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This is a wonderfully helpful and comforting little book. It is packed with insight on how to help young people from little children to adolescents, as well as family members, deal with problems that come as part of life. It talks about the developmental levels of children at different ages - what their concerns and questions might be and what should be addressed. It talks about how to help them verbalize feelings that might be strange to them. It talks about how to help them deal with grief and problems that happen to other members of their families. Wonderful little book.
"The root message in pastoral care is that God remembers, values, and loves you, and that message has been communicated nonverbally simply by the pastoral caregiver's presence."
"There are only two kinds of people who can show up on a family's doorstep at 2 a.m. and be welcomed - the child's pediatrician and pastoral caregivers. The pastoral caregiver has an awesome entree into the lives of children and can be there to help children deal with the events of their lives in terms of their relationship with God."
This book is expensive - nearly $50 on Amazon, for some reason. It a published by a company that has done books I have had for college courses so maybe this a way to soak college kids. If any book is worth $50, however, this is it.
Luke_Brown | Sep 10, 2016 |