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Shawn Doyle is a qualified speaker and there are many helpful pointers in this book. It is meant for a general audience, hence, covers a lot of possible networking opportunities. One reason I didn't enjoy reading this book is the language used; it is informal and has a monologue-tone to it.
nikkiroy | Apr 14, 2021 |
This is a book I want the hard copy version of, not just the digital.

How to Skin a Badger, err. Jumpstart Your Creativity is a fun, insightful read from the first paragraph, to the last. There are exercises (questions) at the end of each chapter to help you embrace your creativity.

I know, I am about to abuse the word, but the authors have some creative ideas for how we can find and embrace our inner creative self. I can see how these methods have worked with business, groups and individuals. They appear to be common sense, once you've read the book, and you wonder why you didn't think of it yourself.

Probably, because like me, you have been denying your creative side..

Read this book. Seriously. No matter where you are in your life, it can help you find the lost side of you. The side that is creative. Once you find that side, it can open doors to other things, including the possiblity of learning how to enjoy the things you do work. Maybe you can teach yourself a new way to do the same old...same old.
Sirsangel | Jan 17, 2015 |
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