Afbeelding van de auteur.

I.T. LucasBesprekingen

Auteur van Dark Stranger The Dream

117 Werken 721 Leden 26 Besprekingen


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Oh my gosh I loved it

What an awesome vamp book. I am in love with Kian myself. I can't wait to get started on the second book now. Man, if your in to vampires then you'll look this book 💖
JKJ94 | 5 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2023 |
I'm torn

I'm torn between continuing the series or stopping here.

The constant back and forth and fighting the attraction was annoying. Plus, there was way too much introspection and repetitive thoughts.

I like the premise but I don't like when things are dragged out just to fill pages and make you buy the next book.

I'll probably read the next one but I might not finish it.
dragonlion | 5 andere besprekingen | Jul 30, 2022 |
I love the plot but hate the slow pace.

I wish authors would get it through their heads that too much introspection is annoying, especially when it's repetitive. We get it! Syssi is a prude and has to question her every move.

I like the plot but the pace is agonizingly slow. To me the only ones who are getting anything done are the bad guys. In fact, the bad guy seems to be way smarter than the good guys who know there is a huge threat yet keep living as nothing is wrong.

The back and forth with Kian and Syssi's relationship makes me want to scream. At this point, I'm just holding on to the plot and hoping the pace speeds up.
dragonlion | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 30, 2022 |
Now we're talking!

I had a problem with the pace of the previous books but things are picking up now.

Background characters are coming to the forefront so we know some of them might star in their own book. I especially like Dalhu, the enemy. Throughout the last book, I kept thinking he's smart and has sent redeeming qualities such as making sure his sex partners were safe. Plus, he's sexy as heck.

I'm looking forward to the next book.
dragonlion | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 30, 2022 |
Things are heating up

This story is finally getting good. There are a lot more moving parts and more insight into the various character's personalities.

Dalhu has taken a risk to abduct Amanda. He's abandoning his evil organization, knowing they will stop at nothing to kill him once they find out he has gone on the run. Likewise, Amanda's clan will also be looking for them.

All he wants is a chance at love and he won't give up on convincing Amanda he's the man for her.

I like Dalhu and the way he deals with Amanda who is a pampered princess. I'm rooting for him.

dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
It's missing something

I thought the last book was really good. The pace had picked up and the characters had some depth to them but this book is back to the constant drone of too much self-reflection and the slow pace.

It doesn't help that I just can't stand some of the main characters like Kian and the perfect little Syssi. I like characters with flaws like Dalhu.

The ongoing plot and developing story lines are interesting though and keep me going.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Things are heating up!

I enjoy the romance part of this series but I am more into the plot and the war between the two clans of immortals. It seems to be hearing up now.

I was annoyed with Annani's clan lackadaisical attitude towards their deadly enemies called the Devout Order of Mortdh or DOOM. Even though Kian knew they were in Los Angeles and looking for his clan, he didn't do a lot to keep his clan safe.

But now that Carol has been abducted by the Doomers, he is started to take the offense which is what should have been done, in my not so humble opinion, in the first place.

Meanwhile there are smaller background stories being told too like if Alex is smuggling women for slavery.

I'm excited to read the next book.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
I'm glad I kept reading

I was annoyed in the beginning of the book because it dragged along. This author tends to use too much introspection and she could cut out or shorten some scenes.

I also think Nathalie is uptight and a complainer.

Luckily, the pace picked up and there were a lot of storylines goin on. There was Carol and Robert's story and the story of Alex being a human sex trafficker. The clan is dealing with the aftermath of taking down the Doomers and rescuing the women who were captive. Then there is the new story of Losham developing. Also, Bhathain is still looking for Nathalie's mother, Eva. Did I miss anything? These are exciting stories.

Lesson learned. Keep reading.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
So much going on now

There are a lot of characters and story lines being introduced in this book so it felt like a lot of jumping around to different character's POV's.

I love Bhathain but I just can't warm to Eva. She just seems like a moody cold fish. She is always so dismissive of Bhathain and expects him to come running whenever she snaps her fingers for sex. It's rude.

I am excited to see where the other stories go but I would like to see the romance part of these books wrap up faster and not be stretched out over three books. The constant back and forth and pages of mundane introspection is what makes me rate these books at a three instead of a four or five. If the author cut out a lot of irrelevant junk, these books would be better.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Best of the series so far!

I'm a sucker for a quiet broody hero with a tortured past so I love Brundar.

Callie chips little by little at Brundar's icy shields, not to change him but to heal him from whatever makes him so emotionless.

My emotions went haywire while reading this. That's the result of good writing.

dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Too much introspection!

My biggest peeve is when an author ruins scenes with paragraphs of introspection and it's even worse when they keep repeating the same thoughts and doubts. This is this author's greatest downfall. Well, she also stretches out her stories for too long.

This would usually be enough for me to stop reading but the story has real potential. Some of the developing stories are interesting enough to keep me reading.

The romance between Bridget and Turner is also something that lacks luster. I really couldn't care one way or the other which way they go but I know this author will drag it out for at least two more books. I hope the developing plots are enough to hold my interest.

I have one more complaint. It's about how they ate handling the search for Dormants. They are all over the place in their research but they could solve most of it by a simple genealogy search and then following their descendants. There are going to be records no matter how someone tried to cover their tracks.

I'm going to read one more book but things need to start moving faster or it won't hold my interest for long
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
I loved this story.

Anandur has been one of my favorites since the beginning of this series. I love how easy going and funny he is and I have been waiting for his story. It didn't disappoint.

I liked Wonder too. She is perfect for Anandur.

My favorite is still Carol because I love a woman who isn't too perfect.

The background stories are interesting too. Sometimes, they ate more interesting than the romances.

