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"His Forefathers and Mick" chronicles the suspenseful tale of the Kramer family spanning three turbulent generations. In the early 1900s, an adventurous German engineer named Friedrich Kramer transformed the railway and communication systems in Namibia and China,which unintentionally laid the groundwork for global espionage and conflict. This brings conflict to his personal life as well. Affected by the shadows and consequences of World War Two, his son Michael sets off for Australia in search of forgiveness and a fresh start, only to find himself facing his own Vietnam battlefield. While establishing their own paths in a world that never forgets, each generation struggles with the remnants of the past. This is a well-drafted, compelling story about identity, ambition, and the alluring pull of family history. The plots and characters will keep you hooked till the end. Although the start is moderately slow, it keeps us intrigued.
Eliseem | 6 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2024 |
The book "His Forefathers and Mick" has been a chain-breaker for me. I have been engaged in sci-fi and thrillers for a very long time. But this book brought me back to reality. This book engages the readers in the story of three turbulent generations in the Kramer family. Laying the groundwork for global espionage and warfare, Friedrich Kramer, a German engineer, led a courageous revolution in railway and communication technology in China and Namibia during the early 1990s. Feeling the aftereffects of World War Two, his son, Michael, travels to Australia in search of solace in the form of forgiveness and a new start. But he finds himself engaged on the Vietnam battlefield. While establishing their own paths in a world that never forgets, each generation struggles with the remnants of the past. This is an engaging story about identity, ambition, and the impact of history and actions.

The author has successfully created a "close to reality" world with relatable events and impacts to create a stronger connection with the readers.
Andycarp | 6 andere besprekingen | Jun 3, 2024 |
I just finished reading "His Forefathers and Mick", a mesmerizing novel that spans three generations of the Kramer family. This book is a masterclass in storytelling, weaving a complex tapestry of ambition, identity, and the unyielding power of heritage.

The story begins with Friedrich Kramer, a brilliant German engineer who leaves an indelible mark on early 20th century China and Namibia through his innovative work in railway and communication technologies. Unbeknownst to him, his achievements set the stage for international espionage and warfare, casting a long shadow over his family's future.

Throughout the book, the author skillfully explores the intricate relationships between the Kramer men, each struggling to forge their own path in a world that refuses to forget. The writing is evocative, the characters are richly drawn, and the historical context is meticulously researched.
LawlessReader | 6 andere besprekingen | May 13, 2024 |
His Forefathers and Mick by Michael G. Kramer is another incredible book centered around war. The best authors are those take write about what they know and have a passion for. Michael didn’t enjoy the Vietnam War, but living it and being a historical fanatic serves to his advantage.

Michael delicately opens his life and the lives of his ancestors up to his readers. He keeps it real and fascinating at the same time. His detail of facts and events paints a vivid picture of what it was like during the wars. Michael reveals the good, bad, and ugly of people, keeping this authentic.

I love reading about history. This book is classified as fiction since the conversations can’t all be verified, but the facts remain the same. It is always interesting to read about wars from someone who served in a different country. The author's view of the Vietnam War is slightly different than what I was taught about my country's involvement. Overall, I always enjoy reading books from Michael Kramer.
Will4m | 6 andere besprekingen | May 6, 2024 |
"His Forefathers And Mick" by Michael G. Kramer explores the interconnecting stories of the Kramer family across generations, from Africa to Vietnam. Kramer's detailed portrayal of wartime politics and touching familial bonds created a very rounded and interesting plot. Some of the battle scenes were quite brutal and heart-wrenching, but I loved Kramer’s ability to make me experience all the emotions whilst reading this book. His simple prose kept me hooked and effectively conveyed the challenges his ancestors faced. This book is a testament to the Kramer family’s courage and will-power. Highly recommend for anyone seeking an exploration of war and humanity.
Dorlough | 6 andere besprekingen | May 1, 2024 |
Michael G. Kramer's book, His Forefathers And Mick takes you on a personal journey through the Kramer family's history, from Frederick Fritz Kramer's time in Africa during colonization to Mick's service in the Australian army in Vietnam. Kramer's storytelling prowess keeps you hooked, especially when exploring the political backdrop of wars. His knack for blending complexity with simplicity is admirable, like when he talks about Fritz Kramer Bing's experiences in Vietnam. While war scenes can sometimes be difficult to read, the familial warmth in the story provides comfort. Kramer's book is a heartfelt tribute to family courage and sacrifice and is recommended.
Orione1 | 6 andere besprekingen | May 1, 2024 |
In the book His Fore Fathers And Mick by Michael G Kramer The author is a writer who has a great grasp on war and is comfortable writing about battles in the heroes of such battles in this book the subject is much more personal as it starts with Frederick Fritz Kramer and then stationed in Africa during the colonization of that country a theme that will run through generations of his family. The story goes from the late 1800s until Mick himself joins the Australian army and find himself in south Vietnam I do think the part about Mick was my favorite part. It was interesting learning the jobs Mr. Kraimer Had in the things he learned while stationed in South Vietnam. I don’t like to read about battle scenes but do love the behind the scenes in political Zykeist during wars and before and after I think Mr. Kramer does a great job and has a talent for telling a complex story with a simple and classy tone. I also like the one about the second Fritz Kramer Bing in Vietnam long before Nick was even around. There were some really great parts in this book but be forewarned they have discussions about war in people using fire throwers which is one of my biggest fears and it made me cringe to read about those poor American soldiers. To level out the readers emotions we also get to see the loving side to his ancestors, I felt so bad for his greatgrandma Anna who lived in Africa pregnant with no air condition but I’m sure that was the least of her problems still my heart went out to her. This is a great book and a great testimony to the man in the authors family including himself who has fought for things they did it did not believe in but served proudly and kept the oath they gave just to make sure others were safe. This is a great book as I said in one I highly recommend I really enjoyed it and definitely recommend it I love all of those authors books and if I haven’t read all of them I am close to doing just that. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.
hTimSs6 | 6 andere besprekingen | Apr 30, 2024 |
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