Afbeelding auteur


This is a serious and detailed analysis not only of Poitier's life, but also of his political and social significance. One wonders how Poitier feels about it, since it is clear that he longed to be considered as an individual, and not as a representation of his Blacks. Still, whatever he did, pundits weighed in on it, pro and con, so it is impossible to ignore. The reactions of the general public often contrast to many of the pundits, which makes one wonder how relevant the latter are, especially with regard to movies such as Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Occasionally, having lived through those time, I thought that Goudsouzian was projecting contemporary attitudes backward, but the analysis is generally quite interesting. Although dense with detail, the book is till readable, and is well illustrated. It is an interesting trip through the latter half of the 20th century, as well as a biography.
PuddinTame | Mar 3, 2009 |