Afbeelding auteur

Anna Goodman-HerrickBesprekingen

Auteur van Becoming Henry

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Henry Oertelt like many Holocaust Survivors, originally never wanted to talk about his experiences. He and his wife attended a party where Arnold Fink, one of the guests, was very nosy and kept pestering him with questions. Finally Arnold asked the time and place of Henry's liberation. Both men were there at the same time. Arnold, an American officer, stopped his vehicle in front of Henry's tired marching group of Survivors after a 3 day death march outside of Flossenberg. This prompts Henry to share his story of survival publicly for the first time. A schoolteacher overhears their conversation and asks Henry to speak to her students. Although Henry initially says no, he goes on to speak for the next 40 years. (fonte: Imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | Jul 25, 2022 |