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Julianna DeeringBesprekingen

Auteur van Rules of Murder

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"Joy Atkins has met many people while running Mercy Hospital's gift shop, but she has never come across anyone quite like boy genius, Connor Sherman. Connor is a fifteen-year-old high school senior set on starting college as soon as possible. All his life he's been poked, prodded, examined, and filmed by doctors and documentarians, and he's now eager to leave home and gain some independence, despite his mother's wariness. But an accident lands him in the hospital, and his discharge is delayed again and again when a series of mishaps endanger his health. Can Joy discover who is out to harm Connor and why?" From the back of the book
salem.colorado | Jan 18, 2024 |
Once again we have another enjoyable installment in the "Mysteries of Martha's Vineyard" series by Guideposts. This time, Priscilla Latham Grant is visited by an old friend of hers from Kansas. This friend is looking for her aunt, who lives nearby. Informed of the lady's death, Priscilla's friend begins to think that her aunt isn't dead at all, and the hunt is on to find out what is really going on.

The pages turn quickly and a smile is sure to be on your face once you've finished the book. Excellent.
briandrewz | Nov 15, 2023 |
In helping her cousin find a kidney transplant, Joy finds that more than one child's birth record was falsified. Can this mystery be solved?
salem.colorado | Jul 16, 2023 |
Good mystery but I could have done without the slight Christian emphasis... this was not as marked as I have come across before but there was enough that I noticed and was a bit annoyed.
leslie.98 | 33 andere besprekingen | Jun 27, 2023 |
Part of the" Annies Sweet Intrigue" series by Guideposts
LOLSCWAZ | Nov 30, 2022 |
A friend (CC) gifted me the first 10 books in this series. I believe there are additional ones that come after those 10. This is book #9 so that means I'm probably almost done with the ones she sent me.
I have found these pleasantly diverting for times when I'm nervous (such as waiting at a doctor's office).

I love the cute cover illustrations which always picture Watson with some clue from the book. Sometimes I almost feel like it's "Where's Watson" because sometimes he is a bit hidden (not in this cover illustration though.)

This book is kind of a combination of Writing Contest and Regency Romance theme.

Publisher Northanger has sponsored a writing contest to find a new Regency Romance author with the prize being a 3 book contract. Their premier Regency Romance author Camilla Courtenay is one of the judges. Northanger has arranged for the three finalists along with Camilla, her assistant, her daughter, her publisher, and her publisher's assistant to stay at Castleton Manor.

I think most writers dream of being awarded a contract by a traditional publisher--and think they'll have it made once they do. (Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.) I know that was the hope of many people in the writing group I attended years ago. These days, I think publishers are more likely to drop authors (or not renew their contracts) if books don't sell as well as they estimated they would.

I've also heard the "any publicity is good publicity" party line in the past (but not necessarily related to authors).

I suspected someone else (not the person who eventually confessed). I'm not always good at figuring out whodunit, so your experience may vary--my friend who gave me these did guess the culprit.
JenniferRobb | Sep 5, 2022 |
A friend (CC) gifted me several of these cozy mysteries. Most can probably be read as stand-alones although I am reading them in series order.

This book is a little different than the preceding 4. In most of the other books, there was an event or theme. This time it is a family reunion of sorts--with an autographed set of Agatha Christie books up for possible sale to Castleton Manor. A winter storm traps a skeleton crew staff, Wolfe Jaxon, the Drelington family, 2 stranded travelers, and Faith's Aunt Eileen at the Manor. The autographed books start disappearing .

