Afbeelding auteur

Cat FarrisBesprekingen

Auteur van My Boyfriend is a Bear

6+ Werken 206 Leden 28 Besprekingen


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This book was weird enough that I did a full review of it on my blog; you can read it here! :D
deborahee | 27 andere besprekingen | Feb 23, 2024 |
A genius concept, well-executed (Ribon and Farris LEAN IN to this premise, which is the only way to succeed), but not 100% my cup of tea. It was a bit long, and I had a hard time relating to the protagonist, whose experience of being a woman is very very different from mine.

(I know it's set in LA, but dude, that sundress looks COLD. I just want to hand the poor lady a cardigan.)

ETA: LOL at the reviewers getting squicked out by a lady/bear relationship. It does what it says on the tin, folks.
raschneid | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 19, 2023 |
That was pretty cute
Moshepit20 | 27 andere besprekingen | Nov 4, 2023 |
An absolute blast!
Chris.Cummings | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 29, 2022 |
My Boyfriend is a Bear is unable to rise above its overwhelming weirdness to share whatever charms it may have.

Two stars because the illustrations by Cat Farris are clean, colorful, and expressive.

Full review on Goodreads.
Caroline77 | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 2, 2022 |
I really don't know what to think about this one.

The art is ADORABLE (everyone is so cute! And yet so unique and well-realized), the plot is sweet with some relatable aspects, and it's an enjoyable, breezy read.


She's dating a literal bear. He gets a job, puts up shelves, eats constantly (how rich is Nora?? Her house is lovely and she can afford all this food that a LITERAL bear is eating constantly?), plays scrabble (so can read), but can't talk. They have lots of sex. Apparently, while this is not common, there are other people out there who have done this, as there are books that Nora reads for advice and eventually she starts her own shop to supply clothes to other bears that are dating humans.

It's all just... strange.

I can believe this is what dating a bear is REALLY like, and they're certainly a sweet couple, but, still. This is a bear! Who can't talk! Who weights hundreds of pounds! Who hibernates 6 months out of the year! WHAT.

There's a beautiful message about how, just because relationships are unconventional or not meant to last doesn't mean they're not important and meaningful, with which I wholeheartedly agree. I just don't know anyone who would be able to get over the fact that HE'S A LITERAL BEAR and they have sex and everyone knows.
Elna_McIntosh | 27 andere besprekingen | Sep 29, 2021 |
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

booklover3258 | 27 andere besprekingen | Sep 24, 2021 |
Based on a review copy

My Boyfriend is a Bear: Big furry love!

Onipress released a sweet and cuddly love story between a woman and the bear who followed her home from the woods.

Nora is bad with love and working a crappy telemarketing job. She goes on a picnic with a douchebag hipster. After he mocs and shames her for having some fun trashy magazines to read (and he decants a wine bottle in the woods), she buries her shame in the forest floor.. where the bear is watching.

Days later the bear shows up at her house, holding a magazine with Nora’s mailing label. He is absolutely accepting of her.

The bear in this story is not a metaphor, not a hairy man, but an actual bear.

I loved this graphicnovel. It was cute and memorable.. and manages to tapdance around zoophilia, focusing instead on the bear’s personality / interactions with the human world (while wearing his Arcade Fire t-shirt).
Toast.x2 | 27 andere besprekingen | Sep 23, 2021 |
After a series of terrible boyfriends, Nora is about ready to give up on love until she meets Bear and finds he's the best companion for her life. But hibernation season is approaching...

A cute comic full of laughs and sweet moments. Is it thoroughly strange to think too hard about the plot of this one? Absolutely. Is it enjoyable anyway? Definitely. Recommended.
MickyFine | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 31, 2020 |
It's a graphic novel about a girl who is in a relationship with a bear. It's not a were-bear, or a person cursed to be a bear, or a Beauty and the Beast thing. Her boyfriend is literally a bear. It's strange, and you have to not think too closely about it, but it's oddly adorable and compelling.

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more to the story though.

Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley.
wisemetis | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 6, 2020 |
Absolutely adorable.
Shofbrook | 27 andere besprekingen | Nov 6, 2020 |
What a bizarre, funny story. I was skeptical of the premise pretty much the entire time, but I just couldn't stop reading. The art is simply fantastic - I would buy a print of that bear in the Arcade Fire t-shirt. And while the story covers familiar territory, (friends meeting your new man, working a terrible job, etc.) the fact that he's a bear, a real honest to goodness BEAR, makes the whole thing just delightfully ridiculous. I don't know if/how I'd recommend this to people at my library - the whole human/animal thing is decidedly off-putting - but in the end I couldn't help but root for them.
AnnaWaffles | 27 andere besprekingen | Aug 28, 2020 |
Totally adorable, but not entirely sure what the point was.
JenniferElizabeth2 | 27 andere besprekingen | Aug 25, 2020 |
Arbitrary start date, but it took me about a month to read this, picking it up once a week for 10-15 minutes at a time.

I oscillated between trying to puzzle out the extended metaphor, and trying to read it as the straight comedy it’s written as. (That sentence sucks.) I hope you understand what I mean. The book really defies greater interpretation. It hits you over the head repeatedly with the “no, it’s really a literal bear we’re talking about here”. Which is too bad really, because while that’s a semi-amusing premise, it doesn’t go anywhere, there’s no sudden understanding that all bears are sentient and we’ve been treating them wrong for centuries or anything silly like that. No, it’s just a bear in a relationship with a girl who isn’t afraid to work at a completely morally reprehensible job.

