Afbeelding auteur

J. L. GaynorBesprekingen

Auteur van Drive

2 Werken 3 Leden 1 Geef een beoordeling


from the bright cover I expected a happier story, but this was a miserable experience and I had all kinds of problems tbh

warning: this isn't a very coherent review, just my rambling thoughts

- it's full of abuse, attempted sexual assault, drugs, homophobia and cheating, and just pretty depressing
- even the story's "present" is told in past tense, but then there are also flashbacks, and flashbacks within the flashbacks, and I had no idea what was happening when
- the whole thing is written like the protagonist is telling the story instead of things /happening/, so there was a lot of tell-not-show, and the timeskips were weird?
- it does that thing where it tells the story from one person's POV and then the second half is the same story from the other POV and ehhh
- this isn't really a problem, but in the end there was a twist and the ending couple wasn't even the one I was expecting?
runtimeregan | Jun 12, 2019 |