Faith is more involved in solving the mystery this time--with a little help from Rob Drelington who is a police officer. It's also cute to see Watson infatuated with the shy Lucy.
JenniferRobb | Sep 2, 2022 |
It's the 1930s and Madeline and Drew Farthering have been invited to a Regency era house party. This will be at the home of the parents of Talbot Cummins, an old Oxford classmate. But not all goes to plan as a death occurs, and this will not be the last.
An enjoyable cozy mystery, with a few Austen quote to compliment the era of the party though I didn't care much for the religious references.
Vesper1931 | 6 andere besprekingen | Jul 29, 2021 |
In 1930's England Drew Farthering is having a weekend party at his country estate when a body is found in the greenhouse. With the help of his best friend, Nick Dennison, they aim to solve the crime, then more bodies are found.
Vesper1931 | 33 andere besprekingen | Jul 29, 2021 |
I found the pacing a bit slow, particularly in the beginning. Some of the dialogue felt a bit unrealistic and out of keeping with the time period in which the story was supposed to be set. There were a few twists at the end, I just wish the author had spent more time developing the mystery and less time with the romance. Georgette Heyer seemed to be able to have her "little romance" without it detracting too much from the mystery. Pity, Ms Deering couldn't pull off the same in this book. The religious stuff was slightly annoying too. The idea of playing with Ronald Knox's rules for detective fiction, was cute.
michdubb | 33 andere besprekingen | Mar 20, 2021 |
Fun mystery that was inspired by the rules to writing a good mystery.
Wanda-Gambling | 33 andere besprekingen | Feb 18, 2021 |
Good mystery but I could have done without the slight Christian emphasis... this was not as marked as I have come across before but there was enough that I noticed and was a bit annoyed.
leslie.98 | 33 andere besprekingen | Jul 28, 2020 |
this was another very good book from the series! Absolutely loving the whole series
vintage-series-Lisa | Apr 25, 2019 |
Reading through the whole series. I loved this one!
vintage-series-Lisa | Apr 25, 2019 |
Drew & his childhood friend Nick, (the butler's son) arrive home for a house party... Drew finds his mother's alleged lover in his room & proceeds to cause a ruckus by kicking the man out. Drew's step-father requests that the man, be allowed to remain as he is a business partner, to which Drew relents... only to later find the man murdered in the Greenhouse.

Previous to the man's murder the chemical engineer of the company is found dead in his laboratory and the company secretary allegedly takes himself off to the Canadian offices. Then after the party, Drew's mother is found murdered (possible suicide), and days later Drew's step-father is also murdered.

Bearer bonds go missing, a secret passage is located in the offices, the past murder in the Canadian offices rears its ugly head again... people are just not whom they seem.

During all of these goings on, Drew falls in love w/ his step-father's niece who has come from America w/ two friends to tour the Continent....

I liked the plot, the story line, & the characters; however, the book needed to be 1/2 the length & I still abhor the religious dogma contained therein, one would think that the main character Drew Farthering was a minister rather than a detective.
Auntie-Nanuuq | 33 andere besprekingen | Oct 13, 2018 |
Love all the books in this series! I love the clean and wholesomeness of this era, and the settings in and around England. The characters are believable and the mystery intriguing. Drew and Madeline are celebrating their six-month anniversary by attending a house party where costumes and activities are related to an earlier era. But then a friend's fiance is killed and Drew is tasked with the work of finding her killer. Can he do it and keep him and Madeline out of danger?
MichelleConnell | 6 andere besprekingen | Sep 26, 2018 |
Love Drew, Madeline and Nick. Wasn’t too happy with Carrie through most of the book. I didn’t think she was that wimpy in the other books. I hope Carrie gets a bit more gumption in the next book. Her aside I loved the rest of the group and the story. I did not want to put this book down. I hope there are many more in this series. I received a copy of this book from Bethany House for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 31, 2017 |
This is book six in the Drew Farthering Mystery Books. Don't let this turn you away, however. I don't always enjoy coming into a series not having read the previous books, but I thought I would try this one since it was a mystery. I am very glad that I did.

In this book, Drew Farthering was going for a holiday at the 1935 British Open at Muirfield. While there he discovers that the partner of Lord Rainsby, his host, is believed to be embezzling. Lord Rainsby as for help but soon is found dead. As is his way, Farthering continues looking around, in spite of all the guest present, each who had motive to kill Rainsby.

This book is filled with history and mystery, two things that draw me right into a book. The characters in the book gave me a feeling that I was glancing into a life I would not have known, if I were around at that time. This makes me feel like a fly on the wall, trying to absorb as much as I can. The same can be said about the way the mystery was written. I felt like I was looking for a solution with Farthering, without interfering or knowing what was to come next.

