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I love to bake as is well known by now. I love that this book has both sweet and savory recipes which makes it a great book to have in a cookbook library. The recipes are basics that have been jazzed up with flavors you might not usually find in that treat – like the orange zest in oatmeal cookies. A really lovely addition. The recipes are easy to follow and the instructions are well written.

It’s broken down into different sections; pies and tarts, scones, muffins and biscuits, breads and pizzas and so on so it’s easy to find what you might be looking to bake. Each recipe has a story explaining its origin which is always a delight in a cookbook. I love knowing how a recipe came to be. My only complaint is that there are just not enough pictures of the finished baked goods. I appreciate that photos make a book more expensive but it’s so very helpful to see what something is supposed to look like. There are a few photos in a section in the center but for me, not nearly enough.

Overall it’s a great cookbook to add to my library.½
BooksCooksLooks | Aug 1, 2015 |