Afbeelding auteur

Lori FolkmanBesprekingen

Auteur van The Reign of Trees

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Generations has a cute premise. We have all dreamed of somehow having the opportunity to meet our celebrity crush and then somehow magically getting them to fall in love with us and date us. For Kat, this dream becomes a reality and she sees just how difficult dating a celebrity can be. However, while I like the idea, the execution falls flat.

There are many problems that turn this book from prevent this novel from being a decent teen romance, the biggest of which is the completely unnatural reactions and dialogue of the characters. For example, take when Ben meets Kat for the first time:

"Hi, I'm Cat."

As in meow? Was this some sort of pick-up line? Was he the mouse?

I don't know anyone who would actually think this. Kat is a common enough name that I don't see why Ben would be confused by it.

The second biggest problem is how fast conflicts resolve. There is a huge relationship conflict between Ben and Kat introduced about three-quarters of the way through the book that magically disappears. Not only did this leave me unsatisfied, since I expected more of a climax, but it also made me doubt how true Ben and Kat's relationship is (which is especially bad since it's the main focus of the novel). All we really see about their "love" for each other is how they pine away when the other isn't near. Not my idea of a decent relationship. They act more like twelve-year-olds than teenagers on the brink of adulthood.

Other things that bothered me were the pacing, lack of setting detail, and general plot development. However, it wasn't all bad. There were some parts that were truly funny and enjoyable, but overall, I just couldn't get past all problems to enjoy the good parts.
sedelia | Apr 20, 2012 |