I loved this mystery and I hope to now pick up other books by the same author. I was given this book by Bethany House Publishing in exchange for my honest review.
ksnapier | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 30, 2017 |
Title: Death at Thorburn Hall (Drew Farthering #6)
Author: Julianna Deering
Pages: 329
Year: 2017
Publisher: Bethany House
My rating is 4 out of 5 stars.
While visiting a distant cousin who lives in Scotland, her husband falls off his horse during a ride and dies. Drew asks a few questions and is satisfied it is truly an accident. The victim’s daughter, however, is not. Her father was an excellent horseman. She begs Drew to look more into the matter, and Drew soon discovers that the death was not an accident. Someone had tampered with the saddle, but who would want Lord Rainsby dead?
Drew delves deeper into the lives of the Rainsby family with the help of his best friend, Nick Dennison. Nick has more on his mind than murder, however. The woman he hopes to marry has arrived, but she is very troubled being around murder and the ensuing investigation. Nick is afraid she will return to America and stay away another three years or perhaps more. So, Drew is juggling a murder investigation, his best friend’s romantic life, his cousin’s grief, a daughter’s suspicions and a chief inspector who wants no interference from amateur detectives. Then, another body is discovered and shortly thereafter a third body washes ashore from the sea. Are the murder’s connected? If so, by what? Drew’s detective skills will be put to the test as he tries to find a killer.
My only negative about this mystery was the role of Carrie in the story. She was a distraction and downer for most of the story. I liked Madeline’s positive attitude and the prominent role faith had in her life. I also liked the playful interaction between Madeline and Drew. I was intrigued by the mystery of Drew’s search for his birth mother. Will he continue to try to find her? Maybe he will finally track her down and have a chance to meet her, or maybe she will be involved in his next murder mystery. I’ll anxiously await the next tale and let you know!
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lamb521 | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 15, 2017 |
“Murder on the Moor” by Julianna Deering is a novel about friendship, clandestine activities, village eccentrics, and murder. The dialogue reeks of Britain. I found this very enjoyable. This novel takes place in the Yorkshire moors in the village of Bunting’s Nest. Drew and Madeline Fathering have earned a reputation for sleuthing and solving mysteries. When Drew’s old college classmate Beaky’s calls Drew for help, he and Madeline can hardly refuse. Beaky’s Bloodworth Park Lodge has become the scene of small crimes and unexplained worrisome incidents that are scaring the life out of his wife. After the murder of the old vicar of the church someone needs to investigate. Beaky welcomes Drew and Madeline to his home, not so much Beaky’s wife, Sabrina. After the murder of an elderly woman follows on the heels of the vicar’s demise, everyone is suspect. As the comment goes…the plot thickens. I did not have an inkling of the ending. It was a complete surprise and worth every word read to get there. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes mysteries and anything British.

I received a complimentary print copy from for reading and review. You can read this review on my blog at Check out other book reviews at I have also placed a review of this book on, on, and on at
SilverShrew | 5 andere besprekingen | Oct 27, 2017 |
Five books into the Drew Farthering mystery series, and I am still wowed! Drew and Madeline are back in Murder on The Moor, a book with a definite Gothic-vibe that will keep you guessing right up to the end. For fans of cozy, classic, or historical mysteries, this one is a must-read!

It’s a dark and stormy night when Drew and Madeline have a visitor who whisks them away to the moors of Yorkshire in search of a murderer. There are mysterious goings-on at the Lodge that Drew feels cannot be attributed to supernatural hounds and gypsies. Plus the bodies are piling up! Can Drew solve the case before more innocents are murdered?

Drew Farthering is such a fun character. A true gentleman, his interests in murder mysteries translate to real cases. This amateur is assisted by wife Madeline and friend and employee Nick. Nick especially has a fun role in this book. Supporting characters are well-drawn and illicit a good deal of suspicion. The moors are a great backdrop for the mystery adding an extra level of intrigue. Drew is persistent in his presumptions in this case and seeks to mold the clues to his theories — something he knows is bad sleuthing. But he just can’t seem to help himself. I actually liked that about Drew — he (and the reader) learn that assumptions are often due to past experiences and prejudices and can be vastly unfair. Drew relies heavily on his faith, and it (and the counsel of Madeline) serves him well in setting his path straight again. The villain is at last exposed, and you won’t see it coming!

I finished Murder on The Moor just in time for the release of the sixth adventure featuring Drew, Death at Thorburn Hall. Although a well-established series, each book including Murder on The Moor, can be read as a standalone. But I would suggest digging into all the Drew Farthering mysteries — there’s great fun in these great books!


Audience: adults.

