Afbeelding auteur

M.J. Hearle

Auteur van Winter's Shadow

4 Werken 116 Leden 5 Besprekingen


Werken van M.J. Hearle

Winter's Shadow (2011) 87 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Winter's Light (2012) 23 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Claudette in the Shadows 3 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen


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This is another book where I didn't read the prequel of. This may be the reason why I'm only giving it 3 stars.

It may also caused some confusion for me when I first started reading and have no idea where the story is going. However, that did not deter me from enjoying this book. If anything, this book at least got me interested in knowing what happened in the first book.

What I like about Winter's Light is the fact that throughout the story, I was given bits and pieces of what happened in the first book and that was a good way of getting me into the story. I also liked how there was different perspectives throughout the book, giving the overall story a more complete feel and anticipation of what was about to happen. I also liked how each chapter was pretty short and I can easily finish one chapter and take a break. For someone like me who sometimes can't sit down and read a really long chapter but has to finish that chapter before moving on....this is a blessing~

Now on to the not so good stuff. I feel like the building towards the climax of the story took way too long. It was about almost 3/4 of the book before I can feel anything good is about to happen to the story and that's a minus for me unfortunately. Also, while Winter's characterization is superb...especially when written by a male author, I still feel that there is her and I can't seem to find the words to describe it. Not to worry, it may just be me and my weird musings~

Overall, quite the enjoyable story and I am looking forward to the sequel!

[Disclaimer: Copy received from Giveaway.]
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Sanakan | May 25, 2024 |
She first saw those piercing green eyes, that saw deep into her soul, only minutes before her world came crashing down around her. He was nothing more then a shadow through her camera lens before he became her saviour and she was indebted to him more then she would know.

He spent his life on the run, moving about from place to place, running from those who chased him, running from the danger he possessed. Now, however, he was running out of time, her life was over before she knew it, but he would make it right, or at least he would try to. But you can't out run death.

Winter's Shadow is a love story that takes you through history revealing a past of family betrayal, passion, murder, monsters, magic and love. Blake makes the intimate sacrifice for love and in return Winter has the rest of her very long life to morn his gift. A dark, dangerous and original story of demon's and love that is a brilliant debut novel.
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LarissaBookGirl | 1 andere bespreking | Aug 2, 2021 |
I have not read the books in this series, so this was my first exposure to the world of Hearle's Winter Saga. I loved it. This worked beautifully for me as a prequel. It gives me background on the Duchamp family and on the universe these books take place in. And it introduced me to Claudette who is, frankly, terrifying in her logic and rationale. I'm very excited to take a look at the rest of the series.
tldegray | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 21, 2018 |
It was hard to rate this simply because I don't think it is meant to be read without having already read the series that it precedes. I think that had I known Claudette as part of the narrative of the series, I would have understood and liked her more. As it was, I spent the first half of this novella confused about whether I was even supposed to like her or not. I have a feeling that she might not be a "good guy" in the series. She seemed quite the sociopath at moments. The world building also suffered from the short format. How quickly Claudette buys in to the whole thing was a bit off too, not to mention why their parents weren't straight with them on what they were from the beginning. Since Claudette almost gets trapped/killed/something when she travels for the first time and then kills a guy (note the lack of remorse there), you'd think her parents would be more concerned with her knowing what she is/can do. Otherwise, she might have just disappeared one day and not come back.

Probably not going to check out the series. The writing and plot just weren't my cup of tea.

ARC courtesy of Momentum Books, via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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GoldenDarter | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 15, 2016 |



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