you have to read it for yourself. So, just who will save Jeremy and help him turn back into being human?

Jeremy learned a lot from the ants besides friendship, loyalty and understanding. He loved being accepted for himself and helping them against their attackers really shows that Jeremy does take the initiative but when he finally returns home things just might change for everyone. Jeremy learns many lessons in this book but one for sure as he and Natalie have their disagreements and their lives change when he realizes just what a loyal friend she is and he begins to look at her in a different way. But, Jeremy is headstrong and decides to use the notebook to go back in time to see those cave paintings and his experience is quite exciting, dangerous but with the help a friend he just might make it back in one piece but definitely with some obvious wear and tear.

Jeremy is very smart and one question has him asking some more: What happened to his dad? Where is he? What if I could do something great for my mom? What Jeremy decides to do for his mom is endear you to him even more. What happens as a result will let you know that some things cannot be changed, history, well you decide what exactly happened when he goes back in time and friendships that will be lifelong. What happens when Jeremy uses his sketchpad one more time to do something special for his mom? Who comes to his rescue and proves that they will always you might say watch his back? What about Natalie? Will she stick around or will she decide that his use of the pad is too dangerous and that every time he uses it something bad happens? An ending you won’t expect and a 13 year old inquisitive young man named Jeremy and his best friend Natalie are both on different journeys to adulthood but will they wind up there together? Friends forever or will they part? Find out when author Jeffrey Daniels continues his adventures of this great kid named Jeremy Shuttle.

“Knowing what you are looking for does you little good if you don’t know where to look.” Book 2: just might enlighten him and readers too. What is Jeremy looking for that he still has not found? Find out when you read What If? What If I told you the answers then you would not have the joy and pleasure of reading this great book with this inquisitive young man, smart young girl named Natalie and a good mom named Theresa.
Fran Lewis: reviewer
Let’s give this book: FIVE LOYAL GOLDEN ANTS
fran.lewis1 | 2 andere besprekingen | May 21, 2013 |
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