Afbeelding van de auteur.

Karsten Dusse

Auteur van Achtsam morden

8 Werken 321 Leden 15 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

Bevat de naam: Karsten Dusse


Werken van Karsten Dusse

Achtsam morden (2019) 162 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
Das Kind in mir will achtsam morden (2020) 71 exemplaren, 5 besprekingen
Achtsam morden am Rande der Welt (2021) 45 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Achtsam morden im Hier und Jetzt (2022) 24 exemplaren
Halbwissen eines Volljuristen (2015) 5 exemplaren


Algemene kennis

Officiële naam
Dusse, Karsten
Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland



This was a great pleasure, as always.
Björn Diemel is back! After a celebration - or actually a planned "non-celebration" - of his 45th birthday has gone horribly wrong, it's time for another visit to his therapist Joschka Breitner. He then puts his finger on the wound and asks the crucial question: What does he actually want from his life? A question that has certainly puzzled many people. Nevertheless, Diemel is not (or no longer) a man who runs away from such existential problems and so, like legions of other seekers, he sets out on the path of knowledge - namely the Way of St James. Here he hopes to answer his questions in quiet contemplation and strenuous walking. Nevertheless, even Björn Diemel has to realise that the question of the meaning of life takes on a completely different dynamic when someone tries to take it away from someone else. Even in the pious guise of a pilgrim, not everyone seems to like lawyers, and certainly not this lawyer ...… (meer)
Ameise1 | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 15, 2024 |
A thousand thanks SirThomas for bringing this series to my attention.
Björn Diemel is a successful lawyer who has very little time for his wife and young daughter. His wife demands that he attend a mindfulness course and that he temporarily live somewhere else. In addition to 'father time' when he has to look after Emily, he also has to look for a kindergarten place for his daughter. After more than 30 applications and many rejections, it seems that he would not find a place.
The mindfulness course seems to bear fruit, because Björn applies it consistently, even if he sometimes has to twist the meaning of the details in his favour.
When a quiet weekend at the lake with his daughter is planned, his main client, a gangster boss, gets in his way. With the help of the mindfulness guidebook, Björn gets rid of the troublemaker, but has to realise afterwards that more problems now arise. But that's where the guidebook helps him and he feels justified in killing someone mindfully.
It is an extremely amusing crime novel and I often had to smile.
… (meer)
Ameise1 | 6 andere besprekingen | May 14, 2023 |
Mir gehts mit diesen Büchern immer gleich: Ich finde Mord als Problemlösung sehr schlecht und trotzdem gefallen mir die Bücher. Es ist auch im dritten Buch immer noch verblüffend, wie passend die Achtsamkeitsgedanken sind und wie absurd sie angewendet werden.
Diesmal ist Björn Diemel auf dem Jakobsweg unterwegs und findet tatsächlich einige Antworten auf seine Lebensfragen. Ich finde Joschka Breitner als Therapeut wirklich sehr überzeugend und das Pilgervokabular passt auch genau. Allerdings wird der Jakobsweg von Björn schon nach wenigen Tagen durch Todesfälle gestört. Das Buch ist schnell gelesen und amüsiert größtenteils. Mir gefiel der erste Teil besser als der Schluss, aber ich mag auch die Achtsamkeitsaspekte lieber als die Action, zumal ich das Ende nicht überzeugend fand. Insgesamt aber wieder ein ziemlicher Spaß!… (meer)
Wassilissa | 2 andere besprekingen | May 1, 2023 |
Genial, divertido, ocurrente. Sólo espero/deseo que el autor haga una saga con el protagonista del libro.

Es una novela negra, pero con un fino humor que hace que la historia sea más especial y mejor. El protagonista es un tipo inteligente, que una vez hace el curso, interioriza totalmente la filosofía del mindfulness. Sus reflexiones son buenísimas.

Sus toques de humor son francamente buenos. La parte del dron y de la secretaria me han hecho reír más que los últimos libros de humor que he leído. Y no por ello deja de ser una novela muy negra.… (meer)
Akasha88 | 6 andere besprekingen | Mar 6, 2023 |



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