There has been a few romances that have been too awkward for me to get into. In fact, I have skipped pages because they made me cringe like Roni and Sylvia, Jackson and Tessa and Nick and Ruth. I felt like they were therapy sessions more than romance.

I'm interested in what's going to happen next.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
This book was pure filler. I think the author needs all her couples to have three books to themselves and decided to drag this book out by including mundane crap that should have been edited out.

Every single thought was thrown in the plan to get Carol onto the island and it was agonizing to follow.

I hope the next book isn't the same.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Best book of the series!

This series just became intense.

Kalugal is the most powerful Immortal besides his father but he may even outdo him. Annani's clan may have bitten off more than they can chew by spying on him.
dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Okay, I just want to say that this book just wasn't my cup of tea. At first it started out great, but then it just went downhill. I will say that I really liked Syssi and Kian was okay. The drawback for me was Amanda, who is a central part of this story. I really did not like her, and I tried to ignore it but her POV was sort of needed to push the story further. I couldn't get over my dislike of her so much that it really affected my reading of this book. When you have a character you really dislike, its hard to care about anything else.

Another thing I dislike was the instant-love/attract/everything of the romance between Syssi and Kian. Is it too much to ask for a build-up? I understand a little of why they had the romance this way but still it didn't make for excited reading even during the steamy parts. One thing I will say is that the whole lore behind the gods and their children was unique and well thought out. It's been a while since a paranormal book wasn't about Vampires and Werewolves so that was refreshing.

Overall, I didn't like this all too much, but it still has a almost 5 star review on Amazon so I may be of the minority
Lattes_Literature | 5 andere besprekingen | Dec 23, 2021 |
I have never rated one of I.T. Lucas's books so low and here's why:

This has sooo much potential but it was just too short of a read for me to really get into it. It seemed like more of a novella to me and typically I only like novellas if they carry on a side story of main characters in a larger book. Is that just me?

A majority of her books are between the 200-300 page mark but they are just long enough to get me really hooked. Plus she always has 3 books dedicated to a specific couples "love story" as I like to call it, so it's plenty of pages to get me really connected to the characters. My other complaint is that I wanted more depth and information for the before and after the virtual reality world. This is supposed to be a stand alone series but Perfect Match is originally mentioned in the Children of the Gods series so anyone who hasn't read that series won't know the back story to it.

Overall, I will still read the rest of the books because I have loved all of her books but it won't be anything I rave about to my friends like The Children of the Gods series.
autumnpressley | Jan 19, 2021 |
You would think that after 24 books, I'd be sick of this series but I am far from tired of it! I'm loving to get to know the backgrounds of all the other characters as everyone slowly gets mated. I also really didn't think I could love anyone more than I love Kian and Syssi but I.T. Lucas really proved me wrong. I can honestly say that Anandur and Wonder are one of my top favorite couples now, ESPECIALLY with the plot twist that was just uncovered towards the end of this book.
I can't wait to continue to read this series and see where the storyline takes us!
autumnpressley | Jan 19, 2021 |
Good god...I love Anandur so much. I’m so glad that I.T. Lucas wrote his story and I can’t wait to continue reading about him and Wonder.
autumnpressley | Jan 19, 2021 |
This is a place holder for The Children of the Gods Companion Volume 1 since it isn't on goodreads.
autumnpressley | Jan 19, 2021 |
4.5 stars

I'm not quite sure how this author can write a gripping tale that juxtaposes soft with dark, light, with dark, or beast with protector but somehow she does.

There were a few times that the story took on a young vibe but just as quickly it turned into anything but young. I'm not sure how I discovered this book, nut I'm I'm glad I did. I can tell it's going to be a bumpy but enjoyable ride.
MagicalRi | 5 andere besprekingen | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.3 stars

The story keeps getting better. Each of the characters are beginning to become important as I slowly try to unravel what is happening. Looking forward to the conclusion of These two.
MagicalRi | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.4 stars

The story gets better and better. While Kian & Syssi seem to have found their happiness Amanda and her story is just starting. So glad I found this series.
MagicalRi | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 15, 2019 |
I read the first two books in this series and because I like the premise, I kept hoping that it would get better. Unfortunately, it didn't so I'm done with this series.
Between the fact that whole chapters from the last book and the next book take up a good part of the book, nothing else much happens besides the predictable fates of Syssi and Michael and another unsurprising cliffhanger. The characters haven't developed at all and are still a little YA for beings that are thousands of years old.
N.W.Moors | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2016 |
I like the concept of these half-gods still living on earth. The first book was okay, but this was just filler to get to the next book. If the repeated chapters from the first book and the preview chapters for the third book were removed along with the repetitious sex scenes, this would barely be a short story.
I don't mind sex scenes at all, but I want them to be part of the story, not just because they can't keep their hands off each other and there's nothing else really going on. I'm hoping the third book actually has some story; if not, I'm done with this series. Just not for me.
N.W.Moors | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2016 |
The concept for this book is very interesting. 'Gods' inhabit the earth: good ones that help humans and bad ones that start wars, plagues, etc. However, the good ones are dying out, unable to procreate unless they can wake a dormant strain of DNA to impregnate the women.
Kian is head of the North American gods. His sister, Amanda, is doing research to find the right DNA and thinks she has in her lab assistant, Syssi. The problem is that the bad guys will do anything to stop them.
Kian is a great alpha male character and I enjoyed his story except for his whining about whether or not he should match up with Syssi. I realize there needed to be some kind of conflict, but this was a bit ridiculous considering it meant the fate of their race. Syssi is sweet and of course, everyone is gorgeous.
It's really the idea behind this story that I found interesting and why I'll keep reading the series. It's been compared to Twilight and I think that's fair, but I like the legend and I want to learn more about that.
N.W.Moors | 5 andere besprekingen | Jul 25, 2016 |
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