(Thanks to Bethany House for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
vintagebeckie | 5 andere besprekingen | Oct 16, 2017 |
I enjoy nothing more than a good clean mystery. Ms. Deering certainly delivered! I can’t wait to read more of her books this was my first! The married amateur detective duo of Drew and Madeline brought to mind the old classic movies of Nick and Nora, whose films were made in the 1930’s, the same era as the book’s setting.
The couple is called to an old school chums estate in the English Moors to help him solve 2 murders that there could possibly be no motive; the vicar and a poor elderly woman. Also because his bride of less than a year has been hearing things and feels she is being followed
His friend Beaky Bloodworth would be what you would call a geek or a nerd during their school days, the victim of constant bullying. Not only has Beaky done quite well for himself but is married to an absolutely beautiful woman, so much so her reasons for marrying look suspicious. Not to mention her attitude toward her husband, Definitely not that of a gushing newlywed.
The author’s descriptiveness of the characters, their personality and physical characteristics were so fantastic, I felt I had a snap shot of them in hand. Beaky’s name gave me a chuckle as it fit his thin, hawkish appearance. She beautifully captured the interactions between the individuals on all levels. I loved Drew and Madeline’s sweet and loving relationship. Not gushy but as a good, caring marriage would be. It didn’t stop there she painted a word picture of the homes, stores, pub, and especially the moors. I found the latter quite depressing, and gloomy. A perfect location for solving a crime!
The book kept me on edge. Lots of surprises. Every time I thought I had the murderer cornered in my mind another person would appear equally as guilty! It wasn’t until the very end the criminal is revealed and I wasn’t right on any counts! What a surprise! Just the way I like a whodunit! A book you will want to read!
I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. The opinions I state are my own.
Mizroady | 5 andere besprekingen | Jul 6, 2017 |
The fourth book in the Drew Farthering Mystery series by Julianna Deering, Dressed for Death, finds Drew and Madeline attending a week-long party at the Cummins family country home. The theme is Regency England, and all the guests are required to dress and act the part. Yachting trips, picnics, and a ball are on the agenda, but so is murder. While the bodies continue to pile up, the crimes hit a little too close to home for Drew. Faced with his own inadequacies, Drew perseveres to find out just whodunit.

Deering’s mystery series takes place in 1930s England, and she does a wonderful job of bringing the era to life. Dressed for Death adds another layer with the Regency party. Both Drew’s time with its cultural references and the Regency era are wonderfully integrated — kudos on the meticulous historical research! Jane Austen fans will love the numerous references to the author’s works. The mystery itself is puzzling up to the end. I had my suspicions, but was surprised as Drew solved the case. Drew is an interesting character. Part of the wealthy class of England, he certainly doesn’t have to work for a living, but his calling as an amateur detective presents challenges. In Dressed for Death, Drew grapples with discouragement and doubt as he examines what it really means to be called by God. The local vicar advises: “Don’t let anyone despise the gifts you’ve been given, and don’t you do so, either. They may not fit anyone else’s idea of a calling, but the world has all sorts of needs, and God has provided for each of them to be filled, if we all do our part. It would be a shame if your part were left undone.” (p. 303) A great message no matter the task God provides.

Dressed for Death comes in the middle of the series, with book 5 now available and book 6 due out in November 2017. It can be read as a standalone, but I think the series is too good to miss any of the fun. If you haven’t read any of the books, start now with Rules of Murder and then progress through the rest. You’ll be all caught up just in time for Drew’s latest adventure!


Audience: adults.

(Thanks to Bethany House for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
vintagebeckie | 6 andere besprekingen | Jul 6, 2017 |
Review This was fantastic as always. I love Drew and Madeline. I wish Nick might have been in a little more but at least he was in a little. I loved the other character of Beaky who hires Drew. He was fun. I hope there will be many more to this series. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit and the author for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 5 andere besprekingen | Mar 12, 2017 |
[bookcover:Death by the Book|18008076]

Death by the Book, Julianna Deering

★ ★

This is the 2nd book I've read (and it is #2 in the series), but I read it after the 3rd one. Had I read this before #3, "Murder at the Mikado", I would not have read #3.

I do not like the female characters, Madeline, Drew's soon to be wife, nor do I like her Aunt Ruth. Madeline is wishy-washy & Aunt Ruth is an ungracious bullying old bat.

Drew & his friend Nick are good characters, dependable, and insightful.

I also did not like the spurts of "christianity" dogmatic preaching in the book, which was not so obvious in #3. I'm thinking Bethany Press is a "christian" press and I need to further avoid it.

Plot Line: Drew, Nick & Madeline are drawn in to investigate the murder of a lawyer, who was to have met his paramour in a local hotel. He is found dead with a note in scrolled writing pinned to his chest w/ a hat-pin, his wedding ring missing.

The 2nd murder is that of a doctor, with a similar note pinned to his chest by hat-pin, his cigarette case missing, but the lawyer's wedding ring in his pocket.

The 3rd murder is that of a flashy young woman, strangled, with note pinned to her w/ a hat-pin. The doctor's cigarette case found in the pocket of her companion's possession

A visiting American is being set up to woo Madeline by Aunt Ruth, but soon he too is found murdered... and in the cottage's kitchen that Aunt Ruth shares w/ Madeline.

Soon, Drew, himself, is targeted......

The story line was interesting (+1 star), but those several things that I disliked, really killed the book & series for me.
Auntie-Nanuuq | 8 andere besprekingen | Mar 6, 2017 |
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