So... ultimately, this kinda sucked. Cute tho.
livingtech | 27 andere besprekingen | Mar 18, 2020 |
Nora's had some bad dating luck, but all that changes when she meets the bear of her dreams. (Yes, literally, a bear.) Of course, it's a little difficult explaining their relationship to friends and family -- and what's going to happen when hibernation season rolls around?

A friend recommended this as a cute romance, and I can see that, but I couldn't ever quite get past being squicked out by the concept. Your mileage may vary.½
foggidawn | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 19, 2019 |
This book would definitely be a little too mature for a school library, but it was so much fun nonetheless! Nora is a twenty-something working in a call center and has always dated douchebags. She finally finds the man of her dreams-he is funny, smart, kind, and loved to cuddle, BUT he is a bear. A real, live, American black bear. He breaks alot of her things, plays with her cat, eats alot of food, and juggles, but they make it work. Soon though, like bears do, he has to hibernate and they must be separated for all of winter. Sarah has to figure out if she can make it through the winter alone, despite her friends' and mother's protests, or let her Bear go.

Overall, this story was fun! The graphics are simple and stunning and help the reader feel how Nora is feeling. As a fellow twenty-something, I could identify with many of Nora's struggles and wanting for MORE. MY BOYFRIEND IS A BEAR is hilarious, fun, beautiful, and does not disappoint.
lispylibrarian | 27 andere besprekingen | Dec 11, 2019 |
cute story about a girl who falls in love with a bear... and apparently everyone is ok with a bear walking around with a girl. Who know.
EBassett | 27 andere besprekingen | Mar 20, 2019 |
My Boyfriend Is a Bear is the story of an unlikely romance between a woman and her bear. This is a sweet graphic novel that is not as perverse as the title may imply. Ribon provides a romance with all the elements you expect: an unlikely couple, a chance encounter, and the mistrust and pressure to evolve for a partner that causes division. Farris’s art is a simple and colorful comic style, but it fits the subject. One way this graphic novel stands out is in its lack of sentimentality. This is a sweet story, but it’s not cloying. It parallels a realistic relationship without losing its heart or trying too hard. Lots to grah here.
chrisblocker | 27 andere besprekingen | Jan 13, 2019 |
Much like Hot Tub Time Machine, you know exactly what you’re getting with this graphic novel. Starring a cutesy girl named Nora who happens to be dating a bear, My Boyfriend is a Bear is a surprisingly adorable story with even more adorable artwork from artist Cat Farris. A little weird at times (for obvious bear on human reasons), this graphic novel may be a metaphor for prejudices and the way that opposites attract … but also might not be a metaphor at all? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

yrchmonger | 27 andere besprekingen | Jan 1, 2019 |
If you can get over the obvious weirdness of a human being in-love with an actual animal (there's an implied cutaway to a love scene O_O), then the book is okay. The illustrations are super-cute. I know Debra was supposed to be hater, but she brought up valid points, y'know.

The biggest hurdle and plot point involves the dreaded hibernation. Overall, an okay book to pass the time but not for kids since there is a bunch of cussing and references to male genitalia (d**k).
DestDest | 27 andere besprekingen | Oct 11, 2018 |
28-year-old Nora has dated a lot of men and honestly? They all suck. But then she meets this bear ... and he's so helpful and kind and positive and really lets her be herself, without judgement. What will her friends and family and neighbors think? What will happen when winter comes?

Before you ask, yes, I DO plan on suing the for stealing my life story.

This was SO sweet. The art is great and Nora is (obviously) super relatable. It wasn't as weird as I thought it would be! Highly recommended if you like graphic novels and/or romance.½
norabelle414 | 27 andere besprekingen | Jul 31, 2018 |
A woman falls in love with a bear. Bear moves in with her. Friends and family are only mildly freaked out. Ditto for me.

Being a bit of a bear myself, I could relate to the sweet romance at the heart of this very odd book, though I did have to turn off the rational part of my brain a little bit and just go with the flow.
villemezbrown | 27 andere besprekingen | Jul 28, 2018 |
This graphic novel is a sweet romance story of a woman and a 500 pound American Black Bear.

It's funny and weird and sweet and completely delightful. The artwork by Cat Ferris is wonderful.

Nora first meets Bear on a camping trip with the latest in her string of horrible boyfriends. Later Bear shows up at her house and soon she's falling for him. I know. It's silly but trust me this is a delightful little romance.

Relationships are hard between humans and a relationsip between a woman and a bear isn't any easier. They have their conflicts. Some of her friends are fine and others think he's all wrong for her. Aside from the interspecies thing it's really a rather realistic relationship story.

Just read it. It's charming.
SuziQoregon | 27 andere besprekingen | Jul 6, 2018 |
This just arrived in the mail. I can only assume that I signed up to receive it as an early review thing, but I can find no record of it, so, uh, I think that I am giving this review in exchange for a free book.


That established; this is a sweet book. Not much to it, really, just cute and sweet. I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it to anyone, but... there's also no reason not to like it.
Kesterbird | 27 andere besprekingen | Jun 15, 2018 |
Nora is a typical 20-something woman living in California -- she has an unfulfilling job and a string of bad exes. But her romantic future seems to be looking up when she goes on a camping trip and finds a most unexpected partner -- a bear. The bear and Nora instantly click, but convincing her family and friends that he is a good fit for her is another story altogether...

This book is weird and improbable, but it manages to remain largely upbeat and surprisingly romantic. It actually struck a lot of emotional strings in very poignant ways, which is way more than I was expecting from a comic with a bear on its cover. The illustrations fit the book well, complementing the text in style and substance.
1 stem
sweetiegherkin | 27 andere besprekingen | Jun 10, 2018 |
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