Afbeelding auteur

Kathleen McKenna Hewtson

Auteur van Family Matters

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Werken van Kathleen McKenna Hewtson


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The end is nearing, WE know whats coming..... but what of the hope and horror of what the royal kids had about the future ?

Its a horror story that happened and Pride of Eagles goes in-depth into the Romanovs lives in this series.
The author has written many books with a sensitivity that goes beyond all 5 senses.
linda.marsheells | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 2, 2019 |
In volume four of the historical fiction series, the author looks at Tsarina of Russia, Alexandria’s life from 1907 to 1913. The extreme liberties taken with the dialogue come across as unrealistic and portray the Romanov family as whiny and superficial. Although the Stolypin reform is mentioned, the author missed an opportunity to use historical detail to illustrate the significance of the politics on the family that is part of establishing a believable biography. Ellipsis overuse was very distracting.

The five books in series order are:
• The Funeral Bride
• The Empress of Tears
• The Shaken Throne
• The Pride of Eagles
• No Greater Crown is due to be published March 2018.

Goodreads Giveaway randomly chose me to receive this book. Although encouraged, I was under no obligation to write a review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
… (meer)
bemislibrary | 1 andere bespreking | Aug 20, 2017 |
I admit to be biased in regard to this authors writing, i am addicted. Even tho this is not part of the russian series i adore ,she did not fail to amaze me yet again. I do advise that you read FAMILY MATTERS with an open mind ok? Most of us either recall or have read about the Manson family and the murders in 1969..... those involved. This is not a re-run, or a re-telling. Kathleen Hewtson writes with her intuition as well as her intellect. And she once again gives the reader a look at real life with HER personal ,shall i say, input.… (meer)
linda.marsheells | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 30, 2016 |
Third book in a series that involves the last czar of Russia as seen through the eyes of the deluded Alexandra. In this one she finally, FINALLY, has done her duty and given birth to a son, and heir.
Only to be devastated to find that she has passed on the hemophiliac gene....
There are writers and there are my opinion there is a huge difference....... Kathleen Hewtson is first-rate author. She is a master of her craft who has the innate ability to create images with words. I can not say enough....just, more please!… (meer)
linda.marsheells | Oct 24, 2016 |


½ 4.3