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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I'm in agreement with andrealibrarian - I'm sure this book will be useful for some women. For me, though, the writing style was so off-putting, I couldn't finish reading it.½
inblackink | 7 andere besprekingen | Jul 24, 2009 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
On the whole, a good and helpful book. If you already have a healthy and active sex life pre-pregnancy, there's no reason not to once you're pregnant. This book reinforces that idea. It should be noted that some of the descriptions and details are explicit (I received a pre-print review copy without illustrations, so I can't comment on those). This is a helpful guide in familiar and sometimes humorous language that makes the material accessible and easy to understand. My only question is, is this book necessary? I think most if not all people, especially pregnant couples, know how sex works, and what works for them specifically. I'm just not sure that most people would learn much that they don't already know.
JESBos | 7 andere besprekingen | Jul 23, 2009 |
Your Orgasmic Pregnancy was written with several goals in mind: first, to dispel the socially constructed notion that pregnancy and sex are mutually exclusive; and second, to explain the various forms such sex can take. The book adopts a light, informal tone that will keep it accessible to the lay reader, but doesn't shirk on providing factual information. The authors deserve kudos for stressing that there is nothing inherently wrong with sexuality during one's pregnancy (assuming the absence of medical complications), that it is important to be receptive to the various ways in which one's changing body can enhance or alter one's sexual tastes and experience of the act itself, that there are many ways to achieve satisfaction aside from vaginal intercourse, and the importance of constant communication with one's partner throughout. They also take pains to make sure that the information they provide is gender-neutral so that both hetero- and homosexual expecting couples can make use of its content. Cavallucci and Fulbright are to be commended for repeatedly stressing the need to take care of one's own wants and needs, not just the health of baby(-to-be), in order to ensure the wellbeing of all involved in the pregnancy.

Although I cannot comment on the usefulness of the illustrations, as they were not included in my advanced reader's copy, I found the information accessible and useful (although the authors sometimes went overboard on the buddy-buddy tone, and in one section the suggestions for erotic dialogue were more ridiculous than sexy). The intimacy-positive tone should go a long way toward helping the reader to maintain a positive attitude toward her pregnancy in general and sex life in particular, making this addition to the books-for-expecting-mothers literature well worth any future parents' time.
Trismegistus | 7 andere besprekingen | Feb 12, 2008 |
Sex How-to with a Different Twist.
"Touch Me There!" reviews all the old, gold standards for stimulating one's partner (or oneself!), but goes the extra mile by including information on accupressure, reflexology, and basic yoga to really help heat things up. I can't make any claims as to the accuracy of these latter techniques, but Fulbright certainly seems to know her stuff and if they help lovers to broaden their focus from strictly genital stimulation, I don't see where one could go wrong giving them a try.

Fulbright also garners major kudos for focusing equal amounts of space on both the male and female physiques, which is nice because it keeps all the information right there at one's fingertips--no flipping back and forth between a Book-for-Him and a Book-for-Her necessary here. But don't fear: she also goes to great lengths to keep the text gender-neutral where the partner is concerned, which keeps "Touch Me There!" accessible to readers of all sexual orientations.

Fulbright discusses several positions and techniques that many might consider overly risque, but deftly avoids either sensationalizing the acts or making readers feel that the *must* try them out; she places great emphasis on individual comfort levels and communication with one's partner throughout. Her style is concise and no-nonsense without being overly clinical, although she does occassionally meander into overly-purple prose ("sexploration," anyone?) that is more humorous than hot. Still, this book would be an excellent choice for those wishing to spice things up in the bedroom, and is worth one's time to check out.
Trismegistus | Dec 20, 2007 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book is right up there with A Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy. Rather than presenting panicked, or patronizing, information, the authors present useful information to the newly pregnant woman. It fills a void that What to Expect and all the other pregnancy books try so hard to gloss over: you don't have to become the Virgin Mary once you're expecting. Those crazy dreams and fantasies don't make you a terrible mother and (if you're healthy) an orgasm isn't the end of the world!

The authors of this book play guides to moms- and dads- to-be, reminding her of her inherent sexuality (she must be or she wouldn't have gotten pregnant). This primarily serves as a way to allow women and men to accept sexual feelings during pregnancy-if you're healthy enough for sex and you're mind is on it, why not. And for those with partners not so willing to oblige, there's plenty of information for a woman going solo. In a world where everything must be monitored during a pregnancy, it's nice to essentially be given permission to have the thoughts, ideas, and fantasies that sometimes spring up in pregnancy (and came as a surprise to me during mine).

I'm assuming that anyone willing to get this book is open-minded to begin with, but it should be pretty obvious that this book isn't for the prudish. Oh, an constantly using words like hot mama, prego, and the like got fairly old, and the authors aren't always as funny as they'd like to be. But given the complete lack of information out there, this is a great book. And, on the plus side, they don't constantly couch what they're writing with "if you feel up to it," or "if your doctor says it's OK" or "if you're comfortable with it," or constantly saying different forms of spouse, husband, girlfriend, etc. That can get old quickly. They cover that in the first chapter and just have fun the rest of the book.
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kaelirenee | 7 andere besprekingen | Nov 14, 2007 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
An original book that gives all you want to know about sex during pregnancy and much more!½
fullyarmedvishnu | 7 andere besprekingen | Nov 13, 2007 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Since I am neither pregnant nor planning to become pregnant, I reviewed this book from the viewpoint of someone who might not want to become pregnant for fear of losing her sexuality during pregnancy. I was hoping this book spoke to both "preggies" and the hesitant to become preggie. It didn't. While "Your Orgasmic Pregnacy" was written to be hip, fun, and informative it was not written for all audiences, especially those who might be offended by the reference of breasts as "titties" and other explicit language.
All in all, I found this book to be more irreverent than helpful for someone in my situation. The tone was upbeat and definitely geared towards those already in the early stages of motherhood.
SeriousGrace | 7 andere besprekingen | Nov 5, 2007 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book was a relief to read after thumbing through so many pregnancy books that quickly skirt over a topic that is central to life during pregnancy. It keeps a light--but not condescending--tone while exploring each trimester, the post-partum days, and the big topics that transcend whatever week of your pregnancy you find yourself in. There's plenty of appropriately explicit "how-tos" along with diagrams that, alas, were left out of the early reviewer edition.

The book is targeted to the pregnant woman, of course, but partners will find it works for them too, especially the sidebars helpfully titled, "For Partners."

The book is a bit hetero-normed, but tries to stay as "sexuality neutral" as possible. There are also plenty of examples of lesbian sex during pregnancy that make this book plenty adequate no matter your partner's parts.

Recommended for any pregnancy.
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zhejw | 7 andere besprekingen | Nov 5, 2007 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book is designed for those who are already quite well-informed sexually and have a generally sex-positive outlook and lifestyle. In other words, it is a manual on continuing an already good sex life into pregnancy. The descriptions of bodily changes and recommendations in terms of sex positions were extremely helpful, and the latter looks to be even more so in the finished copy, as the Early Reviewers copy did not include diagrams/drawings.
heinous-eli | 7 andere besprekingen | Oct 31, 2007 |
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