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A. S. GreenBesprekingen

Auteur van Blood Thorn

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This was um... not for me. The main characters meet when the heroine's car breaks down and she calls for a tow. There's a whole thing about her needing a "Real Man" (thus the title) and she ends up masturbating in the seat of his tow truck while he's getting her car hitched up. I'm willing to believe this as erotica, but as a romance? The whole thing takes place over the course of about 6 hours and they go from making terrible assumptions about each other to breaking a public bathroom sink in about 4 of those hours. There's a lot of sex, but otherwise... Anyway, he has a handlebar mustache, which is a big nope for me but I know a lot of women dig the mustache these days. He also calls her "Princess" throughout, which is one of the nicknames that makes me see red. (Little girls are called "Princess" because they're precious and need protecting, then they hit puberty and "Princess" suddenly morphs into a derogatory word that implies they're snobby bitches.)

Anyway, I'm sure it's going to hit the buttons for some people, just not for me.
Cerestheories | Nov 8, 2021 |
When you are a woman who is living in a post-apocalyptic world where 90% of women died from a virulent plague, you are a hot commodity. You do everything you can to keep yourself alive and to not be a slave. For Vanessa, that meant living way, way, way off-the-grid and killing anyone who threatened her. When that got to be too much for her, after 8 years, she decided that she was going to to go Jacob's Well. She knew that it was a safe place for women. She also knew that she would have to marry 5 guys, but she was OK with that. It meant that she would have her family and she would always have someone who loved her. And that sounds all great and all, but there's one slight hitch, the 5 guys who won the lottery don't want a wife.

You have Logan, also known as Ghost, who has spent the last 8 years mourning the death of his wife Jenny. Then there's Michael who has a sensory disorder and who can't stand to be touched. Cam is a jerk and has a massive complex because of his dad. And finally, you have the twin, Ross and Riordan who are only 19 and only went to join the lottery because their overbearing mother made them. Ross is her golden child and Riordan has had one foot out of the settlement as long as he could've. So when those 5 come before Vanessa and the Commander, none of them are thrilled to be there. And they all make that known in different ways, which makes Vanessa, a woman who Logan watched kill men the day before, start to cry.

I wanted to smack Logan, because he was making everyone miserable by not handling his issues. You have to deal with stuff at some point. Cam was just an a$$ for a lot of the time, at least in the beginning, but I'm pretty sure that you learn to be that way so that no one can hurt you first. Then there are the twins, who have their own issues plus the whole sibling rivalry thing. It can be hard to deal with thinking that your parent loves your sibling better than you or that the sibling is perfect. I can't imagine how hard it would be if that sibling were your identical twin. Finally, we have Michael. I like Michael, pretty much from the very beginning. He does what he can to be a decent man, and he's the one who does what he can.

There was one particular side character who had a very interesting storyline in here.

I can't wait to see more of this world, especially after what happened in this book and the last book, which happened concurrently.
tetisheri | 1 andere bespreking | Aug 15, 2020 |
“I never spill hot coffee on my crotch,” he says as he shifts out of park. “Call it a gift.”

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Also, the quote I used may have changed or been altered in some way, but I am quoting from what I received.

I could not put this down! I sacrificed a ridiculous amount of sleep to keep reading Wild Child, and I don't regret a single second. This is a slow-burn romance that will make your toes curl! Natalie and Jackson make you work for the feels, but it's totally worth it.

Veronica Mars and Jessica Jones are my original loves when it comes to stories about private investigators. The lifestyle might not be luxurious, but they get to look for clues and catch people doing things they shouldn't. I feel like that would be an extremely satisfying job! Jax does security detail (when I first typed this it said, "sexurity detail"), but he's mainly a private investigator. His jobs on the road with Natalie were some of my favorite moments, and I wish they'd had more time for adventures together.

However, once they arrive in New York, they stop teaming up and doing field work with each other. The book doesn't suffer because of it, I just thought it was an exciting aspect of the story that I enjoyed and wanted more of. Natalie is plenty busy with her new job, and Jax is... Jax. Dude has issues he's working on, and they are completely valid and understandable. I liked that Natalie didn't judge him for being so different after six years, because a lot can happen in that amount of time.

Wild Child kept me on the edge of my seat, made me laugh often, and was very authentic and solid. There isn't anything I would change about the story (cough.. more field work... cough), and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. There are some pretty intense scenes that made my heart race, but there are also sweet moments that are definitely worth revisiting. I cannot wait to add a physical copy of this to my shelves!

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on June 16, 2018.
doyoudogear | Oct 10, 2019 |
4.5 stars

This author can truly right reverse harem books better than just about anyone else out there. So often, there is a tendency to make them cheesy or very fast with only the sex being the fiber that holds the story together. This series is definitely not one of those. There is hot steamy sex galore. There is a story with substance. Each of these stories in this series is standalone and can be read separately. I would advise you to read them all because the stories are that good.

The author creates a world that seems so realistic. I am not sure why this is "2.5" considering this is a 300-page book. This author does not scrimp on the details or speed things along just for the sake of the story. This incidentally is one of the many reasons that I love this author. This story was about Clan Washington and consisted of; Logan, Camden, Michael, Ross Riordan and Vanessa. Each of these men offered something uniquely there own to the marriage which gave the marriage additional depth. Vanessa was a scared girl juxtaposed with a warrior women. Her insecurities were valid. While this story was not my favorite of the three so far it still was very good. I didn't connect with the men the same way. Especially, Cam and Michael who seemed to fall short for me but not surprising considering the other three were pretty in control of holding my attention (especially Logan).

I cannot wait to see what this author does next in the next book. I will eagerly be waiting as I am sure it will be amazing. I am 100 percent invested in seeing how this new world plays out.
MagicalRi | 1 andere bespreking | Apr 15, 2019 |
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