Afbeelding auteur


I enjoyed this book, it is no nonsense in its delivery and very easy to read. Structured in a sensible manner, it gathers together useful information from bush craft to emergency first aid using anything you have to hand, including your teeth. Well, it seems like it anyway. Some stuff I already knew, plenty I didn't.

I read this book for research purposes as I know full well, having badly damaged joints from rheumatoid arthritis, walking with crutches and popping around 24 pills a day just to keep me moving means that I'd be a natural gonner in any survival situation. But, I have plenty of meat on me, so at least I could help keep a few others alive whilst they wait for rescue!

Alternatively, I could shout really loudly that I had read this book and perhaps my fellow survivors wouldn't mind looking after me in return for the excellent knowledge I could impart. Here's hoping!
KatiaMDavis | Dec 19, 2017 |